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Monday, June 12, 2023

Ciudad Satélite, San Luis Potosí: Body Hung On Bridge Was Done To Heat Up The Area

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

The corpse of a man hanging on a vehicle bridge located on the Rioverde highway, was done by criminal groups to "heat up the plaza", warned Alejandro Leal Tovías, deputy secretary of the Public Security, Prevention and Social Reinsertion Commission of the State Congress.

In an interview, the legislator recalled that last week, the Secretary of Security and Citizen Protection (SSPC) warned about the intention of criminal groups to take over San Luis Potosi's territory.

"The unfortunate event that everyone knows about today, of a young man hanging there on a bridge. Unfortunately, this hadn't been seen here for several years now. "

He trusted that the issue will be discussed at the Security Round Table in order to take measures to prevent the repetition of such events that undermine the tranquility of the population of Potosí. "We must be patient because they are organized crime groups that sometimes do not have faces, and it is very difficult to locate them."

In the first four months of 2023, the State Attorney General's Office (FGE) initiated 154 investigation files for intentional homicide, according to the updated report of the Executive Secretariat of the National Public Security System (SESNSP).

All Source News  Pulso


  1. Me and my wife's vacation home in Mexico was broken into by, I believe, low level cartel members. They stole cash and we were tied up and violated. It was difficult at the time but now, when I remember, it arouses me. I feel guilty about it.

    1. I think you you feel like the cjng sicarios who were made love by the CDS sicarios.

    2. You felt violated cause he never called you back?

    3. Maybe next time they chop and bag and all of your wildest dreams will come true.

    4. One day, when that shit happens for real, while you try to remember your mothers face, you'll have a vague sense of de ja vu, a sense that it was inevitable that you would die like this, that it could never have ended any other way, but you won't know why. Then it'll come to you a second before you die- a dipshit post you sent when you were young and dumb, and you'll bark out a final laugh.

    5. 7:18 Dang, you're worse than what they wrote.

  2. Quien es en Saltillo?

  3. Quien.controla.couahila.y.saltillo.?

  4. New screen saver? Lol damn 2013 all over again.

  5. Los alemanes vs CJNG OP Belica ...this has something to do with this I'm sure


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