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Saturday, May 13, 2023

Real Men Speak Boldly While Cowards Use Women As Their Messengers

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

Marcelo Ebrard, head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (SRE) described as "ignorant" and "racist" the comments recently made by the Republican Senator for Louisiana, John Neely Kennedy, regarding the relationship between Mexico and the United States and the actions being taken in response to the end of restrictions on immigration asylum (Title 42) and fentanyl trafficking.

Video translation is as follows:

Marcelo Ebrard: Well, let me tell you the following. First of all, I would like to say to Senator Kennedy that he is a profoundly ignorant man. I say this because Mexico is one of the countries in the world that has contributed the most to prevent fentanyl pills from reaching the United States.

It is a conclusive fact, as we have stated in many forums. This has cost Mexico the lives of many people, officers of different institutions and citizens. As far as we can see, he doesn’t know this or pretends not to know.

Second question. Perhaps his question should be: why is it that upon leaving the Senate you can easily get fentanyl in the United States just by walking outside out of that office where he is? Or maybe from his very office you can also order fentanyl online. With that being said it’s a fallacy to send a force to Mexico when in the United States you have fentanyl circulating everywhere.

We are working together. Because that is the productive and sensible thing to do. What you have just heard is a self-serving position for the political process against Mexico. And we are not going to allow it. That is why we will not remain silent.

And I would like to add something else. I said this yesterday and I reiterate it today. He’s very ignorant because he doesn’t know our civilizations from which we come, that of the Mayan civilization. A thousand years before Galileo they studied the solar system and created the most accurate calendar in the world. This was a thousand years before. That is where we come from, that is Mexico.

This man is profoundly ignorant. He does not know. We are going to invite him so that he can see what Mexico is, where Mexico comes from. And the great civilizations that gave us our origin. And today we are for the US their main partner. And their most loyal ally. So we won’t allow this. From here we say we reject it, all the strategy that they are doing, which is a racist and false strategy against our country.

And we will be saying it clearly because if nothing is said and we remain silent. First of all, it would be like us accepting that our national pride be trampled on. This is something we would never allow. Secondly, it would also be like us accepting and encouraging them to take these kind of measures because nobody says anything to them.

So we are not going to allow it. The senator is a persona non grata in Mexico. But in addition, he is also a liar to the citizens of the United States. Thank you very much.

Sin Embargo Al Aire


  1. Hogwash. The government in Mexico is corrupt as everyone knows. I have here in Mexico for 20 years. In Tijuana, Mazatlán, and in Chiapas. Mexico is lawless. You can’t call the police here because you never know who you’re talking to. There is no obvious enforcement of existing laws. I visit the prisons here several times each month. The prison population is made up of low level criminals, for the most part, being severely punished for the actions of the big names who have payed off the authorities. The mafia controls everything from the street corners to the government offices. They own the real estate, sport teams, and the cops. Mexico is lawless. 98% of murders here go unpunished. Wake up.

    1. 12:58 No seas lame botas.... Looks like you support the one who affirms you would be eating cat food... Mexico Was* corrupt. Not sure which part of Mexico you referring to, but you are welcome to express your opinion freely. Mexico is in the process from lawlessness to the rule of law. So you wanted from narco culture to have jails like the ones in Finland from one day to another?.... What else do you want? a Disneyland in Michoacan?, a harvard location in Veracruz?, grow up boy. Immediate changes are not that easy, probably in your imagination thats possible, but in real life measurable terms, it takes what it takes.

    2. Sorry, I’m posting this comment again because the first time I posted it, I accidentally posted it as a separate comment and not a reply. Sorry about that.

      12:58 - “I visit the prisons here several times each month” - Why? Is it part of your job or something like that ? If it is, I hope you don’t mind me asking, but what job do you do for a living?

      Also, if the prisons are filled with criminals then obviously there is some enforcement of existing laws to some extent, regardless of what low or high criminal status these people may have.

    3. 12:58 I understand you're view point.🤔
      I don't think you meant to say "mafia".
      Instead you meant to say Cartels.
      Mafia was used in the 60s.

    4. @1:10 dude your the lambe botas he stated nothing but facts and you nothing but going off emotions.

