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Tuesday, June 27, 2023

2 Police Officers Killed in Guanajuato, Most Dangerous State for Cops With 40 Dead This Year [Updated]

"El Huaso" for Borderland Beat

This afternoon, three Celaya police officers were attacked in two separate events, leaving two dead and the third wounded. 41 police officers have been killed in Guanajuato this year, the most dangerous state for police officers in Mexico.

First killing at the Centro de Integración Juvenil de Celaya

In the first event, paramedics and municipal police responded to reports of gunshots in the Rosa Linda neighborhood of Celaya just before noon. They found a female Auxiliary Municipal Police officer slain by gunfire at a juvenile rehab center in the city of Celaya, Guanajuato. The police officer, identified as Maria Soledad “N”, dead with gunshot wounds on the floor of the security checkpoint of Centro de Integración Juvenil de Celaya, a youth criminal rehabilitation center.

Photo of María Soledad via AM Noticias

Second killing at a taco stand

Later that evening around 7:00 p.m., gunmen opened fire on a several Municipal police officers and civilians eating at a taco stand in Los Olivos neighborhood. Witnesses say the attackers drove around the area in several vehicles before attacking. Two police officers were hit, one fatally, along with three civilians. All the wounded were taken to a hospital and are in grave condition, according to AM Noticias

Heavy police mobilization and raids that night

That night, around 10 p.m., Municipal forces descended on the Los Olivos neighborhood conducting raids and house searches. There are not yet reports as to the results.

According to Periódico Correo 13 police officers have been killed in the city of Celaya this year. Causa en Común’s database on police killings in Mexico reveals that this is the 41st police killing in 2023 in Guanajuato. Nationwide, 206 police officers have been killed.

Between the start of the year and May 2023, Guanajuato has seen 1,128 homicides. Guanajuato has been the most violent state in Mexico by homicide count for five years, mostly due to an intense dispute between two criminal organizations, the Cartel Jalisco Nueva Generacion and the Cartel Santa Rosa de Lima. These two criminal groups and their allies fight for control of drug dealing, fuel theft and drug trafficking markets.

The full list of police killed in Celaya this year, compiled by AM Noticias.

January 26th: Marcela Nallely Vázquez Pérez, a municipal police officer from Celaya, was found in a clandestine grave in San Antonio de las Maravillas, in the municipality of Juventino Rosas.

January 27th: Auxiliary police officer Sara, 23 years old, was shot and killed alongside a man in the Las Insurgentes neighborhood.

March 18th: Municipal police officer Luis Alberto Reyes Hernández died in an attack on officers at Parque Morelos.

March 25th: Police officer Ana from Celaya was stabbed to death during her day off in the Jacarandas neighborhood.

April 16th: Lizbeth Yazmín Ramírez Torres, an officer of the Municipal Police of Celaya, was shot and killed at the surveillance booth of the Veleros shopping plaza.

May 19th: Municipal agent Juan Martín Martínez from Celaya died in an ambush.

May 26th: Two police officers from the Municipal Police of Celaya were ambushed and shot dead outside a gym in Rincón de Tamayo.

June 11th: An auxiliary police officer was killed on his day off in the Paseo del Campestre neighborhood.

June 14th: The woman police officer attacked with gunfire in the Ejidal neighborhood died in the hospital.

June 14th: Auxiliary police officer Fernanda was shot in the Santa Rita neighborhood. The officer died hours later in a hospital.

June 24th: Armed men entered the home of police officer Adriana Mireya and shot her to death. She was about to start her shift.

June 27th: Officer María from the Auxiliary Municipal Police was killed at the booth of the Centro de Integración Juvenil.

Sources: Causa en ComúnPeriódico CorreoZona Franca, AM Noticias, AM Noticias Attack #2

You can follow me on Twitter @HuasoBB
I tweet about organized crime in Latin America and security in Mexico.


  1. If officers/military are killed, they need the death penalty for that offense. Mexico needs to change, little by little.

    1. Before the death penalty, they need an actual system that investigates and prosecutes most homicides…

    2. 4:34 before they do that, the government and local officials and military has to stop protecting cartels. That’s the reason why Mexican cartels are so strong cause it’s government protections.

    3. 7:18 mostly state agencies protection. Some people dont know the difference.

    4. 3:08 i do agree with you but most likely the people getting the death penalty wont be the killers, they would be some scape goats, in other words death penalty wont work in mexico

  2. I don’t get it… The gov send troops to the border when those 4 Americans were kidnapped, but over 40 Mexican police offers are killed in one year and nothing?

    1. 40 mexican cops just in one state. 205 in the whole country this year

    2. 434 Almo doesn't give an f about police and military.

    3. Have you checked the numbers for your state. You would be surprised how many got killed on duty. If i compare those numbers with other western countries i would think you might have problem there as well.

    4. About 60 cops get killed by gunfire each year in the US, out of 924,326 police officers

      In Mexico there are 221, 281 public security agents. In 2022, there were 402 killed.

    5. Except in America every cop killer is convicted or killed. Accountability vs failed state.

    6. 11:54 Convicted? or decorated?

    7. 6:16 those numbers don't lie

  3. Para nada sirve tanto armamento que tienen las fuerzas armadas, los tienen agarrados de los huevos los políticos lacras que se venden por dólares, que ironía.
    Que sociedad tan jodida y así va seguir.

    1. Las fuerzas armadas, si tienen armamento belico y tienen amplia ventaja sobre cualquier grupo criminal....

      Las corporaciones locales y estatales son el problema...

      El armamento belico no siempre puede/debe ser usado cuando hay poblacion civil enmedio.

      Esas tacticas de irse con "todo" ya probaron no ser eficaces y muere mucha gente inocente... despues van a estar llorando que el ejercito mato civiles...

    2. 1:11 bueno entonces que no hagan nada y que sigan matando inocentes los criminales ojetes, en fin la sociedad se va chingar más de lo que ya está. Cobardes

    3. 3:08 Si estan haciendo.... para muestra el video filtrado donde matan "civiles" en Tamaulipas... No pueden hacer uso de armamento belico en donde hay poblacion civil. No digas tonterias tampoco.

  4. That's what happens when the state government change sides. They supported CJNG till recently and now it looks like they're going back with CSRL. Cops die when a rival group cleans the plaza. They will kill the cops who supported the rival cartel.

    1. 612 I live in GTO and you're smoking Crack. You must be a Marro dickrider for your comments.

    2. 6:12 Celaya and a few sourrounding towns are pretty much the last CSRL plazas, so this was done by CDRL

  5. Why would anyone wanna be a cop in Mexico fuck that.

    1. You're brother is a Tijuana cop.

    2. 11:14 Same question for those brats with badge in Uvalde Texas....

  6. Well, no shit allmost every cop gets a cut rn in Gto. It’s plata o plomo. Right now at 2am. Cops are doing their normal patrol routines in groups of 4 or 5 trucks by the olivos neighborhood, Celaya. GN are also in the city doing rounds and toward Juventino. There are a lot of marines idk what’s going. On. But, the whole city it’s on lock. FYI no tacos stand at 2 am. sad.

    1. Thank you for sharing. We need more people like you on the comments section and less numbnut people like 8:11am


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