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Friday, May 5, 2023

Yeah, Let’s Light This Zeta On Fire

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

Enforcers from the Grupo Escorpión, armed wing for the Cartel del Golfo, appear under the cover of night. Within their perverse grasp is a Zeta Vieja Escuela nude captive male whose life is about to fucking end horribly. 

At this time, it is believed that the abducted man is the very person who was confined to the back of a truck bed here recently.

The shackled prisoner shrieks out in pain once as his captors spit out their profanity laced insults in rapid succession towards him. 

His whole existence will finalize with him drowning in a raging ball of consuming fire. 

Video translation is as follows: 

Sicario #1: Where the fuck are you going you faggot. 

Sicario #2: Go fuck yourself you Zeta bastard piece of shit. 

Sicario #1: Burn you shit, burn. 

Sicario #3: That would be a trip if he ran towards you and hugged you! Ha!

Sicario Don't do anything yet. Let him just burn the fuck away. 

Sicario #3: Just leave him there, just leave him there. Wait a bit, let him suffer a little longer. Let him suffer a little longer. 

Borderland Beat Archives  Joker Peñaloza


  1. It’s going to be a pleasure watching jaliskas and eventually menchos tweeker ass get lit on fire

    1. 2:29 PM CJNG isn't involved in this war. It is ZVE vs Matamoros. Metros vs Rio Bravo and CDN Just agreements between CDG. ZVE just painted CJNG to create confusion and create a rift between Metros and Reynosa. The truce still exists. Rio Bravo started something they shouldn't have that is why they are getting bush wacked inside their plaza Matamoros isn't going to get involved. Rio Bravo either hands over the people Reynosa wants or they die fighting till one of them dies. Reynosa doesn't need CJNG in it's plaza or want them the agreements are good we get product we both play. CJNG just needs routes to move their product as long as the money is good no problem. As long as Reynosa stays CDG Metros Matamoros is good. Matamoros is going after Zetas because they don't want Zetas on CDG. Reynosa and Matamoros both want one thing No zetas anywhere or their supporters.

    2. Matamoros os going after ZVE because they started allowing primitos immigrants run through Jimenez dumbass. ZVE has been aligned with Matamoros since 2016. Reynosa is in debt with Jalisco. They sold Miguel aleman. You have no idea wtf you talking about. Mfs say shit just to say shit. Get their Intel from other dumb mfs online. Rio Bravo is half metros half Matamoros that’s why they are fighting. You’re literally WRONG about everything dummy.

    3. 5:57 seems like u know what u talking about BUT not quite 🤦‍♀️, primito needed n needs cjng thats a fact, with that being said jalisco is very involved in this war

    4. @ 5:57 youre literally wrong bro 😂😂😂😂 about everything like these 2 guys above said. Reynosa is Jaliscos bitch. Has been since Toro was killed. Matamoros has worked with ZVE since they were created in 2015

    5. 2:29 Matamoros is/was fighting Primito's Metros/Panteras/and Chuy 7's ZVE but are being bank rolled by CJNG with some presence in the conflicts. In SLP they arrested a leader of CJNG that was supposedly fleeing from the fighting, and he got arrested in SLP but they didtgive details as to who it was. CJNG tried to free him but were not successful in their attacks. 1 cop was killed. It's on you tube. And cjng has been in Reynosa for a bit. From what a certain metro told me, they would send people to fight in la Ribereña in assistance to Primito's metro faction, that those cjng guys would be dispersed to different estacas en la operativa metal. They never led none of the estacas or nothing like that. And for sure there is cjng in Reynosa. The army gave their biweekly report on crime and mentioned that they raided a house that was supposedly a safe house for them and they found/arrested 5 or 6 cjng members, don't remember the exact number, so your info is definitely wrong 2:29. Chin check whoever gave you that info

    6. 6:21 You say they sold Miguel Aleman??? Who did they sell it to???

  2. can someone explain what da hell is happening right now un Tamaulipas? The war is cdg vs zve, cdn and cjng?

    1. #3 and this from earlier. Brietbart as a publication has its own spin? but seems accurate and consise

    2. #1and #2 did not get posted womp...womp, links to other sites that may not condone BB.

    3. Breitbart has one purpose in it's coverage of Mexico. Have you ever read a story that portrays Mexicans in a good light? (I got sent an internal memo that laid out clearly the way Mexico should be portrayed. Hard working peasants who want to stay where they are, and vicious cartel killers who long to go North). They had a series of reports by ''citizen journalists'' they had pursuaded to do their dangerous work for them, but when 2 of them tried to flee to the states to claim asylum they abandoned them, refused to help, and they were left hanging in the wind being hunted by the army.

    4. Breitbart did a story once praising mexican monarch mariposas, does that count?

    5. 7:50 as mentioned I'm sure Breitbart has its own spin, Bannon has his name in it. Breitbart was #3. Sources #1 +#2 with direct links input were not printed.