    5. Go back to America. Maybe you’ll feel safer in north Baltimore.

    6. 6:44 north Baltimore "America" huh 🤡

    7. 12:58 Seem to me that your part of the problem. If your not consuming, selling or related to the cartel you have a normal life. Just like gangs in 80's and 90's, if your around it-it will find you. Just like in the U.S.A

    8. In the United States, bribes are paid to politicians and called donations. Racism is rampant and a crazy degenerate named Trump was elected president and stands a good chance of being re-elected. In the United States mass killings have become common. Flee Mexico and move to the United States.

    9. 10:42👍🏾

    10. @2:38. I think they meant exactly what they said. ''Mafia'' is used in Mexico to mean organised crime, not Cosa Nostra, the same way the word's been used all over the world for the last few decades. ''Cartels'' is even more misleading if all you mean is local crime groups who pay off the local authorities.

  2. “I visit the prisons here several times each month” - Why ? Is it part of your job or something ? If it is, I hope you don’t mind me asking, but what do you do for a living?

    Also, if the prisons are filled with criminals, regardless of what status they may have, then obviously there is enforcement of existing laws to an extent.

    1. Hes a mexican, living in Mexico supporting republican speech against mexicans?

    2. Muy bien puesto AMLO, shauuuu

    3. 1:42 yo soy mexicano y vivo en Mexico y yo apoyo a Donald trump solo miren al Biden como Está destruyendo a los eeuu

    4. Apoco si 7:25? Te ofenden y patean pero tú ahí sigues como cachorrito🐕inocente.
      Pues vas a seguir estando en México porque ese descerebrado trompudo ya caducó por imbécil...

    5. 8:46 son solo palabritas amigo, hay que mirar más allá de tu nariz no nomás dejarse llevar Por las emociones no nomás bajarse los chones. Yo estoy bien aquí en mi país ahí sigue tú de mojarra

    6. 8:46 Yo no me quiero ir con los gringos yo aquí estoy bien los que se quieren ir son los centroamericanos no los mexicanos así que a mi me da igual

    7. 9:27/9:29 órale pinocho🤥, dudó que estés en México y agusto. Sabes porque? Con todas las babosadas que decía de México tu ídolo El Trompas de falopio ningún Mexicano lo favoreciera aunque estuvieras de acuerdo con sus políticas. Hay que tener orgullo propio y mandar a la chingada cualquier imbécil que nos falte el respeto. Orgullosamente Mexicano y también agradecido con California.

    8. 2:31 no te creas amigo. E mirado amistades entre gente hispana que terminaron porque unos estaban a favor de el trompetas. Muy rara la cosa pero si existe tal cosa. No se si sería por el cambio de los tiempos o porque hay algunos que no más quieren pelear por pelear. Si hay gente que lo favorecen.

    9. 2:21No todos en Mexico son muertos de hambre como tú comprenderás. Los que se van a eeuu son los bien jodidos, gente de los ranchos que no tienen nada

    10. 2:14 A cómo escribes pensaría uno que eres un hermitano que vive lejísimo de la civilización pudiente compa..

  3. Haha. That's tight. Claped back on that racist lame. Good shit.

  4. He’s not lying mexico is corrupt and I’m 100% Mexican

    1. You’re whiter than horchata. City booooooy

    2. 645 Mexicanos are part white/Spanish. Read a history book dumbass

    3. 6:45 what color is canelo Álvarez 😂 canelo could pass like jfk son lol Not everyone in Mexico is brown, moron

    4. No one's arguing that Mexico is corrupt. What the guy said was still ignorant and racist. The US didn't give a shit about Mexican drugs and corruption during the 70s-90s cause they were pushing NAFTA so they could profit off Mexico (NAFTA benefited the drug trade greatly). Now that it's gotten really bad the US politicians are blaming Mexico lol.

  5. 1:10 “ Mexico Was* corrupt” jajaja 🤣😂🤣😂🤣🤡

    1. 1:10 is a amlo lambe botas

    2. 3:08 Better than licking balls from PRI puppets.

  6. Interesting stories thank u 🙏

  7. Why not have American/Mexican decent x-military do a coup and restart a fresh New Mexico we can be proud of. Pancho Villa did it.

    1. Yeah, let’s start a coup to destabilize the country even further. I’m sure that will work out just great for Mexico and the Mexican people. More poverty and more bloodshed.

