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Wednesday, May 3, 2023

Mexico's Chamber of Deputies Approves 'Anti-Fentanyl' Law Targeting Precursor Chemicals

"Socalj" for Borderland Beat

The Chamber of Deputies approved an anti-fentanyl law, establishing new regulations for chemical precursors used to make the drug and greater penalties for their illegal use.

The reform, which passed by 319 to 126 votes, mandates harsher punishments than previously existing ones for anyone who uses precursor chemicals to make synthetic drugs, such as fentanyl, including a possible 10 to 15 years in prison and a fine amounting to 10% of the revenue derived from this activity. 

The new measures will restrict the ability of drug cartels to produce and export fentanyl and other synthetic drug and allow Mexican authorities to have “the widest range of chemical precursor surveillance,” said Deputy Health Minister Hugo López-Gatell. The reform defines a synthetic drug as any substance of synthetic origin that has psychoactive effects and is available on the illicit drug market for non-medical purposes.

Any government official found guilty of the crime will see the penalty increased by two-thirds of the typical sentence or fine and will be removed from office. 

The Ministries of Defense and Public Security, along with the National Guard, will collaborate with the Health Ministry and the health regulator Cofepris to detect and prevent the distribution of chemical precursors, products, and machines used to make synthetic drugs. 

Deputies from the Citizens Movement (MC) and National Action Party (PAN) claimed that they did not vote in favor of the law because it criminalizes the entire production process, potentially putting the legal production of medication at risk. They also said that the López Obrador administration presented the initiative under pressure from the United States government regarding fentanyl trafficking.


  1. Very simple way to check chemicals comes from different country:
    1) if the ship comes from china or Hong Kong, 100% checked for chemicals and 100% you’ll find illegal drugs in there.

    1. Can that really be pulled off though?? All shipments from China checked? Btw India and Germany are sources of precursors too.


  3. Now... The Heroin production is about to Ramp up... Also the Cocaine Price's are about to drop....and the Kush Growing will Begin in Mexico to the Max.... Because both Governments Mexico n the U.S have tightened up the Laws in synthetic shyt

    1. Cocaine is at its lowest as it has been in years i doubt it will drop even lower.

    2. 12:38 how do you about drugs prices? You snort also?

    3. 1:04 pobre pendejo 🤦🏻‍♂️

    4. “Now... The Heroin production is about to Ramp up...”

      Yeah right… I wish.

    5. 1:04 I’m guessing you’re new here? And what, you think people in “the game” don’t frequent this blog? Come on now.

    6. 6:14 Ughhhdurr"how do you know you know do you snort or something"durrrdurrr lol

  4. In other news not related to this article. Ukraine attacked the Kremlin using a drone in order to kill Putin. This reminded me of the Cartel use of drones to kill enemies .
    If im not mistaken, CJNG was the first Cartel to use drones .

    1. I got the impression Russia staged that shit. No one was killed. And the damages seem minimal. So, they hit their flag. Big deal.

    2. The FSB (Russian Inteligence ) does participate in false flag operations . Make themselves the victim to validate the war .

    3. the thing is, Putin wasn't even in residence when the Kremlin was attacked..
      he was off getting chemoterapia or boinking that not-too-bad looking girlfriend he's been smitten by..
      over the years, when a Russian leader has overstayed his welcome, typically you don't hear from the guy for a minute, government spokespeople say he "caught a cold" and is resting, then when the new regime has all it's ducks in a row, you find out the poor sap dead or doing a stretch in the gulag..
      Russia can whack their own, they don't need help from Ukraine, jajaja..

    4. I agree too as a False Flag to continue attacking innocent civilian homes in Ukraine. UN has been documenting a lot of war crimes against Russia.
      A little to late to say Ukraine attacked the capital first.

    5. An absolute retard set that whole thing up, even the Burkina Faso govt could have done a better job. 100% NOT done expecting to take out Putin or cause any damage. Absolute red herring/false, but not even done well or with the possibility of realism. The drone looked like a 11 yr olds tin science project-

    6. If USA really wanted to break that building, 2 cruise missiles would do the job. How funny a drone, only put a nick mark, not enough to kill the two pigeons, that were there, that they even laughed 😂🤣. Give me a break USA would not use that to kill Putin.

    7. 01:10 @Sol Thanks for the insight into Ukraine Sol! I had similar suspicions after hearing about the attack on yesterday. Putin has a lot of mess in Russia right now, too. He must keep the "hearts and minds" of the people engaged in the need to kill all Ukrainians because they are LGBTQ Nazis, just like the USA.

      As well, there are many others Putin must answer to... his inner circle that has over $20 Trillion Dollars US Cash deposited in accounts spread between the Isle of Niu and Panama. The war raged by Russia is one seeded generations ago (40 years) between the west and the USSR.

      To attack oneself with shit drone, it make Putin appear strong and people will love and protect him..... false flags to manipulate the citizens of Russia

      These are my thoughts, although 100% unrelated to Mexican drug cartels, except maybe Cartel Russia, Cartel Los Rusos, and the peoples mob Russia (Russian Mafia in Mexico).

    8. Too bad Grizzly cannot comment about want is going on in his Country. They actually arrest people for saying something about the government of Russia, also you want to protest peacefully, they arrest for that too, 5 years in prison. The lastest news is that P. is using prisoners, to fight in the war.

  5. Isn't this a move to keep Raton in the country?

  6. What are they gonna do about the chems in the ocean coming bye boat? Murder is against the law and they leave dismembered bodies in front of police stations. Lol sure this will help. Lmfao. Sure the cartels are shaking in there boots.


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