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Wednesday, May 3, 2023

Reward Of More Than Thousand Million Pesos For The Main Structure Of Los Chapitos

 "Ivan" for Borderland Beat 

The DEA increases the payment for information that allows finding the whereabouts of lieutenants, producers, distributors, traffickers, who make up the faction of the sons of 'Chapo' Guzmán

The Federal Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) had been investigating the main operators of Los Chapitos for at least 7 years, and would have used information revealed by protected witnesses in the hands of the United States, as well as by the data provided by informants who are currently part of that criminal group.

In this way, the authorities of that country confirmed to Ríodoce that the person who apparently was left in place of Ovidio Guzmán López to coordinate the production of fentanyl throughout the rural area of ​​Culiacán is Oscar Noé Medina González, "Panu", for whom the Department of Justice of the United States (USDOJ) offers a reward of 4 million dollars.

El Pan or Panu appears to be the cherry on the cake for the DEA, since according to reports from the USDOJ, he is the one who coordinates and takes over all the fentanyl produced in the region.

The judicial file 15-cr-00206, specifies that they began by coordinating the production of other types of drugs, such as methamphetamines, cocaine and heroin, until little by little he was delegated to coordinate the production of other synthetic drugs.

Another judicial file, number 23-cr-00180, indicates him as the fourth in command, since after the fall of El Raton, Medina González would have been in charge of fentanyl production, according to unofficial reports from the USDOJ.

Two other of the Los Chapitos operators that the DEA is also targeting and for whom it is offering 4 million dollars for information leading to their capture, are the brothers Leobardo and Martín García Corrales, two of those in charge of transferring fentanyl to United States, while a fourth objective for the government of that country is Néstor Isidro Pérez Salas, better known within the different factions of the Sinaloa Cartel as Nini.

Pérez Salas gained notoriety since the beginning of 2020, after maintaining an open war against Jesús Alexander Sánchez Félix, an operator of Ismael El Mayo Zambada, nicknamed El Ruso, for which Mayo Zambada himself would have ordered him to leave the Agua Caliente area, to the north of Culiacán, to prevent the war from escalating, demanding that he go to the north of the country.

"He did not like the order, but the Russian had to settle with the Mayo and go to Mexicali," said a source consulted by this weekly. Other Los Chapitos operators for whom the USDOJ is also offering bounties are Jorge Humberto Figueroa Benítez, 27; Liborio Núñez Aguirre el, Karateca, Alan Gabriel Núñez Herrera, Carlos Limón Vázquez, Jesús Tirado Andrade, Noel Pérez López, el Tío, Luis Javier Benítez Espinoza, alias el Catorce, Juan Pablo Lozano, el Camarón, and Julio Marín González: for all They are offered a million dollar reward."These rewards are offered for information that leads to the arrest of these people, all of them associated with the Los Chapitos cartel, one of the criminal groups that is most involved in the trafficking of synthetic opioids such as fentanyl," he published on his website. the United States Department of State.

The news came days before Anne Milgram, administrator of the DEA, announced before the United States Congress that she had issued a formal petition to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Mexico (SRE), to request the immediate extradition of Ovidio Guzmán, the Mouse. , to be filed in a federal court in the Southern District of New York.

The avalanche of actions against Los Chapitos is framed by an announcement made last week by Merrick B. Garland, Attorney General of the United States, who announced that the reward for Iván Archivaldo and Jesús Alfredo Guzmán Salazar is increased from 5 million dollars that were offered for them, to 10 million, considering them as the undisputed leaders of the Sinaloa Cartel.

"The Department of Justice will take significant enforcement action against the world's largest, most violent and most prolific fentanyl trafficking operation, led by the Sinaloa Cartel and powered by Chinese precursor chemical and pharmaceutical companies," Garland said at a conference last week. press.

The US federal official added that the actions against Los Chapitos have been redoubling for several months now, due to thousands of overdose deaths caused by the use of fentanyl in that country. The announcement is just the start of what's to come.

"The approach that the Department of Justice is taking to apprehend these criminals is comprehensive and in doing so is intended to disrupt the trafficking of fentanyl into the United States in order to save American lives," Garland said.

The only one of Los Chapitos for whom the reward was not increased is Joaquín Guzmán López, for whom the authorities continue to offer 5 million dollars, apparently because they want to target Iván Archivaldo and Jesús Alfredo, and because many of the informants who collaborate with the DEA they don't have him identified, since Joaquin Guzman Lopez it maintains a very low profile.

In addition to Los Chapitos and its operators, US authorities accused several of its suppliers in China, the country designated by the DEA as the main exporter of chemical precursors for the manufacture of fentanyl.