    2. Some people
      Do you even know what your taking about? a over throw won’t just effect Mexico it would effect other countries like the USA and CANADA because we import a lot of resources from them I think the best option would be to classify them as terrorist organizations then that would give the US a reason to go in

    3. @8.07 Some person
      You ask other people whether they know what they are talking about, then suggest a reason for the US to ''go in''? Every single US security analyst and US General who didn't have his balls in Trumps meaty hand predicted catastrophe in multiple unpredictable ways if the US ''went in''- Civil war, a full on indiginous rebellion, a Mexican army coup, the violence roaring over the border, Mexican army desertion, etc etc etc..
      Doubling down on the strategy that caused these problems in the first place (hunting the bosses and taking out the leaders) but sending in people who don't know the terrain or the complexities is a perfect recipe for disaster, which is why the Generals laughed when Trump suggested ''Going In'' in the first place.

  8. And that right there folks is what a real man sounds like. Straight and to the point. He never once belittled a woman or tried to use her as his personal messenger. This man outright called that senator from the swamps of Louisiana a racist right away without ever bothering to ask anyone for permission. Like I said before: a real man doesn't ask for permission. An actual man just goes out to do what needs to be done.

    1. Marino Loko and all the other Marino Lokos pulling black op missions.

    2. He did what all politicians do TALK but will kiss American ass to get money from them. And who gives a fuck about 1000 year old calendar. That’s his crowning a for his people ? He did exactly what senator Kennedy did. It’s called Grandstanding in political jargon. Google it.

    3. 8:12 is that why the US had to release General Cienfuegos? Lol. We all know that turd was crooked. The US was told to sit the fuck down and let that crook military official go. And that's just what the US did. It's clearly easy to see who really holds the power there. And it ain't some loudmouth from the swamps. 😅

    4. “Racist”. Of course it is. 🙄

    5. @8:32 In Louisiana, swamps are called a bayou. Texas has bayous as well. You're welcome.

    6. @Sol, you should be angry with your own country and its government, which has made Mexico into a narco state that people are trying to escape from by illegally crossing the border. Think Canada then think Mexico and ask what the difference is and why

  9. A few politicians want to use the Trump strategy that send him to the white house back in 2016 by demeaning the neighbor to the south. will it work?

    1. Mexico's doing a very good job of demeaning itself, it doesn't need any help with that

    2. Call them what you want, they are still swamps.

  10. Uh oh… better not state my opinion based on glaring stats. The catch all R word that I guess only applies to White Christian males has been yelled. I better yield to the most likely corrupt Mexican political elite who is protected by armed guards.

  11. There it is! AMLO makes everybody proud to be Mexican he represents the Mexican people really well . Direct and to the point.

  12. Good stuff Sol. The tide is turning but some people don't realize it yet. Mexico has a long way to go but atleast we can say that the work has started.

  13. I saw AMLO speak at the zocalo in Acapulco when he ran for president the first time, when was it, in 2005?
    He seemed like the real deal, his entourage was moreno, I didn't see anyone with green eyes and his closest aides had cheap suits and Tres Hermanos shoes, real salt of the earth rancheros..
    He held the crowd spellbound, here was a fucking indian JUST LIKE THEM who wanted to fuck PRI, take on the establishment, and spoke in a language that they understood..
    it was deeply moving..

    1. As a Mexican living in Mexico Amlo turn out to be a scam

    2. ALL of them in every country turn out to be scams. They all are in it to steal and enrich their own lives. Not a 1 that isn’t.

    3. 8:16, I'm curious to know which countries you have visited.?

    4. These Mexican politicians talking of the great Mayan and Aztec civilizations but treating their modern day descendants like third class citizens!!amlo gets blessed by some indigenous shamans on Inauguration Day but the shamans shooed his germen blonde wife away from there hocus-pocus!! What a racist country!!😂🤡✌️

    5. 227 the reason the old conservative bloc is so up in arms against AMLO is because he's doing so much for the modern day decendants of the meso american people. You're over here talking nonsense to push your anti-AMLO narrative. If anyone is interested in checking what AMLO has done for the indigenous communities go on his YouTube channel, check out his "playlist" and look through all the videos under "dialogos con pueblos indigenas" he's visited and helped the indigenous population all the way from the Sonora Arizona border down to the Chiapas Guatemala border and everywhere in between.

