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Tuesday, May 23, 2023

San Dionisio Ocotepec, Oaxaca: An Extortionist And My Lucky Leather Whip

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

An alleged extortionist gets dusted up a bit with a whip

The beating of a man accused of extortion by the villagers went viral.

It happened in the town of San Dionisio Ocotepec, Tlacolula, where an alleged extortionist was beaten with a whip by the villagers.

These events were recorded by a phone camera and later the video was uploaded to social networks.

So far the identity of the assaulted subject and the date of the aggression are unknown.


  1. This is what happens when the government loses control, the people have to take the law into their own hands. Good for them but that was too easy.

    1. Way to easy. This what is needed more of and in the U.S. as well. Take back our countries from the evil filth and punish them like the evil they are and deserve.

    2. Yes I agree!! Please start with Trump, McCarthy, Boebert, DeSantis and Greene

    3. This guy is making too much sense lol

    4. Way too much sense! They are going to arrest him for making video hahahahahahaha

    5. I'd really like to see who's going to pick those oranges now. The construction sector is definitely lacking workers right about now.

    6. Extortionist still lives. Olmecs, Mayans y Aztecs would cut his heart out for Cipactli

    7. Throw his extorcionista ass in volcano popo

    8. All those tribes you mentioned got conquered y the Spaniards lol! Puro Purepecha no mas

    9. “ Most of the ancient civilizations of Mesoamerica such as the Olmec, Maya, Mixtec, Zapotec and Aztec cultures practiced some kind of taking of human trophies during warfare. Captives taken during war would often be taken to their captors' city-states where they would be ritually tortured and sacrificed.”

      Decapitation, the removal of hearts/organs, and even cannibalism were all both commonplace as well sacredly ritualistic..

      Isn’t it absolutely insane how cartels today still practice these very barbaric acts? 🦉

    10. 6:10
      I bet you are the *their person tambien..
      I think maybe you are having some good-natured fun, but if folks whose second language is english, they might appreciate the grammar lesson, I know I do when I learn some new spanish on this site..
      Without BB, I never woulda known how to describe someone as a "pinche mugroso bola de lacras", among other sundry pleasantries..
      I was schooled about using "palabra", I guess it's un-chido or archaic, an out of use expression that I must avoid using I'm the future..
      If English is your FIRST language, you really should hearken back to 4th grade and remember some basic spelling and grammar..
      And ferchrissakes, always re-read and double check your irrational ravings before you hit send..

    11. Lizard 🦎 man
      556 and 610 is me the same person. I left out the b in front of y to spell “by” so I corrected myself.

    12. 348 reminds of the Nancy pelosi hammer beat down…

    13. 1:15 Nancy Pelosi never got beat by a hammer.🤔

    14. As an english speaker it is frustrating to miss out on the spanish speakers comments but am slowly picking up dribs and drabs.And just like being able to drive a manual you are allowed to feel a bit superior to the rest of us

    15. Lizard Man you only need one period at end of sentences, according to 11:11.

    16. 1101 correct she wasn’t home so her husband got hit with a hammer. It was her the guy was after according to reports.

    17. This happens all the time, as an exhibition, and it isn't ''the people'' doing it, it's the authorities. Fuck knows who this dude was, maybe he did what they said he did, but they usually do this when there are accusations against the local police, so somebody from the local mobs hands himself in for this shitshow and the town is calm for a few more weeks.

    18. @7.02. It isn't insane at all. Those videos/stories are made to terrify a local population, often poor and superstitious, by tapping into ingrained primal fears, but it gets picked up by US media like it's happening daily. For political reasons (BAD HOMBRES!) or for views. Cannibalism is almost completely a myth, despite the odd disturbing video. Zetas paid local journalists to spread the rumour that Cano was a cannibal, and a naive fool being mocked by a Zeta prisoner when he was given an interview (''Cano likes eating buttox cos they juicy'') made things worse. La Familia the Knights Templar, targeted by the Government when Calderon launched the war and ''Cannibalism rituals'' were reported blindly, and CJNG either learnt from the fear it inspired, or it's lower members were dumb enough to try and use the same tactics. That Aztec bullshit is nearly always about suggesting that Mexico isn't ''civilised'', and it pisses me off.

  2. Esto se llama ley de usos y costumbres, haci ellos se han arreglado por años!

  3. IT's Tablazo time!

  4. Lol people are shocked the citizens did this? This has been a form of punishment for a long time. Don’t piss off your village or else you might find the whole villa jumping your ass depending on the crime.

    1. Who's shocked?

    2. @10.17. I'm just shocked that you think the citizens did this. You think local leaders dress up in uniform, wear suits and ties and give speeches so you know who they are when they beat somebody to protect their rackets in front of the locals?

  5. Didnt touch him,he got off very lucky in my opinion .
    This has to be done, who else is going to enforce any kind of law ?

    1. This was enforced by the law. Can't you see the police in the video?

  6. That town and the surrounding areas are beautiful on Google maps. Aside from the citizens beating extortionists, is it relatively safe to go visit if visitors just mind their own business?

    1. Read this website carefully and stick to "las zonas turisticas" or just stay home.

  7. Que Devo- Crack that whip!

  8. This is the best justice for these lawbreakers. No strung out trial, cushy jail beds, or crooked lawyers


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