Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Friday, May 19, 2023

Papantla, Veracruz: We Are The Fucking Absolute Gente Nueva

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

An armed criminal cell of hitmen rush through the El Indio Bar in a murderous crime spree. The assassins claim to be Gente Nueva. In all probability this particular group is Mando Sur Gente Nueva, allies of the Cartel de Sinaloa. 

Three individuals were killed and three others were left injured. Among the dead was an individual dressed as a woman. She was a member of the LGBTQ+ community who was identified as Jenny and manager of the bar El Indio. Her execution took place inside one of the bathrooms.

The following video is very graphic in nature. 

Video translation is as follows:

Sicario #1: Go to the restroom. Go to the restroom and kill the woman inside. We are the fucking absolute Gente Nueva. The city of Papantla has a fucking owner. 

Sicario #2: We are the fucking absolute Gente Nueva. 

Sicario #1: We are the fucking absolute Gente Nueva and we’ve come after all the turncoats today. We’ve come for all the turncoats. The city of Papantla already has an owner. We are the fucking absolute Gente Nueva. 

Reportaje Veracruzano El Imparcial  La Silla Rota Veracruz  Infobae

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  1. After so many years of translating those Grillonautas videos I finally picked up on their formula of cherry picking from different articles. I guess you could say daddy's moving on up 😆

    1. Study og shadows formula next and you will be the grand Master of narco noticias 😆 😆

    2. I recently found that OG Shadow's YouTube channel. Is he as full of shit as he appears to be or is he actually legit?

    3. For the longest I would always curse the hell out of Shadow and everything he represented. Today I retract everything I ever said against him. Word filtered back some time ago about an actual hit team that went after him but instead got someone else. He barely escaped with his life. Without going into more details for his own safety I can confirm that he's a legit person. And whatever positive journalism he brings to the table I fully support.

    4. Interesting, I recall contacting you a couple of years back asking the same question. Thanks for insight. I even spoke with Lois Chaparro directly on the phone and told him that I was surprised to see him actually doing interview with him (OG)when he first started out as an independent journalist, and that (I felt) it put a dent in his credibility score.
      I was also quick to point out some errors that he (Chaparro) had voiced in some interviews w high profile podcasters.... either way I was impressed that he went back and corrected himself.
      So for whatever it's worth, thanks for your input, if you have information you can send my way, regarding of,let me know, I would find it very interesting what changed your opinion. Thx🚀

    5. Sol send link to that info

    6. Props for that post Sol

    7. That's surprising to hear. I only recently found his channel. It was hard to tell if he was hamming it up for views when it comes to any danger or backlash he may face with his videos. It's cool to hear that he's legit. Hopefully he stays safe.

    8. Hey Sol, have you heard anything about Shadow being arrested down there?

    9. Sol and Shadow might be the same person 😂 jk but I’m still convinced Sol is Sicario 006…G.C.

    10. Of course sol is sicario 006 ta piraton el vato le gusta bad bunny

    11. Actually, I had thought Buggs (guy who started Borderland Beat, on BB You Tube etc) was Sicario 006. I think this is much more likely, 006 is not Sol"s style-

    12. Sicario was (still is?) an overweight gamer.

    13. Shadow is a real deal.. Always been,and yes, he was the compadre of X- 1 of Antrax.. Before He was offed.. I'm not the one to pray but he is now been in Jail for a week.. He needs any help he can get...

  2. Bro, was the guy who got shot at the end still eating his food in the beginning of the video while there was two dead bodies right behind him ?

    1. 4:23
      it's a sin to waste food, and besides, who wants to die on an empty stomach?

    2. I litterly watched the video again with that same question. 2 dead beside him and he just freeze. Think he was trying to blend in. He became that chair. I mean if he run he dead best to become furniture and hope for the best.

    3. What a feeling. Must’ve accepted death.

  3. “Gente Nueva” what does that even mean? Did they just come out from the womb? The skinny jean woke generation that’s it.

    1. As a linguist I'll say it means New Mob while others will claim it translates to New People. I guess pick the one that makes the most sense for you.

    2. Idk if these guys are the same as CDS gente nueva but those gente nueva were made for the purpose of taking over Chihuahua at the time so when the locals saw them they were the new people taking over and stuff

    3. Nah what they really called is gente muerte

    4. Sol I call them Mfkers that's for sure, gag me with a spoon 🥄, if you have too.

  4. Replies
    1. Indeed, sad.

    2. As if the country is running on anarchy. RIP.

  5. Pura gente estupido sin education

  6. Are you sure about the translation ? el banjo mama mi verga , mama mi nuevo verga , mi gustas el dueno gustas el verga en la banjo , oye mami mi nuevo verga. Of course I'm no expert linguist like Sol , my hearing aid battery about dead and still working on my Spanish. Were the nuevo vergas pissed off about transsexual tacos or what ?

  7. Im amazed the CDS Gente Nueva did give them.the love making they did to CJNg in the telgram video

    1. Where’s the telegram

    2. 6:29 where to find it bro?

  8. Tsk, tsk. State authorities doing their jobs keeping the citizens safe.
    Just another day with a mass shooting and killing.

  9. All this idiot's are cowards. No matter what situation.

  10. Great article, from March

    1. Driving Ms H
      I regret to inform you, there is yet no Avacado article's yet.

    2. One can hope on the Haas

    3. Hi mss Hass
      Sometimes Sol puts on videos, that come from the deep underground.
      After watching a few, when I comb my hair, I can't feel my hair, then if I watch them before lunch I , I lose my appetite, I just don't know how Sol can tolerate, such videos.

  11. Another mass shooting in Mexico. What’s that like 20 this month

    1. Yes very sad, but at least they weren't school kids that would be even sadder, and yet politicians don't do nothing on both sides of the border... Truly useless politicians. Bukele for president of the Americas.

    2. @7:44am Don't blame about the politicians. Blame the voters. They keep voting for the same type of people. Afraid of Socialists. Afraid of Blacks and Indigenous. The voters get what they deserve.
      I'm not saying these other types of politicians are guaranteed to be better. Hell, they might be worse. But voters stick with the same old, same old, and get the same results.
      A Socialist like Bernie Sanders is better than that grinning orange baboon who stunk up the White House with MAGA dung.

    3. 11:08 you should be afraid of socialism moron...history has proven it never works

    4. Mexico will be like “ Let’s ban guns on law abiding citizens”!!!!!
      Mexico: oh wait……

  12. So what cartel was behind this?

  13. Every day of the week, and it just keeps getting worse.

  14. Guys at this point we cant trust these videos.. he can screem he is the absolute mobb of these nuts all he wants and still be one of those cjng peons.

    1. Son lacras GN

    2. orale pues por si no sabias todos los carteles son una mierda

  15. I felt so bad for the dude sitting at the table. I thought they'd let him live to tell the tale but nope, that's what the camera was for.

  16. So very sad for innocents. The one guy frozen with fear and couldn't move. Sounds like they focused on the trans owner and the rest of the victims wrong place wrong time as the sadistic evil killers do the devils work killing everyone.

  17. Gruesome inhumanity describes Mexico. If Pancho Villa knew how deplorable his countrymen would become he would massacre most Mexicans without hesitation. Sucios.

    1. 🤔🤔 Pancho Villa was in a different Century of the past.
      We are currently living a current century, things change.

    2. Pancho Villa was too busy perpetrating mass rape on women of all ages in the north of Mexico to care about much else.

  18. The LGBTQ+ is no more.Please use their new name LGBTQIA+ to refer to them
    Thank you.


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