    6. 2:27 Amlo is from Spanish ascendants

    7. 2:27 what are you talking about… El presidente Andrés Manuel López Obrador nació en Macuspana, pero sus orígenes están en Cantabria, al norte de España; ahí nació su abuelo materno en 1893, José Obrador Revueltas, quien llegó a México en 1917, y se estableció en Tabasco en donde dedicó toda su vida al comercio

    8. 2:27 point is amlo ain’t no “native aboriginal” like portrayed him to be hes European

    9. 6:57 AMLO european???? hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

    10. 10:44 Andrés Manuel López Obrador nació en Macuspana, pero sus orígenes están en Cantabria, al norte de España; ahí nació su abuelo materno en 1893, José Obrador Revueltas, quien llegó a México en 1917

  14. I respectfully say after 45 years of having businesses and vacation homes in Mexico, thing are getting worse not better. It hurts me to say this, but we are seriously thinking of not going back to Mexico. I never thought I would say that. Its a shame

    1. Cuanto quieres por el rancho con todo e indio?

  15. Mexico is a Wasteland now

    1. Ignorance is bliss.

    2. Looks like you never been to LA...

    3. Want to see Hell...
      Go to Mexico.

  16. Things will never change only cartel bosses n corrupt politicians

  17. Those who hate or mistreat women are doing so because they LOVE a good “culero canal”… before their panocha de pardiso..

  18. Ebrard Mexico’s Next President!!!!!!!

    1. No !!!!!!!!!!

    2. NOPE. AMLO Lite is even more incompetent than his teacher and his term as DF mayor was just as disappointing. Doofus paid millions of dollars to Giuliani for security consultations when he(Ebrard) was DF secretary of public security under AMLO.
      My prediction for next presidente de México is that no non Mexicano will be elected as the Comandante Supremo.
      LCB has the jerarquía and "necessary" political experience and affiliation to be "chosen". 🍺

    3. 8:08 Ebrard Casaubón desapareció del mapa político en 2015. Salió del país, supuestamente a Francia, en medio de escándalos por presunta corrupción durante su gobierno

    4. 8:08 Ebrard y Delgado recibieron 'moche' de 1,200 millones por Línea 12 del Metro

    5. 1012, I remember when you were pushing for Carlos Manzo before I burst your bubble and told you he was too young and inexperienced. Now I see you've switched candidates to the older Cardenas. Just remember, MoReNa is not a political party, it's movement. An ideology. Enjoy your IPA señor. 🤣🤣🤫🫢

    6. 6:20 congratulations👏 you figured out who I was referring to. WOW. But you're mistaken if you think he's the candidate I would vote for. His lineage is his value, maybe he can "officially achieve" what his father couldn't. Las tiene todas para ganar pero México va seguir jodido.
      Manzo isn't corrupted yet so that's why I mentioned him, that he's a part of MORENA is irrelevant.
      Jajaja your boy Guadiana wants to win the Coahuila governorship with that mullet sporting rapper Peso Mosca or Peso Pluma. More atole con el dedo.
      Yes indeed, I enjoy my IPAs🍺 unlike you who couldn't finish one because it was too strong😱🤣🤣🤣

    7. 6:20 you didn't try to discredit what I and others wrote about Ebrard. I wonder why? No foreigners will lead México. So do you finally have the courage to name a candidate or you waiting for your orders?🤔😒🤫😆😅😂🤣

    8. Fernández Noroña os going to the next President. Or Ebrard. Y’all come after elections and see how I was right.

    9. 245 I didn't mention "AMLO lite" because I'm not the one making election predictions or calling people incompetent. You're entitled to your opinion but if you feel someone is incompetent then step up to the plate and do a better job. Im sure if you'remaking those statements its because youre qualified to take on the job... As far as giving my prediction, like I mentioned before, I'll wait to see who's on the ballot to cast my vote. Now as far as Lazaro Cardenas Batel, I agree to a certain extent with you. His "party" affiliation should not be a determining factor. I don't think his family name or "lineage" should be a factor either. For me it comes down to actions. I look at their voting history. Are they consistent?Their experience? How long have they served their constituents? And their actions. Do they stand by their convictions? Once the nominees start coming in I'll start digging in a little deeper.
      As far as your IPA's go, keep drinking them, but trust me, nobody cares what you drink. Drinking craft beer is not an achievement or anything to go home and brag about. It doesn't make you anymore or less of a man, and if you believe that's the case, then you have a lot of growing up to do. ✌🏽👋🏽

