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Monday, May 15, 2023

US Denies Mexico's Request to Extradite "Mini Lic" Dámaso López Serrano

"Socalj" for Borderland Beat

The United States Government has denied the extradition to Mexico of Dámaso López Serrano, "El Mini Lic," to try him for the murder of journalist Javier Valdez Cárdenas. Javier was the founder/editor of Ríodoce and was killed on May 15, 2017, in Culiacan, Sinaloa.

Since 2020, the Attorney General of the Republic of Mexico obtained an arrest warrant against him and requested his extradition. He was released in 2022 after a US Federal Court in Southern California determined that he had cooperated and had already served his sentence in a maximum security prison in the United States. "El Mini Lic" spent 72 months in prison.

According to information from the FGR, the US government denied the extradition, arguing that there was no need to extradite him. After the refusal, the Prosecutor's Office resubmitted another formal request for extradition, so the process has begun again and they are awaiting a response.

"Without a doubt, we will demand, although we trust that the United States government respects the agreement between the two countries and extradite this person," said Ricardo Sánchez Pérez del Pozo, head of FEADLE stated prior to the latest decision.

In a letter published yesterday by Borderland Beat, Dámaso denies ordering Javier's murder, placing that responsibility on the Chapitos:

The murder of Javier Valdez [the editor of Riodoce newspaper] was ordered by you. You threatened and pressured him not to publish the interview he did with my father. 

First, on Saturday, you asked Javier not to write the article [covering his interview]. Riodoce closed out their weekly edition on the previous Friday, and on Saturday, you contacted him. They asked him not to write about it, but he told them that he had already written the story.

Then they told him not to publish it, he told them ‘I can't do that’. And then, he told them that the newspaper was already at the printer's [facilities, being printed]. 

At midnight, they asked him to sell them every copy of the newspaper [which had been printed], which he also refused to do. 

The next day an armed group arrived at the newspaper's distribution facility. 

In the end, they didn't take the copies. What they did instead was follow each one of the distributors and as they arrived at each one of the stores where the newspaper was sold, they bought every copy. It was like a seizure. 

Then they threatened Javier Valdez again and yet he still published the report a second time. 

I know this because Javier told us and also because Ismael Bojorquez, founder of Riodoce and Javier's partner has stated his. He and Javier's wife know well that the Chapitos were the ones to blame for Javier's death, but they have been threatened to say that I was the one responsible for his death.

Javier Valdez Cárdenas was killed 6 years ago today in Culiacan, Sinaloa. 

In January 2020, after the judge in Mexico issued the arrest warrant, through his lawyer, "Mini Lic" sent a statement in which he assures that he had no participation in the murder. “These accusations are baseless and reckless. I had no participation or role in the death of journalist Javier Valdez Cárdenas. I am sure that I can prove my innocence, however, I am afraid that this accusation is totally manipulated to affect me and try to extradite me to Mexico,” he pointed out.

As "Mini Lic" plead guilty in 2018, admitting his crimes and involvement in the Sinaloa Cartel to a federal judge including having a hand in more than a dozen drug murders and 20 kidnappings. It was unlikely he would have been extradited back to Mexico, especially with the recent indictments against the sons of "El Chapo" and the need for testimony against them in possible upcoming trials should Ovidio be extradited and his brothers also see US justice in the future. His father had testified against "El Chapo" in 2019 and against Chapo's wife Emma Colonel as well.

During the trial of Jesús Raúl Beltrán León, US prison officials were forced to move "El Mini Lic" due to a threat by León to have him killed for cooperating. Leon ended up pleading guilty and the hit on Damaso, supposedly would have taken place while he was in custody in Chicago, never took place.


  1. Maybe Mini Lic. gave the US proof that the Chapitos where actually behind Javier Valdez murder? 👀 …hopefully they uncover more of the Chapitos kidnapping and extortion practices, because im tired of seeing “CDS no Secuestra ni Extorsiona”

    1. Lol. Where do you see that?

    2. Or just maybe it was the stupid hat.

    3. Why would you even believe that bs ? The people that do or even take that serious are alucines or people that just don’t know anything people in Sinaloa know how things go you can get kidnapped or pressed for money it’s nothing new they extort they kidnap rape all of it.

    4. 6:10 my boy 3:24 said he is tired of hearing people saying "CDS no secuestra no extorciona" he didnt say he believed it

  2. The fact that the DOJ denied the extradition makes me think that El Mini may be telling some semblance of the truth. I would love to hear Detroits and Sols opinions on the matter.

    1. They wouldn't be protecting him if they thought he had lied to them about something as serious as a murder. This tells me federal law enforcement has evidence pointing to Chapitos as the true culprits.

    2. They're not extraditing him because they still need his testimony. Much of the information that he gave up has been verified by the DEA. Ovidio is only in his 30's so has a lot to lose. He will either cooperate or be carried out of the BOP in a box.

      I did make a detailed comment explaining my thoughts, but it didn't make it past the Borderlandbeat censors.

  3. So el mini licker de culo cut a deal ,is playing the U.S. government and Mexico can do nothing

    1. 100% that’s why they released his letter. Full of mostly lies. Govt of US wants him to use as leverage. These letters are being used so that he can play the Us govt and stay in the US. Mexico requested the extradition again and pointed to the extradition agreement between the two countries. It’s well known his family ordered that hit.

  4. Maybe mini lic can also clarify how Arley Perez was the one of his jefe de grupos of pistoleros next to el buitre and the rest of his scumbags aka sicarios while he was under the orders of his godfather chapo also the murders that took place from 2009 to 2014 in Culiacan where mostly Dámaso and Chimales

  5. Ovidio might come out good from this rat after all. Not saying he'll get out but it's possible Mexico might not extradite him since America won't cooperate and do the same thing they're asking with this guy.

    1. Mexico has a lot to loose if Amlo continues to deny and continue to give cartel members impunity. As a democrat I do agree with republican stance of using American military to combat cartels in Mexico.

  6. They trying to get him to Mx and vanish him. First hand info, i was told one of the biggest mistakes was Los Guzman allowed ex Damaso members to work under them. Those are primary informants, specially the ones that were pinched crossing over to US thinking they were clean post Damaso vs Guzman war. They were allowed back to run their lines while providing information.

  7. Proof that cooperation with Uncle Sam pays. Let's hope that Ovidio sees the light.

  8. Could this be the beginning of an AMLO stand off no mini lic for us no Ovidio for you Mr.Sam

    1. 5:45 mexico has no hands to play. All America has to do is slow down trade. He who has the deepest pockets always wins

    2. Totally agree to 6:15 comment. We lived without NAFTA before it was implemented. Pretty sure we can do it again.

    3. pretty sure you cant do this again, times have changed

    4. Just read in a newspaper that americans are not even willing to drive trucks. I assume americans will starve by the millions if mexicans refuse to work.

  9. El 1 is related to Damaso he also had El Leibre wacked in Phoenix AZ crazy how that works I wonder if E1 would hit his own family? rumor here in AZ is he helped mini lic escape the Chapitos chasing him and got him in contact with the Feds who met him at the border

    1. Dude just stop your nonsense

    2. E1 lives in your head rent free you always post about him. He’s not going to fuck you

  10. keeping him in the US for when they have caught all the other 3 brothers. #loschapitos will be in american jails, just like their father and ovidio, soon enough! i thought these big gangsters were suppose to go out dying in a gun battle like the young kids they send for next to no money to do the real dirty work. guess they aint got the balls too die like... arturo beltran for example!


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