    6. Breakourballs cryin again,here are the men of today

    7. I'm not crying, I've paid my fucking dues there, I'm going back as soon as I can, and if you had balls I would break them, but you're a fucking eunuch.

  3. @2:29 hating because Jalisco taking over all of mexico.

    1. Jalisco is just the name, cause really, they are from Michoacán…..

    2. 😭😭😭 @2:45 you must not be following much on whts going on on that side Jalisco are slowly falling apart

    3. Not taking over Mataulipas

    4. 7:30 the only ones falling apart are the chapitos now that the DEA is all up in their ass 😢

    5. Cant even keep jalisco safe with no violence or robberies

    6. 8:52 🤣🤣🤣🤣 thats the police job not the cartels, you really think they are gonna go out of their way to take care of the people? 😂😂 that only happens in fake corridos not in real life body

    7. 8:26 For sure you have no idea what your talking about. Before all this mess came about alot of cartel individuals used to try to look out and take care of the regular population. They didn't have this predator mindset that they have now. Women and children were respected, family was respected. There was more honor in it. But that does seem to mostly be gone now. Even though there are certain individuals who still try to do that, it's just a small hand full.

    8. @10.33 That's because the violence was committed by the state, so the ''cartels'' never had to enforce anything except for their own vendettas. Women and children were respected because the army did that dirty work.

    9. 10:33 you are the one who has no idea, you really think that before "this mess" those cartel bosses "took care of the regular population" out of their kind heart? 🤦‍♂️ its always been a fucking trick to brain wash the weak minded, just look at what happened in Colombia, Pablo Escobar took care of the people from his city, why? So that when time came he would use them as a shield, shame shit that all your "old mexican Capos have done" if chapo was such a kind and protective boss why didnt he die before all his sicarios? Its easy, They are criminals with a criminal mind set that know how to manipulate easy to fools like you! Y te la tragaste toda Pentonto! 😂

    10. 3:07 Ok but the Guadalajara Cartel founders are from Sinaloa.. but they moved and set up shop in Guadalajara. They just referred to themselves as “The Federation” but still. The name (or associated name) of the organization is just based on wherever the organization/cartel itself is based out of, and the Jalisco New Generation Cartel are also based out of Guadalajara; which is Jalisco.

      They didn’t mean Jalisco as in the same. Just the group that occupies its namesake.

    11. *as in the state

  4. Those escorpiones are well protected by government.
    They are some brutal sob
    That's a horrible way to die 😱

  5. Damn someone son is lit on fire

    1. By someone else’s son mind you.

  6. Eventually bullets, prison, or fire here on Earth n certainly in hell for these scumbags too

  7. Que vaya contigo y te abrase

  8. We’ll at least it was a zeta. Hated those guys since they burn alive all those immigrants years back.

    1. I don’t think they’re really the same people anymore or even operate much like they used though. If this were a 2010 era Zeta, I’d be more in agreement with such a fate but they don’t really seem even half as intimidating these days.

    2. theyre not lol, after 2012 or 2013 the real zetas started going down the hill and their power was pretty much over. the zeta being burned alive in the video is just a member of a weak ass fraction of the zetas known as zetas vieja escuela

  9. That is some horrible stuff man, these people have no humanity

  10. The zeta s are horrible sux to see a person burn but if anyone deserved to burn its anyone from the zeta s.

    1. Is he a Zeta? Cos Joker Penalozo says so? I never heard a single one of those fuckers apologise when they get it wrong. Like the ''Adidas Girl'' the one in red, who is immortalised on Youtube as a ''ZETA MEMBER'' who got what was coming to her. A screaming child.

    2. Bro,that is a fuckin horrible video,still in my minds eye when its mentioned,poor girl

  11. Mexico is about as close to hell on Earth as it gets. It's not going to get any better only worse. That's unfortunate for the law abiding citizens trying to make their way in the country

    1. Well technically speaking, 2020 was when it was at its worst. All the violence and chaos have somewhat decreased since then. But only somewhat. 2020 was definitely the peak of everything though. Early to mid 2021 is a close second.

      However, Mexico’s los zeta virus from about 2009 - 2012 was pretty crazy in its own way and clearly historically significant (in a devastating way).

    2. yup exactly the zeta era in mexico from 2008 to 2013 pretty much was horrible, i dont think mexico has seen such violence like those years

  12. The guy that set him on fire came close to going up in flames himself

  13. It’s clearly the person captured after that confrontation, where you can see the vehicle burning and they are clearly heard saying ( we captured A zeta ) we have him in the bed

  14. The fires these creatures will endure in the end themselves, are going to burn them forever and a day. What a sad waste of life all the way around.

    1. Crazy you say that. First thing I thought was imagine the flamed of hell that awaits them all from the killers to the burnt.

  15. "All you need is love"..