    10. 11:46 yup you're waiting for your orders from your boss AMLO. Don't even have the courage or independence to call out the incompetent politicos. Never know, they may become your new boss right? Gotta CYA. LOL
      México is no different than other countries more poorer or richer than her, when the powers that be want something, it will be so. "Democracy" be damned.
      When have I ever wrote that drinking IPAs is some sort of achievement? I haven't.
      You on the other hand are too frightened to put a name to your comments, won't say from what area of México you are and had a troubling episode when you tried to drink an IPA. 🍺


    11. "So back to my question Fifi. Do you think the judges deserve 20k monthly salaries, 1 month paid vacations and airfare, 2 bulletproof suburbans replaced every two years all while unfreezing Genaro Garcia Lunas bank accounts the day he was sentenced in the U.S? You know these mexican judges get paid more than American and German federal Judges? Do you think these crooked judges should be voted in by the Pueblo or by their colleagues? Do you think "Plan B" is a bad reform?" And I forgot to mention them crooked judges also get a 20 million peso retirement package. (1.1million dollars)

      732 You're not one to talk about courage. Funny how you comment back on this article but avoided the question above on the previous "National Guard Ambushed in Culiacan" article, Chayotero. You regurgitate the same anti-AMLO rhetoric the mainstream media pushes while claiming yourself as some type of independent thinker. You alternate between anonymous and "IPA DRINKER" account. What difference does it make if I keep "anonymous" next to my comments or choose a retarded name like "IPA DRINKER", you still wouldn't know who I am. Which brings me to your next statement. When you choose "IPA DRINKER" as your online moniker it let's us know that you're proud of drinking IPA's, which there's nothing wrong with, (unless you get offended when you get clowned for it as you have) but when you start talking about , "I enjoy my IPAs🍺 unlike you who couldn't finish one because it was too strong." Then your bragging about "finishing one" like it's some type of achievement. Its not an accomplishment and its nothing to be proud of you dork. It's just a beer, but you keep thinking you're cooler than everyone else.

    12. 10:57 nobody but you has ever taken issue with my user name and the only reason you did is because I call out the BS of your employer AMLO. I clown you about IPA's since you started making homosexual comments. No le pongo a eso. Tus gustos son tu negoció.
      You have a tendency of intentionally lying about numbers, be it stats or money. Since the beginning of the year the dollar has been losing value against the Mexican peso. Good for México, bad for USA if you need to exchange currency. See how that can skew the numbers of any Mexican government employee? Enjoy it while it last.
      So I'll say you need to recheck your salary figures for supreme court judges for the three countries you're comparing. Then again why cry about those SCJN salaries, I'm not defending or justifying them, when the quantity can and should be reduced starting with the plagiarists Yazmin Esquivel Mossa. Trim it down to 5 or 7 or even 9 ministros. Ándale AMLO con tú austeridad franciscana. How about those 500 diputados and 128 senators? What are their monthly salaries? Why does México need so many public servants? It doesn't but who wants to voluntarily reduce their power. Same old shit but now the idiot wants to blabber first thing in the morning lunes a viernes.
      Regurgitate AMLOs critics huh? Oh shit I'm going back and forth with a legitimate and highly educated journalist that does propaganda on BB for team AMLO and MoReNa. Later Chairo💩🧠🤖

    13. 713 I've taken issue with your retarded name because you insist that I put a name next to my comments, not because you supposedly call out my "bullshit".

      I have a tendency of providing links next to the stats I provide. If you want to disprove them, then I suggest you provide links for your counter arguments.

      You agree with AMLO that Plan B is good but it should start with Yazmin Esquivel Mossa. Well no duh Sherlock, what were you expecting, for her to be excluded? You claim she's a plagiarists, but can you prove it? Do you have access to the papers she's plagiarized or are you just regurgitating what your mainstream media masters feed you?

