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Friday, June 16, 2023

Capture Of "Tory" Leader Of "Grupo Los Torys" Or "Tropas Del Infierno" (Troops From Hell)

 "Ivan" for Borderland Beat 

Héctor Raúl Luna Luna Tory, was hiding in the city of Cholula.

Elements of the Secretary of the Navy (Semar) and the Secretary of Public Security of the state of Puebla, arrested Hector Raul Luna Luna, alias "El Tory", leader of the "Grupo Los Torys" or "Tropas del Infierno" criminal group that operated in the states of Nuevo Leon, Tamaulipas and Puebla.

During an operation carried out by the Navy Special Forces, in the municipality of Cholula, Puebla, they arrested the fugitive, as well as seized "a defensive fragmentation grenade and 01 9mm short weapon, which he was carrying in his GMC Denali sierra pick up vehicle", according to Navy reports.

According to the testimony of the detainee, Hector Raul Luna Luna Tory, he was hiding in the city of Cholula, as he was threatened by the close associates of Miguel Angel Treviño Morales, alias Z-40, and assured that despite being in prison, he continues to maintain control of his criminal operations.

"He was sheltered in the City of Cholula, Puebla for having threats from Miguel Angel Treviño Morales (a) Z-40, arrested in July 2013, he mentions that "Z-40's people" are after him for "escaping", he also stated that from prison he maintains controlled territory executing criminal operations through his lawyers Juan Pablo Penilla N and Niniveth N." according to the SEMAR report.

El Tory is directly responsible for the violent acts that took place in Nuevo Leon, as well as the attack on the U.S. consulate in this northern city last October 2008, as well as several murders and "attacks against military and police in Nuevo Leon.

Let's remember that the "Grupo Los Torys" or "Tropas del Infierno" (Troops from Hell), emerged as a result of the arrest of Juan Gerardo Treviño (a) Huevo Treviño in 2022, leader of the Northeast Cartel, which is an offshoot of the "Zetas Cartel" in Tamaulipas. As a result, both "Tory" and his brother, Esteban Luna Luna, alias Chachis, began an internal struggle for control of the criminal group.



  1. El Tory allegedly left CDN and joined CJNG ( or went solo ). Last November there was a narco message left for Tory calling him a traitor

    1. Anyways. He will be sent to prison where an accident will definitely happen. Por andar jugándole al v3rgas.

  2. Gafes are Special Forces for Mexican Army or Navy?

    1. Army and they're special forces tier-2 while FER is tier-1 (the only tier-1 operators in all of Latin America).

    2. So who is Special Forces of the Mexican Navy, mentioned in this article?

    3. G.A.F.Es no longer exist

    4. According to Wikipedia, Mexican Naval special forces are FES, fuerzas especiales.

  3. my thoughts first of all great article by Milenio so much information was pointed out by them in this article. El Tory is behind lots of criminal activities in NL, the attacks against the US Consulate in NL, behind the death of military members on orders by El Canicon, was captured in June 2010 by military special forces in NL, then was released at some point in 2018. When El Tory was released, joined CDN his signature killing was dismembering bodies. It is believed that El Tory is behind the death of El Rex. I believed El Tory was hiding in Nuevo Laredo when Huevo was around. Once Huevo was captured El Tory seemed to have parted ways with CDN.. the rest is history..

    I was also told that the only reason was El Tory had power with Los Zetas and then with CDN was because of his closeness with Z-40.

    Lastly, El Tory pointed out that Z40 still runs the show as we all expected....

  4. The Marinas look the part anyway,dont need shooters to fuck these slobs up

  5. This is the aashole that had el rex an original zeta welll liked by cdg and zetas killed in prison.

    1. Was el Rex ex Special Forces?

    2. Yes, he was former GAFE just like the rest of 14 founders of Zetas

    3. The original zetas some were ex mexican special forces some were regular mexican army at least one ex usa army some ex police like but all had tactical training.

  6. God, what a fat slob...

  7. So I guess we know how this guy lost all that weight while imprisoned: he had no money for commissary😂

  8. Those rifle magazines have been well used by the look of them

    1. I dont see any "rifle" magazines however i do see some pistol magazines 🤷🏼‍♂️

    2. I thought the same

    3. 9:38 look at the Marinos

  9. I wonder how long they can hold on to Z40 without charging him? He has been behind bars for nearly 10 years now, surely something is gonna give?
    I have always found Z40 really interesting. When he got arrested he marched along, head held high. There were no soldiers holding him by the neck like with Chapo. It made me wonder about Z40 and the kind of power he wields and the personality he must have.

    1. He has the power to intimidate murder rape and corrupt any un armed populace . That is impressive !

    2. Must have a some government secrets

    3. He is a murdering piece of trash, there is nothing interesting about him.

    4. The fact that those soldiers let him walk like that is pathetic. They should have tortured the pride right out of him before and after that presentation. No respect for that level of subservience.

  10. Yeah from what I gather Z -40 betrayed Lazcano. He was definitely the more brutal out of them all from what I hear. And Mexico wouldn’t turn him loose so he can get extradited.


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