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Wednesday, May 31, 2023

The Jalisco New Generation Cartel Capture and Interrogate Two Cartel de Sinaloa Members

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

The CJNG hitmen reportedly captured and interrogated two members of the Sinaloa Cartel in Colima. One of the captives identified himself as David Fausto aka El Ortiz. He claims to have worked for a subject with the alias El R 18.

The recordings were shared on Twitter during the afternoon of Sunday, May 14, with no information as to when they were captured. At first, a naked subject was seen being interrogated with blood stains on the side of his neck. The man is surrounded by assassins who are pointing guns at his head.

He identified himself as Carlos Enrique. He claimed to work for the Sinaloa Cartel and that he worked for Jose Raul, aka El R 18. Another individual interrogated was Francisco Fabian, a plaza boss, said he was part of the CDS mob. At some point one of the men behind him used part of his gun to nudge him in the back so that he would continue answering questions.

In another part of the video, a man identified as El Ortiz appears and said that he helped a person distribute drugs in the Santiago neighborhood. "The organization that I know consists of R 18, who is the main boss and is currently locked up in a federal prison," were some of the statements made by a man who was on his knees and wearing a torn T-shirt.

The woman interrogated identified herself as Nora aka La Pirrus, said also said she worked for El R 18.

Who is "El R 18″?

El R-18 is a man who allegedly tried to assassinate Nemesio Oseguera Cervantes, aka El Mencho, leader of the CJNG, on orders from Ismael El Mayo Zambada, one of the leaders of the Sinaloa Cartel. According to reports, both criminal groups are fighting for control of the drug market in Jalisco and Colima. Specifically the port of Manzanillo, as it is a strategic location for moving drugs around the world.

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  1. All us Sinaloa guys look the same they say I guess this pic proves it

    1. you fool these guys most likely from that state just working for the sinaloa cartel. i’ve seen plenty of different looking sinaloa citizens lol

  2. Salieron los pinches llorones rapidito. Pinches estúpidos 😅

    1. Quien, que? Por que? O que? No empieses como esas mamas luchonas que en face book tiran indirectas y no ponen el contexto de su publicasion

    2. Where to find cds make love to cjng video?

    3. 12:23 maybe try your favorite gay porn site

    4. 12:23 why do you want to see it? I can tell you its 100% legit

  3. "There is no sure foundation set in blood, no certain life achieved by others' death"..
    The Bard

    1. You quoted the bard! 👍

    2. The Beard said that? El Barbas? Damn, he was more poetic than I gave him credit for having read his mantas. He probably just stole it from Shakespeare tho. Like Chapo stealing ''I am your True Father'' from Star Wars..

    3. Shakespeare had a beard too, so it's easy to get confused..

    4. Lol, that's what got me befuddled.

  4. Animo Sicarios !
    Colima belongs to CDS. La plaza tiene dueño ! These are innocents who were picked up by the contras . No CDS Operators would ever allow themself to be captured . They all have a cyanide pill along with a self destruct tactical Mossad modified Rolex.

    El Señor R18 operates with a highly trained unit of Special Forces Cartel Commandos. They were trained in the Golden triangle of Sinaloa /Durango by an ex Colonel of the Green Berets . FN MimiMi MK3 machine guns and silenced HK MP-7. FN 5.7
    Changuito Antrax also has a platoon of Antrax Special Air Service Tier 1 Operators highly trained and armed to the teeth .

    Not to mention a special assasin called " El Numero "

    1. I know Sic#006 exaggerates a little. However he tells the truth about many events and operators. The article below mentions "el "Numero " as a CDS head of sicario in Colima

      Señor Sicario Please tell us more about "El Numero "

    2. 6:37 🤦‍♂️ sicario only reads the articles, takes a name in the article and goes on with his rampage, when have you ever heard Sicario speaking of "el numero" before this article? 🤦‍♂️ Sicario is cool and shit but he is a totally just clowning, he is not telling any truth, i still like his imagination 😂

    3. Agent Sicario 006 is the real deal ! He only shares the information that he is allowed to share by los Patrones

    4. Pinche 006 deja ya el Call Of Duty

    5. If El Numeru exist, then Sic006 has the inside info and he is the real deal. Bravo sic006!!!!!

    6. 6:37 And where do you the sicario 006 got that info? From the same article you linked? Facepalm.