    14. 10:54 regurgitating mainstream media? Jajaja. So the links you provide are your own original work Doofus? Ponte trucha bueyon.
      When have I explicitly wrote that I agree with Plan B? Déjate de idioteces Chairo. Your hero isn't the owner of the reforms the country has needed since CSDG "won" the presidencia. If that's the case, all the killings of inocentes y todos los otros desmadres are also his right?
      Ahh I'm sure you're going to use El KAKAS preferred line of "yo tengo otros datos" regarding the plagiarists SCJN ministra Yazmin Esquivel Mossa.
      No te vendas por dos tortas de jamón y queso y dos botellas de litro en este año de Hidalgo de Andrés Manuel López Hablador. Cientos de miles de millones de pesos se va robar. Grabatelo💩🧠🤖

    15. You're the product of opinion based news. Besides the fact that you don't even provide any links to your ignorant comments, the BS you spew are based off of opinion pieces. The info I provide usually comes from official government websites or official youtube channels. If I provide anything other it's usually because a mañanera was 3 hours and the subject matter was shortened so that you don't get the full press conference.

      So let me ask you again, do you think these federal judges should be paid more than the President? 1 month paid vacations and airfare, 2 bulletproof suburbans replaced every two years all while unfreezing Genaro Garcia Lunas bank accounts the day he was sentenced in the U.S? LOL. Of course not, we both know that answer, and Plan B aimes to strip them judges of those benefits. Is it good for México? Of course it is. The issue here is that you're too prideful, you stand by your guns cause you're too much of a coward to admit that some of AMLOs policies are effective. You label him as an imbecile but I can gaurantee he's achieved and done a lot more for Mexico in these past 4 years then you or I for that matter, ever will in our whole lifetimes... No worries, cause I won't expect you to admit to that, 💩🧠Tapado.

    16. 324, I can go to and provide you with stats, numbers and press releases regarding the BS I talk about. Can you provide Yazmin Esquivel Mossa's plagiarized thesis. You're sure its out there and I'm sure you've seen it with your own eyes. 🤣🤣🤣🤣 but of course you won't, because all you do is regurgitate your mainstream media masters narrative. 💩🧠🤖🤣🤣🤣🤣

    17. 3:58/4:06 que buena esta está IPA! RubyRed grapefruit goodness.
      Mira Chairo, your official links are worthless. Those stats are finessed to make AMLOs government look effective pero son la misma mierda que los anteriores.
      How I wish the government would start a program that would search for the disappeared and be honest about when they were killed. This government is stupid enough to think they would be responsible for their deaths when in reality the ones who murdered them are to blame. But that would call into question "Abrazos, No Balazos" right? Murderous criminals need to be killed when resisting arrest, not let go like Ovidio. But let's blame the SCJN for defective criminal cases the FGR tries to prosecute.
      Ask your parents, grandparents, bisabuelos y tatarabuelos, if you have them, whether anything has changed for the better in México with this gobierno. Maybe they're proud mijito works for El viejillo pedorro but that won't guarantee their or others safety. Ask them since when have they felt like the deck was stacked against them and whether all the rhetoric AMLO has spewed has satisfied their expectations?
      Loret de Mola just did an investigative report where he claims that after all the freebies he gets because of the job AMLO would be costing the citizens of México over $400,000.00MX pesos a month. Imagine that.
      Now INAI is a target of AMLO and his Chairos because of the fraud of SEGALMEX. $15,000,000,000.00MX pesos nomás.
      No need for me to put links when anybody who's really interested in the happenings of Mexico will keep abreast of the events transpiring.
      Drunk man talking but I'm writing it so I won't forget.
      If I was ever to become Presidente de México I can guarantee citizen safety and security would be better than this BS "Abrazos, No Balazos" policy. Por Díos Santo y Eterno

  19. Fuck racism and its whining losers who use it

  20. Replies
    1. And for (hogwash) so you’ve been in
      here in Mexico for 20 years but I bet you ain’t never dropped a taco in all this lawlessness and corruption have you ? but you’re still here ? Mmmmm ? makes me wonder why you’re in places like Tijuana or Mazatlan and Chiapas ? Interesting locations to say the least .. let me ask you this.. what do you think is worse cartels killing eachother for territory and drug sales ? Or Americans allowing high powered assault weapons into Mexico so they can kill themselves over territory and drugs sales ..? Here’s the magic question.. who do you think is more corrupt ? The Mexico government under AMLO or the US government under Biden ? Let that sink in Jack ..