These Chinese citizens are Yonghao Wu, Yaqin Wu, Huatao Yao and Kun Jiang, who would be the main suppliers of precursors for the manufacture of fentanyl in Sinaloa, and who ship it via large cargo ships, to later deliver it to fishermen near the Sinaloan coasts.

''Our priority is to get those Chinese citizens arrested along with those 16 Mexicans so that they can be brought to the United States to face justice,'' Milgram said.

According to the DEA, Los Chapitos are the ones in charge of the production and trafficking of fentanyl in Culiacán, and they use cargo planes, private aircraft, submarines and other vessels, container ships, supply vessels, speedboats, fishing boats, buses , railroad cars, tractor trailers, automobiles, and interstate and private commercial vessels, to move drugs into the United States.

In addition to the above, the indictments say, Los Chapitos maintains a network of tunnels connecting Mexico to the United States, as well as hideouts throughout Mexico and the United States to further their drug trafficking activities.

Currently, it is difficult to pinpoint where Los Chapitos are, and there are those who assure that they have gone to other states of the country to avoid being located, although the DEA hopes that, through the network of informants it has within the Sinaloa Cartel , they can be located in the immediate future for their arrest and subsequent extradition to the United States.

The charges for fentanyl trafficking, possession of firearms for the exclusive use of the military, and money laundering were unsealed in the Southern District of New York in the middle of this month, the first in a series of announcements made in against the children of Joaquín el Chapo Guzmán.

Article published on April 30, 2023 in edition 1057 of the weekly Ríodoce.



  1. For those who don't want to read the article that is equivalent to $17.87

    1. Is that in Pesos or Dólares? From my understanding the peso is gaining g some ground on the dollar. Asking for a friend.

    2. Hahaha, that was classic mate, made me laugh.

    3. For those who did read the article it clearly states the reward is in dollars

    4. For those of you who didn't read the article and just her comment, she clearly states, "for those of you who didn't read the article..." Not here to argue over who did or didnt read the article, I clearly read the article, I was just asking for a friend who didn'tread the article.

    5. Please tell your friend, that making a comment in here is fine. If he only writes in Spanish that's fine too.

    6. What if my friend is in a supermax prison in El Salvador, where our only form of communication is through a messenger pigeon and evertime we communicate I have to decipher what my friend told the pigeon and the pigeon is trying to tell me. Cucurru. Cucurru. Cucurru.😐🤔✍️...

  2. Pura gente del Gavilan y el 09 al 100

  3. Its just too much attention ,they will be caught very soon!

    1. I agree, they're feeling the pressure. Better to go out in a blaze of glory than to die a little each day in ADX.

  4. I rather work for Chapitos or any of them instead of working at some random warehouse or shitty job over here. Girls will literally flock at you since they are into the bad boys, no one wants a regular Joe that works a regular job and drives a regular car/truck.

    1. 10:45 actually girls dont like guys with low self steam and those are the people who Cartels target to do their dirt

    2. You need a hooker.

    3. Peace of mind is priceless. That loser mentality will get you anywhere

    4. dudes brainwashed. working for the cartel is a dead end they rather whack you than keep you around as a liability knowing all the shit you know. you can only make it all the way to the end if youre connected by blood and even then your life isnt a guarantee.

  5. I wish mesikans would learn how to say "billion"

    1. Miles de millones sounds so much better though.

    2. 9:53 Simón

  6. I don’t understand why does DEA are offering reward for those guys. Like they seriously think normal people have any idea where they at lol

    1. 12:09 Rivals will snitch them out especially if they have left Culiacan.

  7. Pura gente de Elvis Crespo ALV!

    1. Suavemente, besamé ALV primo.

  8. Can normal people actually have a chance of seeing those guys in person? Especially los chapos.

    1. randomly they go to bars, clubs, restaurants, and so on... dont think you can get very close

  9. Most of them look completely different from those pictures. They can literally walk pass you and one wouldn’t even notice.

  10. Anyone hear that they were hiding out between Altar and Nogales?

    1. Where did you hear it from?

    2. I don't reveal my sources.

    3. @7:15 Nice try

  11. Family reunion at Colorado Supermax

    1. I doubt they end up in the same prison if they get caught

  12. You see the letter yet?

  13. They definitely got some leaks in the cartel. Someone is playing them like a fiddle. Mayo will turn them over eventually.

  14. Have you read the letter that Los Chapitos sent to the DEA? It mainly says, "From the CDS, we are not the heads, nor are we interested in been them"

  15. There is a rumor that the U.S government contributes funds to foreign media outlets to push narratives under the disguise of freedom of press. It's possible that the U.S government is pushing a "mole" narrative by providing misinformation to the media outlets and to create distrust within the structure to make it buckle or collapse. Riodoce is a somewhat credible newsmagazine, so why wouldnt they take some cash from the gringos to push a story that provides some credible false information. And whos not to say the girngos dont provide the same funds and info to other news outlets. Chapitos are on top of the news, so again if they believe what they read, information from articles like this one would create doubts in their mind about the people in their close circle. The recent lab and drug bust could just be based off of recon missions conducted by SeDeNa, while the gringos take credit for it by saying "a source within the government said..." just some food for thought.