    7. I think sic006 is an AI generated, he tend to knows more than anyone and very knowledgeable about persons or events.

    8. No beast so fierce but knows some touch of pity, but I know none, therefore am no beast.
      Richard III

    9. Sicario 006 always made me laugh. Senor Zambadas SAS trained Ninja Sicario disciples trained by Himalayan Holy men in the art of levitation and invisibility, carrying their diamond encrusted phones with Mossad laser-beam technology. He mixed complete satire with stuff he really shouldn't have known if he was just a kid with a search engine. I always assumed he was nerdy nephew of somebody who was connected, and he was subtly mocking the teenage cheerleaders, but I might be wrong.

  5. Jajaja. "FN MimiMi MK3"

  6. All them Pendejos from Jalisco look the same like red haired gingers with tight pants.

    1. Wow son, any and every state in mexico has people ranging from white as snow to black as Akon, some might know they are a lil slow in the head and their best defense is to feel superior cause of their skin color but they know deep inside they aint worth shit

    2. What are you saying all the jaliscos look like canelo?

    3. Canelo’s family is from Los Reyes Michoacán

    4. Red heads actually come from Michoacán lol

    5. 7:39 red heads actually come from Ireland and mexico has people from all over the world thats the reason why we are called mestixos, cause we are a mix of all races, so you can have people of all colors and shapes 😉

    6. 10:47 red hair is not specific to Ireland small mind

    7. Just to toss this bit in there,there are a group called the black irish(black hair blue eyes)decended from the armada from Spains survivors.

    8. blue eyes?
      I wouldn't bet on that..

    9. I once saw this Mexican girl with three boys (sons) she had the mexican piel de carton 🤣, the oldest kid was white as rise and blond with brown eyes, the second kid was a little darker with green eyes and the youngest was as dark as her with blue eyes, it was trippy to say the least

  7. The guy looks like they set him on fire at one point. His shirt is all burnt up. Sucks to be captured by narcos

    1. Shocked, not burned. They likely shocked the shit out of him

    2. There is another captive just to the right side of the guy.

    3. @11.14. Don't think you shock people shock people with their clothes on, kinda defeats the point. Electrodes go on skin, not clothing.

    4. Great point. He toasted now.

    5. The woman is being zip-tied on a bed of dry kindling too. It's possible she is still alive, but if they made the effort to prepare it then others she was caught with probably weren't so lucky.

  8. Sol what up your the machine. Respect you fools.
    We know whats going to happen to them there going to be cut up.
    Sol your the best.

    Rubio NYC


    1. @823
      Funny…..Now people are pretending to be me lol. Welll at least you didn’t say something stupid or disrespectful. And you used terms I’ve said to Mr Sol before. I did call him a machine a while back when he was posting a lot of articles. I think you guys forget that Mr Sol can see the IP’s as well.

      Rubio NYC

    2. It is sad though cause 823 is right. I mean shit, to know you’re answering questions and then the few moments of the most horrendous pain. I can’t and don’t even want to imagine what it must be like to have someone start somewhere in your neck and ( I guess you’re hoping you get someone that knows how to cut a head off fast and easy ). And not get that person that is so bad at cutting ( they can’t even cut s piece of steak right ). I’ve thought about the times I’ve cut myself in a finger and the pain. OMFG you must be really desperate financially to do those jobs.

      Rubio NYC

    3. So much drama with NYC whatuup Rubio.

    4. You two guys pretending to be me!
      Rubio NYC

    5. Hola RubioNYC, hope you are doing well. Sol and I are going to hitch hike through Michoacan with 🇺🇸 flags on our backpacks, come join us! Good, super fun times!!

  9. Mexico needs the bomb. BOOM!

  10. Documentary on la barbie on national geographic channel tonight.

    1. Right beside ice road truckers and swamp people where he belongs

    2. What’s it called? I’d love to see that.

    3. National Geo - “the Takedown” , the Barbie is episode #5 in the series. Each one chronicles the rise & fall of a particular narco king pin

    4. Valdez was never a Narco King just a hitman like everyone.

    5. Show is called drug lords the takedown on ngc channel on wednesdays. They did el otoniel, the north valley cartel, and la barbie so far.

    6. Also i think the show is on hulu

    7. Really? One more account of how he let the Zetas daughter swim in his pool and gave her Ice cream, even though she was 2 years old? ''Your husband loves you''... If the lie becomes the legend, print the legend.