    2. And remember, anyone who criticises Mexico must be racist!!!

    3. 1:05 am get some sleep.
      Straw hat buyer's are buying the killer weapons and smuggling them to Mexico to make a profit, 🤣😭 lol the Americans are forcing guns to Mexico, give me a break, your full of Manteca.

  21. Hey Sol , you should do an article on the response from Democrat senator Cory Booker .Who in my opinion is brilliant, and has a plan thats taking in to account the datas, the statistics on Fentanyl issue. Its what any person with a good sense of logic would encourage and support . Please watch it when you get a chance on youtube .. its very interesting hearing an alternatives to these hard headed, lacking -basic logic republicans .

  22. Yeah Mexico has great history but it doesn't matter now when it's politicos are full of shit and corrupt money.

  23. The USA has a right to defend itself and to decide who is allowed to enter their country. All countries have that right, and they have a military to enforce that right

    1. Except when its mexicans,they have a divine right to enter the U.S.and its racist to stop them dont forget that

    2. 1:23 Those at the border aren’t Mexicans it shows your ignorance, they’re Central American and South Americans and Haitians

  24. Ebrard talking about ethics funny shit! Wonder how much cartel bribe he had in pocket when gave speech

    1. Which Cartel gave bribes to Ebrard?, would love to know.

    2. Hey his bribes are transferred to offshore account.

  25. Don't take these Republicans seriously,you are going to get lured into a nursery.That's what attracted them to Trump, infantilism.As long as Democrats control,these things,like sending troops to Mexico,are not even thought of.

  26. Who the fuck cares what the Mayan culture did over a thousand years ago? Mexico today is a completely failed state controlled entirely by cartels. The gov't, the police and the military are infiltrated by the cartels and have no power to protect the interests of average citizens. The gov't facilitates the trafficking of drugs and weapons and fuel and agriculture and people right along side the cartels with no ability or desire to stop it.

    1. That's true and when the US threatens to take action, the puppetized president of Mexico, is ready with his prewritten speech, that includes, we don't need help from other countries, there are no cartels in Mexico, no Fentynal in Mexico, Mexico is Sovereign Country.

  27. today, "Racism" is a cheap, meaningless concept. Shallow, ignorant people, including politicians and r exploiters use this concept to stop debate or to threaten people. It is NOT possible in the USA to rationally discuss "race" issues. Scientists know it is a crucial factor in many medical, psychological, sociological phenomena but are careful to sanitize their publications lest they end their careers. Often, lay people have more freedom to tell truths about race (and ethnicity) that professionals can't. How stupid is that?
    Pulling the "race card" or threatening to do so is intimidating and thus sane people avois pointing out the 600 pound gorilla in the room.
    IMO, from years of observation, among the most racist people I've known were "victimhood' indocrinated Blacks. Go figure. Blacks "racists"? If you think no, then you have been brain washed or not been around them.
    People, most American Latinos have good doses of "white" genetics and identify as "white". So when blacks use the "White Supremacy" card , they are being "racists" ...twerk your nalgas around that!
    P.S. I grew up in gang infested SoCal and give countless examples of "Black racism"...Can you?

    1. Growing up in the hood I have always said that apart from white people being known for racism, blacks from the hood can be just as racist as white people.

    2. Yippee today is mother's day.
      I am going to buy my mom some flowers 🌼.

    3. 11:17
      My mom is racist, but I'm getting her some flowers anyway..

    4. 9:41 Yes sir, the only people that have been racist to me have all been blacks by the way I’m Mexican

    5. I have only been called a beaner, wetback, spic by African Americans

    6. That's the point ,los gueritos no dicen nada ,pero estan bien freakados knock on the wrong door y te llenan d3 balas justified fentanil makes then paranoid

    7. nope, no racism en mexico..
      it's just a COINCIDENCE that the waiters in an upscale restaurant have lighter skin than the dudes out of sight scrubbing trastes..

  28. Only children hide behind women… 🦉

  29. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  30. Mexico and her people want the U.S flooded with fentanyl just like china does...

  31. Ohh shit heres mexicans crying about RACISM again lmfao

  32. I Have to be Honest it is Pretty Fucking Hypocritical for Mexicans to be mad about some Racist. But it is all Fun and Games when people comment Racist things about Blacks or African Americans. 🤔 Again at least make it make sense 😂

    1. been reading BB for years and dont remember ANYTHING related to racism against african americans in the past...