    1. There's a rumor going on that Sol drives a Hummer, bullet proof.

    2. I heard Sol drives a bullet proof prius due to the rising cost of fuel and ammo.... commenting for a friend.

    3. If the CIA is involved the layers of deception would be impossible to unravel and the motives would be indecipherable.

    4. Imagine the performance of a prius all weighed down like that

    5. Well I heard a Rumor 😮.
      Sol carries an AR -15, with 2 -100 round clips/magazines. Serious firepower, should someone want to jack his car.

    6. Hey Toyota's are actually worth having.

    7. Exactly gracias


      Article related to the comment.

  16. there are lots of journalists all over the world working for C.I.A, the great majority of them totally unaware that they are assets, clueless to the fact that every bit of background information that doesn't make it into their newspaper articles, all their notes, every keystroke vacuumed up by whatever newest generation technology has replaced Echelon as the gringos' all-seeing ojos..
    get in bed with Langley, and it's welcome to the N.F.L.

  17. Lol one billion pesos I only if you provide information for all of them. That’s like 55 plus million dollars. The problem is that it is really difficult to be able to provide information for their arrest. That’s why most rewards go unclaimed. Lol.

    1. If claimer is death, impossible to enjoy the reward. Even worst if claimer have family.

  18. I would like to think that some smart as a whip underling would be able to scoop a million and just melt away.It has to happen but we never hear about it

  19. Whereabouts of Chapitos? Sierra de Sinaloa or Durango. Where else is a government connection for them? Jalisco could be a hideout too.

    El M is also in Jalisco. Puerto Vallarta area.

    1. Yup just like Mencho is hiding in Sinaloa

    2. Anywhere between Culiacan, Mazatlan, parts of Sonora, Baja California Sur, Ciudad de Mexico... Really doubt they can be safe in other towns than that.

    3. Durango is MZ, dont think they can hide in there. Safer place for them is Culiacan and a low profile, but they hate low profile, so... I guess is just matter of time.

  20. Mayo just chillen in the background like a boss. After they arrest those 20 or so people I wonder If China is smart enough to have a few others to replace them .. lol. Man if they get chapitos you think fent will go away? Think cds has a back up plan when these 17 people are told on. I'm sure there not 17 people who get promoted right away. CDS is the only cartel to make fent. Lol maybe they should drain the ocean amd turn off the internet so we can be saved. Lol. Time to just regulate the drugs and tax them so people don't die as often. If people could just be free to use drugs or not amd buy safely from a store. Tested drugs for users. Addics are forced to turn to the streets and trust people who are not trustworthy. Drugs are the same as alcohol should be treated the same. Other wise we can arrest 20 people a day amd it won't truly matter. May look good for politicians, amd the gov to act like there doing something but let's be real. How long has there been a war on drugs? Since that declaration I would say drug use has exploded.

    1. Agreed Copy the pharmaceutical industry .

    2. Better big pharma, least there pills don't kill you that often. Rather be a junkie then dead. Purdue started this they should step up and push there "non addictive" m30 so save the world. Lol truly its to late fents out there now amd here to stay no matter what happens

  21. if you legalize drugs, many people will become addicted..
    That's all well and good, but they are gonna need MONEY to buy the drugs, which means stealing cashi and property from the normies, who are too busy working, paying mortgages, raising families, and living non-egoista lives to be fuckin' addicts themselves..

    1. Either let them die from fent or deal with the junkies. You can't have it both ways. Think human life is better then death regardless of the person.

  22. "While all the criminals in their suits and their ties,
    Are free to drink martinis and watch the sun rise,
    El Ratón sits like Buddha in a 10 foot cell,
    An innocent man in a living hell"..
    ..with apologies to Bob Dylan's "Hurricane "

  23. let the paranoia really start now. los chapitos will start believing everybody is going to betray them now. heres karma!

  24. Get Gabito in El Rosario, Zopilote o by Agua Verde, Cacalotan. Start to tag all devices to him or his brother Kasco en Concordia y Matatan. Tag Pelons devices. Guanos son, and his employees illegal dispensaries in CLN. Through Gabito and Kasco you get to Panu. Pelon to his Dad. Cousins. Just say you got some good lbs of cannbj or good strains. Run it through him so he sells them at his shops. Takes a while but would form solid relationships and provide intel.


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