  11. Damn I thought there was no cds in Colima ?

    1. Technically they are all over Mexico with the shhh

    2. They are all over minatitlan Colima my dad lives there I went last month it's cjng vs cds it's crazy to see all the zapatos colgados of the people killed on the street lamps it used to be a peacefull town now they want in on what peña Colorado is getting it's all extortion

    3. Shoes hung on wires don’t mean people killed,just kids acting like kids throwing them on the wires!

    4. Not in Mina Colima that's how they do it Dejan los zapotos of the dead or Fallin members on light posts trust me no way some folks gonna hang brand new Nike you never wear a dead man's shoes

  12. I swear sometimes i think these videos be staged. Its always the same looking hyna and vato. bitch looks like that deformed tamal that stays at the bottom of the holla.

    1. I regret to inform you, they are not staged, it's the Real McCoy.

  13. Get the beer and popcorn.

  14. I'd rather shoot myself than be captured by these guys. But then I would also never get involved in this business

    1. 12.12 They all say that to each other before they get captured, but it's incredibly rare. I know you weren't saying you'd be able to kill yourself, but so many people laugh at how dumb criminals are for getting ''caught lacking'' lol. People will do anything for another hour of life, then another 5 minutes, then another second. A Russian writer, blindfolded and awaiting a (mock) execution at the hands of the Tsar, wrote that if he been offered an alternative punishment, of being tied naked to a rock in the ocean and lashed by the seas for a thousand years he'd have traded that without hesitation for the bullet he never got.
      (Don't forget too that many people have no choice when they get involved in the ''business.'' A pretty young daughter, maybe a teenage son, a warehouse. Your son owes us money and if you don't want your pretty daughter to work nights in our club then.... OK, if you let us use your warehouse then...'', and any hope you might be able to turn to the cops fade when you see the chief of police leaning against the door scratching his
      balls and playing a game on his phone)

  15. Hmm..I was thinking here, is there a reason why they weren't cut to pieces before our eyes like they used to do in these videos for years,or at least showed em without their heads at the end.. Did Mencho just one day say: "Ease up on the graphic violence in the propaganda videos Boys", "We're going Pg-13,and it means no eating hearts or lungs on video, until further notice". Or is it just a part of this Summers "We are the good guys" charm offensive. "We don't take Piso","We don't kill Civilians", "It's the other Cartels,and we are here to free you Good People of these low life Kidnappers,rapists &Killers." "Stay inside until we have cleaned this town,Bla bla bla..!!! And They ALL SAY THE SAME and Round and round we go..!!! MADNESS..!

    1. @4.22. Some were uploaded directly to CJNG sponsored sites, but almost all of the worst CJNG videos were leaked by the authorities when they were found on members phones or hard drives, or given to tame journalists in the pay of CJNGs enemies.

    2. @5:10 I know that does happen alot,but there is so much of this material they share themselves..There's no chance I would believe that MOST of this filth would come from cops. As it's a well known fact that Cartels film it & release it also in Purpose to spread fear to their Enemies and the peoples Hearts... I have seen it ALL and in all kinds of sites during my 2+ decades of watching these Buthcherings. I agree
      cops do for sure spread a lot of it but not the most. Would be interesting to know the precentages.. Hahah..!

    3. @5.56. But it isn't really a well known fact that the cartels upload these videos to the internet to spread ''fear in the hearts of their rivals'', its just something that gets repeated again and again. It's nearly always to intimidate local authorities and police. It was true years ago, and I'm not doubting the motive behind the filming, the point is that few of those videos, except in specific wars where they are protected, or situations where they are directly challenging the local authorities and naming corrupt police and politicians, are actually meant for public consumption. It isn't just cops, it is the army working with CDS who use these videos to undermine CJNG. And I said the Worst, which is why the really bad ones are badly filmed, cut and edited, and the victims are often left nameless. The ones CJNG leaders upload tend to be interrogations to expose local corruption, and the murder itself is left to the imagination. I think the percentage is 76.5649 in my favour btw. Haha

  16. Estos señores de la nueva limpiando la basura de Colima. Gracias caballeros

  17. That's interesting. Some groups out of Colima using a much more indirect form of interrogation, more like terrorism, placing bugs, hacking, stalking a home, distributed tactics. Specialist units for the technology part, and then running a bunch of addicts. Any information they'll gather will be garbage, but it's meth business and fishing expeditions.

  18. ¿Ya los hicieron legos? Pasen video si ya fue así


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