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Wednesday, May 3, 2023

Reynosa, Tamaulipas: State Guard Attacked, Pickup Trucks and Weapons Seized

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

Video translation is as follows:

In other news, in Tamaulipas, members of the State Guard were attacked on two occasions in the municipality of Reynosa. They managed to secure two vehicles with weapons and tactical equipment. 

The Secretary of Security informed that the security forces were carrying out surveillance patrols when they were attacked by armed civilians on two occasions. 

As a result, two vehicles were seized, a maroon Chevrolet Equinox and a Jeep. Both vehicles did not have a theft report according to the verification made on the Mexico vehicle registry platform.

Milenio Noticias


  1. El Señor de los Gallos will soon take over CDG and Zetas territory.

    1. You’re smoking tweak Forsure

    2. This tweeker would probably snort a line off ur Wong with comment like that

    3. US troops vs cartel cockroaches in Reynosa… my $ is on US Troops lol… It’s about we deal with these fukn terrorist pos’s

    4. 10:13 Stfu and stop trying to push US troops into Mexico you idiot. That would cause way more problems then cartel issues dummy. That would start a war dumb ass and it would not fix the cartel issue

    5. Why always the wet dream about US troops in Mexico. I don't think that would be like what you picture.

    6. Maybe it would be exactly like I picture. A lot of dead evil filth and trash and innocent Mexicans happy and free. Lets give it a shot and let the U.S. in to clean out the filth once and for all.

  2. Sure he will... Just likes he's getting rocked in Jalisco by CDS

    1. Where? Teocaltiche? Es al revés...

    2. 3:57 and then you woke up

    3. I'm confused so did CDS control parts of Jalisco or are they fighting to get it??? Either way CJNG has CDS in Jalisco

    4. I hate to admit this because I think cjng is trash but there's a report on youtube that says that el Apa has been leading operations in Jalisco against CDSand has actually been ta

    5. Opps....Anyways as I as saying, el Apa has been leading the operations against Jalisco and that they're been actually taking ground from CDS in Jalisco. They've lost two towns to CJNG according to the report. I think it's from Grillonautas, not sur if I remember correctly

  3. Double R is now the jefe de plaza de Tamaulipas. Muy pronto veran el convoy de 125 Hummers del Grupo Elite y Los Dueños del Terror. Todos camuflagiados com armas cortas y armas largas y no se pueden olvidar de los lanza.

    1. 7:15 deja de decir mamadas hijo de 7 vergas o te doy un levanton

    2. Jaja puro cjng

    3. 10:42 let me ask you something....Why did you guys blow up that little kid and record it para acabarla de chingar???!!!! And you're proud of that?!!! Fucking disgusting piece of shit!!! He was a little as kid, 7 or 8 years old!!! And you mothafuckrs thought it was funny!!! Garbage nathafuckin lames. That little ass kid never done nothing to know one!!! But you want to be saying puro cjng, like if that's something to be proud of. That's the lowest of the low. There's no honor in that. Cowards do shit like that. Picking on defenseless 8 year olds and him leaving this earth the way he did. Tied up knowing it was coming. A little kid...I'll never forget that. That shit is ingrained in me. That memory is part of my dna now. It'll be with me for the rest of my life....You should be ashamed and sick to your fuckin stomache about it but instead you're saying puro cjng....what a stupid fuck

    4. 11:29 was that the Gringo Acevedo cell footage?


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