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Monday, June 5, 2023

Ciudad Juárez, Chihuahua: Unknown Assailants Vandalize A Santa Muerte Shrine

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

Video translation is as follows:

Edgar: Little did we know that around the Camino Real Highway there was a place for the Santa Muerte, an altar. There the devotees brought money and other things. Unknown persons came to vandalize it though. Joana, you have the report. 

Joana: Edgar good evening. Acts of vandalism do not discriminate and on this occasion an altar dedicated to the Santa Muerte was affected. It is located on the Camino Real Highway and vandals came along to break its scythe. They came to open the altar because these are people who knew where the disciples who are truly devoted to her were putting their money. They knew where the money was placed for them. They opened it for the very purpose of taking their offerings.

Devotee: I placed her here on the Camino Real Highway because I had made a promise to her. Only she and I know what she fulfilled for me. And that is why she is here. So, I have no anger, I have no grudge against whoever did this to her. I hope that the money they took is used for something good, that they use it for something beneficial.

Joana: This altar is located on the Camino Real Highway, near the intersection of Calle Zoltepec. There the thieves took the money that the faithful leave to the Santa Muerte shrine. They also damaged the altar and the structure of the place. The faithful disciples were upset because they pointed out that there is no respect for the devotion of others. Now what is necessary will be done to protect this altar. And to try to prevent the looting and acts of vandalism.

Edgar: Here we can see the vandalism. Some will ask how is it possible for an altar of the Santa Muerte to be in a public place. Well, it's there. I don't know if the property where they placed this figure belongs to anyone. But it's there for all to see. And there are those who have those beliefs. Others will say that there is only one God. We will leave that up to you.

Canal 44


  1. Good!! Fuck that dumb narco shit

    1. Well why come to this site then smfh

    2. @8:33 borderlandbeat is a site to be informed on narco news. Not to glorify it

    3. 10:21 Then you should look into la Santa Muerte for your ignorance on her shines with you thinking it's just narco related. Narcos didn't invent her. She was already there when narcos first started praying to her.

    4. Yeah we all know...but the narcos have a monopoly on fuck her and all her dumb shrines

  2. Vicente zambada the snitch did this . He did it because he hates the narco lifestyle . Lol

  3. Boys will be boys

  4. Worshipping a skeleton in a dress that is something even more degrading than the Roman pagan idolatory (Catholicism) that was used to genocide 100s of millions indigenous across the "Americas"

    1. 100s of millions, really?

    2. The Americas include (North ,South and Central).

    3. @1:00am Catholicism didn't wipe out millions of indigenous. The viruses of filthy toxic invasive Europeans did.

    4. JamsBrown
      👌 that’s right!! People blaming the a church but they educated many taught them how to read and write along with teaching g them a specific trade.

    5. The late, great Flip Wilson did a funny bit, it's gotta be on YouTube, where he was Christopher Columbus announcing to the sceptical locals that he had discovered the new world..
      An unimpressed woman answers:
      "You'd best discover you ass AWAY from here"

    6. @3:29 Yet here you are (unfortunately) taking advantage of the way made by those “filthy Europeans”.

    7. @7:40om. Europeans invented nothing. What they did was repurpose and extend functionality and build on the inventions and designs of Arab, Indian and Persian scientists and mathematicians.
      Europeans are great braggarts. They would have us believe that all the world's inventions were birthed in the fevered brain of some bearded white man burning the midnight oil over his dog-eared texts.
      Go sell that "lone European genius" swill to somebody else.

    8. The German goldsmith Gutenberg invented the printing press in 1434, while new world inhabitants were busy torturing children to make them cry, their tears needed to satisfy the thirst of some off-the-wall imaginary barbarian god..
      Einstein didn't steal his theory of relativity from some indian slash and burn farmer, sorry to inform you..

    9. @9:38 - Alexander Fleming, Karl Benz, The Wright Brothers, Louis Pasteur (to name a VERY few) would beg to differ. If your revisionist history helps you to feel better about yourself then, by all means, revel in your ignorance.

    10. @10:33am I am not completely uncharitable nor failing to give proper credit. Europeans are genius at conceptualizing and organization. That's about it.

    11. 10:33
      A bunch of those gabachos you mention were successful after the US land was raped and pillaged which made it easier for whites to sit down and “conceptualize”.

      Notice how in US history the whites got the better parts of the US for farm, agricultural, livable, etc after the Natives were forced to move to undesirable reservations due to broken treaties by the whites. I’m not even woke just stating historical facts so miss me either that woke bs!

    12. The red states have lots of whites living on welfare and government assistance they claim all this work ethic and values but don’t want to work the fields in Florida.

    13. @1:20 - And all the Native American tribes living here before the Europeans arrived were living in perfect harmony with each other right? Atrocities at the hands of the Europeans happened, of course, but the Native American tribes were more vicious with each other than the Europeans ever were.

    14. 5:06
      A word to the wise:
      Don't let them pesky Comanches take you alive..

  5. little do they know it was their own santa muerte who took the money.

  6. Has anyone else noticed that the post on el chapos family have been removed?

    1. 10:16
      Not that one in particular, but I've seen comments disappear, reappear, finally gone for good, with nothing but a screenshot to debate it's descent down the memory hole..
      I'm somewhat curious how the moderation protocols play out..
      Is the author/s of the articles responsible to curate the responses to their own contributions only, or is it a shared duty?

  7. Unis contactos me reportaron qie aguascalientes amanecio blindada por todo el estado con mantas del señor 30 del CDS en contra de el CJNG jardinero y el 011 sobrino del sapo gaytan

  8. Stupid unrefined shit,saint death another opium


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