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Monday, May 29, 2023

The Jalisco New Generation Cartel Speaks Out Against New Criminal Group

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

Video translation is as follows:

The boss, Mr. Mencho, has forbidden us in his company from stealing, kidnapping or charging any kind of fees. That's why we are here, the Jalisco New Generation Cartel. We're coming after those scumbags, fee collectors, and kidnappers. We're only against those criminal groups who kidnap, extort, execute, and abduct innocent civilians. We will continue fighting against all of these individuals. Just as well we will also denounce all of the mayors and their policemen who are in service for these cheap ass criminals, scumbags of society. 

Communiqué to the Secretary of National Defense, the Secretary of the Navy, the Attorney General's Office, the National Guard, the State Attorney General's Office, the Civil Guard, and especially to the people of Michoacán. In recent days, the formation of a new criminal group called Guardia Por La Paz (Guard for Peace) was announced. Its members are the criminal cells of Los Viagras. As well as El Botox, El Barbas, all of them from Buenavista and Apatzingán. Along with El Tene from Aguililla, Migueladas from La Huacana, and El Previto from Zinapécuaro. 

They also pretend to deceive the government and the citizens by presenting themselves as self-defense groups in search of peace. When their main objective is to take over the port of Ciudad Lazaro Cardenas and control the arrival of all types of drugs and fayuca. As well as continue kidnapping, extorting, and charging collection fees in the businesses. For those who sell tortillas, meat, and fuel. Aside from appropriating public money from the municipalities where they have a presence. The Guardia Por La Paz group began with terrorist actions in the municipality of Uruapan, in the communities of Chimilpa and Betania. 

They arrived there offering governmental support in the form of solar panels. They installed them with C-4 explosives and when they detonated them, they totally destroyed the house where they were placed. They also executed the Priest Javier Garcia Villafaña from Huandacareo. We will always be loyal to our boss, Mr. Mencho. He only wants the best for his countrymen who have lived for many years putting up with these scumbags.

Long live Lord Mencho. 

Sicarios in unison scream : Long live Lord Mencho! Long live Lord Mencho! Long live Lord Mencho!

César Sepúlveda Arellano, "El Botox

Miguel Ángel Gallegos aka El Migueladas

Murdered priest Javier García Villafaña

Guardia por la Paz, new self-defense group announced in Michoacán

Alleged birth place of Guardia por la Paz group

Menny Alerta de Riesgo  El Financiero  Cronica


  1. More proof that el Señor Mencho is alive and in charge !

    Puro Grupo Elite ,03 ,Double R ,Grupo Delta y los Amos Del Terror.

    1. Satanas los cuida!

    2. No Mijo he died over a year ago, I sorry to tell you. The cartel is being run by family members at Lt's., which makes it look as if Mencho is alive.🤪

    3. Where is the proof of Mencho's death? Wasn't it claimed in the past that Mencho had died, when he really wasn't dead? If he had died, wouldn't there be a lot more in fighting and splinter groups of CJNG? To me, it makes more sense that Mencho wants the world to think he is dead or at least question if he is dead, so to take some heat off of himself

    4. 6.28
      Yeppers yep
      Pero El esperito del vive.

    5. 9:23 🤦‍♂️ ahi señora lka cientese mejor o lleve ese mitote con los unicos mitoteros que le van a creer, que son los chapistas

  2. All those fancy clothes and weapons hiding in the bushes and only come out at night like Halloween. I think more special education not special forces.

    1. La hija lo mato, sabia que in dia iria ala carcel igual que su hermano por mucho tiempo. En realidad son pendejos la hija por matarlo y darle poder alos aliados de mencho que nomas ponen sus Tokas de guerra. EnCerro a su Madre en la carcel pero ahora como le va? Esta en Dubai segun muy agusta comiendo cerrotes con El novio traicionero robando en michaocan

    2. 9:44 no pues wow, esta chido tu cotorreo 👍

  3. Tsk tsk tan presumidos que empesaron, all these years and still cant take tepalcatepec or celaya

  4. Andi bergas se habrio el migueladas alv del mencho esa no se sabia

    1. Está pesado ese Migueladads

  5. The fact there are chanting long live mencho pretty much says he dead. It's funny now all cartels just wanna help, if they really wanted to help they would all kill them selfs. FR

    1. I don't think "Arriba el señor Mencho" translates as "Long Live Lord Mencho" it would be more like "GO Sr Mencho"

    2. 6:42 ecxactly, they clearly said (Arriva el señor mencho) not (Que viva el señor mencho)

    3. 6:42 more like"Praise/Hail Mr Mencho "

    4. Ninos ninos mencho esta muerto!

    5. 6:49 Nina we aren't dumb we know he's alive

  6. CJNG we cut off heads for the people. Lol

  7. Mencho is alive but i think he dont have long left liver problems I guess

    1. 6:39 si pues lla esta muerto, lla no se enoje doña posoles

    2. Everyone says all the shot callers are dead when no one hears from them(pics, videos,recordings). They said the same about chapo,mayo,Azul,lasca and countless others. He could be dead, but probably just being careful. Only way not to get caught. Usually it’s when egos come out they get caught. Or the states and dea say to hand someone over to show this war was not a complete waste of money.