  16. Why are people talking about cjng being in Tamaulipas like its a new thing, cjng has sent sicarios in the past to Tamaulipas to help out cdg reynosa fight cdn in frontera chica. The carincero clown guy was with the first group of cjng crews that were sent back in 2020 I believe. The ones who drove around in clown masks drinking micheladas.

    1. Yep and the clown crew was featured in a CDN decapitation video shortly after.. lol in the video the captured CJNG member calls mencho “un pinche viejo hediondo” 😆

    2. Where did you see that video?

    3. 10:36

    4. 8:56 idk about that but i know the main clown guy was called jimmy and he passed away almost a year ago. Some say car accident others say in a fight against mz in Zacatecas but it is confirmed he no longer exist by his Facebook friends posting his funeral.

    5. CJNG sent a small suicide cell to Nuevo Laredo to test the waters and they all got eliminated quickly. They learned it wasn't the time to go all in

    6. 1:16 PM
      Ye chopped them up on camera,they were working for CJNG and got collared by CDN, Memba the guy got it first with the big curly wig,he the one CDN had talking and callin mencho a stinky old fart type shit

    7. 5:37 PM
      Bro is that the guy who was cleaning the AR/AK whatever it was in pictures that came out an he had the same shirt on as the video? Hes dropped out has he ?

  17. if you support this type of treatment towards another human being then you are garbage!!!!

    1. Okay...Since you're the one saying it , it must be true.

    2. Like they have not killed innocent people before

    3. 10:33 PM
      'if you support this type of treatment towards another human being then you are garbage!!!!'
      There are people right here reading these posts now who could do the same shit believe it ....

  18. Man I couldn't watch the more than 5 seconds of it. Literally disgusting no matter who it was.

    1. 9:24 video is not even close to being as savage as others

  19. I am not rich,l but I do live in a large household of 7+ working people. Our annual income is gigantic. We work LEGAL, HONEST jobs. damn, why do people join and do criminal activity? I will literally collect cans and be homeless, before ever fucI{ing ever do evil ;_;

    1. 1:07 30k x 7+ people= 210k+ yeah thats gigantic for a single household in the states lol 😂 but in Mex things are different

    2. 11:05 peace of mind is priceless buddy 😉 people who are not happy with 30k or less wont be happy making a mill or more

    3. 12:58 30k a year isn't gigantic income in cali

    4. 5:54 than maybe you should move out 😉

    5. 5:54 some people are happy with 30k a year, something a millioner like would never understand

  20. Replies
    1. Nope I am in my mom's basement using the computer. If I go upstairs she puts me to do chores non stop. I love to chill in the basement.

    2. 8:56 you forgot to mention the cheetos and porn 😂😂

  21. I can't believe all those stupid fuc-s that run Mexico let this happen .... Cause they are all corrupt

    1. Wasn’t it primarily Calderon’s actions? Yes they continued these policies but Calderon is the one who sent the cartels underground initially. Now they act like Escobar did in Colombia if not worse.

  22. Idk how these foos sleep at night.

    1. I imagine most of these dudes are zooted on cocaine when they go out to these confrontations and battles. I couldn't imagine the comedown after being up for days of urban warfare and atrocious executions like this. Not to mention all the cartel politics too.....fuck all that noise

    2. Meth, coke and corridos lol

    3. 10:07 Probably similar to what WWII infantrymen went through on the battlefield, constantly coming up and down from Benzedrine (amphetamine). Must’ve been some brutal comedowns and much tears and misery, especially when they were crashing during the wrong contexts.

    4. Ye dont have to be fucked on drugs to do extreme violence,very naive if you believe that.A fight on the street can get you killed or you kill someone ...

  23. I need to take a break from this site. Seeing the absolute worst wretches of humanity takes a toll on your psyche and your soul.

    1. watching the guy ask his victim, whose face he had just sliced off, if he was thirsty and then not giving him a drink was the last straw for me..
      Too dehumanizing..
      And if you get stimulated sexually by viewing torture, then you're really fucked up..

    2. 30 minutes in the morning and 30 minutes in the evening is fine.
      But 1:13 .......8 hours all day, you become a Troller.

    3. I'll never forget the comments on bestgore for the cartel vids...fucking edgelords fawning over this shit. They're was some twisted goth chick who'd say the nastiest stuff...fucking hate it

    4. 1:31 PM

  24. I saw a different person getting set on fire video on Twitter from a page called VERACRUZ INFORMA. The one I saw was much closer to the victim and much higher video quality. I couldn't stand to watch it though. Horrible that this is happening in 2023.

    1. 'Horrible that this is happening in 2023'
      Err why,whats so different about 2023 ?
      This will always happen its in our nature,some more than others but its there

    2. 6:49 AM
      "Horrible that this is happening in 2023"
      I do this for our Army or cops and imma hero no one bats an eyelid ?
      Just keepin it real,cause i know it


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