Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Thursday, June 15, 2023

CJNG Identifies Security Cameras And Destroys Them

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

Jalisco New Generation Cartel members look for surveillance cameras to destroy them in the border area of Zacatecas and Jalisco. The cameras captured a caravan of this criminal organization, which travels along the road that connects Apulco, Zacatecas, with Teocaltiche, Jalisco.

La Silla Rota



  2. Is there any tools(device's) that help you detect cameras or help you spot them?

    1. I was thinking the same thing, I’m sure there is. I remember a buddy told me, some years back, that there was an app that would let him find what cameras were in the area and you could connect to their feed. That it wouldn’t let you connect to any police cams, if didn’t last long til it was shut down. I’d imagine there’s much improved stuff out there now

    2. If they're wireless you might be able to find them when searching for nearby wireless devices to connect to.
      You won't know where they are, but you would know if there are any.

      In general, I think most hang in the same places. Somewhere high with a good view of the surroundings.

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. So does that mean that you will not be renewing your subscription?

    2. 2:40
      And what would you have done otherwise with your precious 2 minutes, discover the cure for cancer?..
      Lotsa negative Nellies on this site..
      Google "get a life", jaja

    3. Worst article ever yet you still took the time to comment. You should tack on the time it took you to write your comment to the time it took you to read it.

    4. Probably same dude who was bitching to Itzli about the Gulf Cartel article he wrote. Now we have to watch this dude bitch about EVERY article put up because it does not meet his "journalistic standards". Try harder is that you again? Did you donate money so they can develop proper sources?

    5. Guys don't worry about these fucking morons who come here to complain. Here lately we've been seeing these clowns come through just for the sake of trolling. And as always they're being taken the fuck out.

    6. That's how Saddam Hussein explained the situation back when he was starting out..
      Press a damp washcloth against your forehead or the back of your neck..
      Chant "nam myoho rhenge khyo" to restore inner balance..
      Inhale & exhale..
      Put the clown's comment back up so the angry villagers can throw stones..
      I can dig sr. Sol's passion here, troll dude is trying to kill Sol's puppy, drawing out that moderator's inner John wick..

    7. "a wise man can play the part of a clown, but a clown can't play the part of a wise man"..
      Malcolm X

    8. 'a wise man can play the part of a clown'
      Deep really deep,malcom x lmao

  4. Cártel que rompe cámaras

  5. Aint no one from the GeeK Squad going to Mexico to install security cameras

  6. British woman is seriously injured and her partner is shot dead after armed gunmen broke into their home on Mexico's Riviera Maya Caribbean coastline


  7. great job exposing these lames

  8. En cadareyta, nuevo Leon amanecio blindado el municipio con narco mantas en contra de Z vieja escuela y el grupo metros jalisco departe del el grupo escorpion CDG

  9. Sol Prendido, on the 12th of this month, Raul Lopez-Alvarez one of those given a life sentence for killing DEA agent Enrique Camarena was released from federal prison. That marks multiple people now who have been released from the old 1988 convictions. Any chance someone could write something up?

  10. The online place CJNG controls 💯 is nayarit cuz not even jalisco they control 💯 so nayarit migth be the state that brings the most money for all the wars an its not just the drug sale sonlas minas de ORO PLATA IMINERALES QUEDEJA MAS QUE LA DROGA EN ESTOS TIEMPOS I EL ROBO DE COMBUSTIBLE ⛽️


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