    2. 10:40 BB is news related to Mexico

  33. Think on this: For years, juvies, jails and prisons all over the USA have to deal with racism in "all" inmates. (Remember scenes from American Me" movie?). Inmates mostly represent lower class people like you, me, your cousins and peers.
    Guess what? If you were jailed or sent to la pinta, you would pray to be with your own "kind"...Why is that? RACISM! That's what!
    Kissy-kissy and kumbaya...

    1. 6:36 tu Aniceto Molina I want to be with my own kind

    2. 6:36 I would want to be with people similar to me if I was in the pinta ! I want to be with people of my same skin color and bilinguals that share same food and taste Mexicans I got nothing in common in with Poc

    3. 6:36 6:36 I would want to be with people similar to me if I was in the pinta ! I would want to be with people of my same skin color, with my people Mexicans that share same food and taste as Me. I got nothing in common in with Poc

  34. Saludos Escuincles,

    We are in the midst of a cyclic geomagnetic excursion concurrent with a weakening of the planet's electromagnetic field. Further, both North and South magnetic poles are moving 30 to 40 miles every year as principle evidence. This is having a profound effect on all living organisms, especially those with habitual migration patterns. Google South Atlantic Anomaly and Pole Shifts, if you'd like to verify. EG, orcas are attacking sailboats ⛵ off the coast of Spain... abnormal behavior baffling marine biologists. It is believed, by a growing body of behavioral scientists that these planetary changes (verifiably accelerating the past 20 years) are having a deleterious effect on humans and their behavior as well. Case in point: Hate has manifested itself across the globe in multitudinous fashion and the situation only seems to be worsening.

    That being said, my Acapulquena wife just reminded me that her paisanos, primarily those of higher means, encompass some of the most racist humans around. Then I reminded her that ~74,000,000 of my countrymen voted for a horrible human being TWICE. Bottom line? Peace is losing. There are no winners here.

    Please remember and make an effort to live by the lessons of kindergarten. No small task these days.

    Con mucho amor desde Acapulco,

    1. @Amigo Anonimo: Excellent post! I agree with your warning-- Strange things are happening right under our feet.... The earth shows many signs of cataclismic events (earthquakes, Krakatoa - Pompae, ice ages, etc, etc).. But now to go with all the above is "HUMAN" pollution! Overpopulation is showing up everywhere...early stage euphemisms call it "urbanizatio, migrants infestations , etc, etc. Guess what? People everywhere are stressed out, hungry, worried, and "need" relief they figh (wars), move, complain, seek hedonistic goodies, and do narcotics to deal with their miserable lives. Religion "used" to help, no more...look around. Remember, history and science shows that many civilizations have come and gone because of climate, disease, overpopulation, natural and man-made cataclsms.
      To me, the most fearsome impending cataclysim is "overpopulation" coupled with run away cyber technologies (AI and allied technologies).
      In the near future, scientists and elite actors will take heroic measures to save themselves.... People deemed "useless or toxic" will be elliminated by subtle mechanisms of fantastic design.
      BTW: Think on this..Fentanyl addicts happily suicide! Yep, they each know they are on death trips and don't care if they die from the next fix... How evil and ingenious is that?
      O.K. Tsunamies, earthquakes, volcanoes, magnetic shifts, (tectonic plate moving) are pending...and cyber (AI) knows what to do about the situations....
      Me ? I am just watching humanity self destruct like lemmings.
      Blaaa, blaaa, blaaa...

    2. @Mexico-Watcher Conglomerates are the big polluters. A hundred companies are responsible for over 70% of the world’s emissions.

    3. Mexico-Watcher The Earth has plenty to offer for 9 billion mouths. And a sustained population decline (mainly due to lower fertility rates) The world has overcrowded cities, not overcrowded countries. In the US, for example, the West Coast and East Coast alone make up around a 1/3 of the total population.

    4. 11:58 The Earth can handle way more than 9 billion people, and it’s just a matter of allocating resources properly. Overpopulation is a myth because the world is not overpopulated, cities are overpopulated, and advanced societies are not well-balanced for long-term growth

  35. I watched Geostorm the other day and everything is going to be ok. All under control.


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