    3. Pobrcitos muchos aqui, que ESTA en denial , murio en Feb de 2022.

    4. @807 — except none of that is true at all… at most, maybe people like Chayo Mas Loco — who were reported dead post-shootouts — are often misreported and almost always these same ones are found not long after finally ☠️ …

      Been here for over 11 years now and I have never heard of Mayo being dead (just retired), Lazca is in fact more often reported still alive, but I will give you the account of Azul’s MIA.. even so, with Azul there were all kinds of rumored theories of his disappearance.

      Mencho has been quoted specifically and numerous times by defected members (even capos) to be dead now.

      I will say, his overall absence from his history of videos and countless mantas do seem out of the norm… La Vaca’s manta (plus defection) just seems way too specific and Mencho himself never replied to his challenge to provide validity.

      Lastly, you would think he had would show himself partaking in *some* part of Cholo’s demise — from an interrogation/humiliation video, to a personal manta, to hell ANY personally validated message — anything that conveys the utmost/largest threat to the rest of NP.. and anyone who chooses to betray the 4 letters..

      Either he is stepping back majorly, leaving 03 to run the organization, or he is riding with the Vaquero Fantasmas de Los Cielos… 🎶

      Yippie Ay Ohhhh, Yippie Ay Ehhh! 🦉

    5. 10:00 que es tu opinión del porque el gobierno Mexicano no da la noticia que ya murió desde Febrero 2022?
      Y la DEA?

  8. CJNG forbidden charging extortion. Then why are they extorting the hard working people of Tabasco, Huanusco and Jalpa zacatecas? They’re taking 50% of what the towns make for their “feria patronales”

    1. Mañosos and money launderers are not exempt from being charged; lo del agua al agua aunque quieran aparentar ser gente honesta.

    2. 05:49 that's Cartel Zetas not CJNG

  9. Same with sinaloa lol they dont "extort" people use others names to do their dirt

  10. Los jaliscos se van echar chingadasos ENTRE ellos? Que es lo que pasa con jalisco se separaron?

    1. 6:50 de que hablas? Jalisco no se ha separado, en cambio el cds se partio en 2 chapitos y mayos, lo bueno es que como son bien culos los grupos pues no se hacen nada, ahi un dicho que dice "culo con culo no se hacen nada" y es exactamente lo que esta pasando con el cds, nomas se andan poniendo el dedo entre ellos mismos

    2. El señor 85 apolla a migueladas y el señor flores se las acaba de cantar a migueladas y su aliados. entonces es pleito entre ellos

    3. 7:31 el señor 85 esta en ka carcel, dejate de namadas

  11. Quien es el papa y la mama de juan carlos Valencia gonzalez el 03?

    1. El Señor Mencho es tu papa.

    2. Vete para redwood city CA para ayar quien es @6:52 🤣

    3. Ain’t nothing going on in Redwood City shits wack

    4. Señor mencho no es padre ni de los que crio el

    5. Don Armando Valencia es el que esta la area de redwood city y es el que tiene la dea como su padre y asu mama rosalinda. pero el de la sonrisa Colgate dice que su madre es ines la Prima de mensho y mario Valencia caballero

  12. Their halo shines brightly.

  13. These guys are always crying

  14. I think all u guys that assume are fools .... Just cause they yell or write something referring to a person doesn't mean nothing either way .... It will stay that way until they see him physically or see his body .... Fools

  15. I know we lose some nuances in translation but c4 to install solar panels?huh?Anybody know what this means?

    1. The solar panels had C-4 explosives in them. Hello.

    2. Tnx Sol was just wondering why.Seems a bit convoluted thats all.

  16. I think it's hilarious when one group of scumbags call another group scumbags. Pot...Kettle...Black

    1. I have a white pimple.
      But would rather like it to be Pink.

  17. Migueladas was a key member of cjng in Michoacán, cds broke up in 2 but cjng is breaking into pieces 😂

    1. Sure whatever you say secret management

    2. 4:36 actually migueladas was more of an alie not a CJNG full pledge member, he broke the alliance witb CJNG like 2 or 3 years ago, this is not new bud, he just wasnt getting involved in the war, but if he does now it dont matter, CJNG got what they wanted, get deep into Mich and now they are and wont be living any time soon

    3. 9:04 exactly, cjng is deep in that kitchen in michoacan. The viagras and their alies knew they needed to form a truce before mencho takes all their shit and show them how a cartel functions.

  18. Michoacanos are like cats they have 9 lives 😂
    Mencho is alive and well, he convinced everyone he was dead and they fell for it. Haha

    1. 2:26 he didnt convince everyone he was dead, he only convised unas señoras mitoteras que andan por ahi en el mitote 🤣🤣🤣

    2. I regret to inform you, Mencho is dead.
      But don't worry cheerleaders, his spirit lives on.

    3. 4:05 otra ves por aqui doña posoles?


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