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Sunday, June 11, 2023

Contains Images That May Affect The Sensitivity Of Some People

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

Good afternoon, President AMLO. Here in the real world, we have been living under 2 days of nonstop fighting. And no authority in Zacatecas has come to pick up the bodies. 

Do something you son of a fucking bitch because this smells horribly like fucking death. Governor David Monreal spends his time in prayer without providing a solution.

Governor David Monreal

Jose Díaz


  1. ELMO can't even find Zacatecas on a map. If it doesn't happen in D.F. it doesn't concern ELMO.

    1. There's more federal projects occurring outside of Mexico than anywhere else. You need me to bust out the list of all the projects?

    2. *Ciudad de Mexico

    3. 9:17 you're right, being a cayotero, does not benefit me. I need money not praise from Almo s aides, instead we get Tortas del Jamon, with any drink we want. I have bills to pay. I am not going to give my name.

    4. 9:17 And what are your points about Biden?, looks like you dont understand how powers division works in Mexico.

    5. 12:57 don't go comparing apples to oranges. You know clearly what Detroit is stating, he knows quite a lot about Mexico.

    6. 35,000 homicides per year is ELMO's legacy.
      Hugs doesn't work with criminals. The only thing that has worked in Latin America is Mano Duro. Look at El Salvador. Businesses are no longer paying piso and the people of El Salvador are living in a peace that Mexicans can only dream of.
      Homicides are down by more than 90% in El Salvador and Honduras and Guatamala are taking notice. Their presidential candidates are promising to imitate Bukele, not ELMO.

    7. @ Detroit. You can't talk about El Salvador or Guatemala without acknowledging the dirty wars that forced entire communities to flee, fearing a repeat of the old cycle, and completely transformed those countries that were brutalised in ways that make the Mexican Narco wars look tame. It's a terrible comparison you make, and completely irrelevant, unless you think bands of narco-trafficking gunmen protecting the old rich families at the expense of the poor is something that Mexico should emulate again- those are the not-so-secret things that have kept the recorded murder rate down in the countries you mention. Simply ways for the new generation to consolidate their wealth like the old landowners used to. It's a miracle that AMLO managed to keep the murder rate on a vaguely even keel. It has nothing to do with drugs. His inheritance was like a huge debt he was saddled with but you talk about his ''Legacy''? It's meaningless without context. Americans suggest he should repeat the mistakes of the people before him and go back to the dishonest strategies of the past. I say dishonest because none of them gave a fuck about the victims of cartel violence- all they cared about was the problems with ''trade and immigration'' (meaning money and bad hombres crossing the border) leaving another catastrophic debt to the next President. His strategy was a tacit admission that the army and federal forces were as complicit in the drug trade as many of the so called ''criminals'' (poor young men recruited in areas abandoned by the state who were blamed and framed for disappearances blatantly committed by the state. Not for justice, but to appease local political leaders), and an acknowledgement that waging war on incredibly complex networks is foolish, counter-productive, dishonest, and leaves the poorest at the mercy of the most compromised members of the state. It was never about hugging gunmen. It was about providing children who might become gunmen with an alternative to the 3 choices they had, all of which fed the cycle of violence.

    8. ''David Monreal spends his time in prayer without providing a solution'' was the final line of this post. It was the point, the conclusion, and a nicely set up punchline, and you all respond like you only read the first line.

    9. The article is about Zacatecas, of authority not picking up the dead bodies, or not coming at all to assist.
      Detroit is commenting how ALMO, could not find it on the map. And low and behold 😨, here comes 8:31 to rant and rave about El Salvador. 🤔 Give me a break.

    10. 8:31:
      My comment was about Mano Duro and ELMO's strategy of giving criminals hugs. Either you didn't read my comment or you didn't understand my comment. You went off onto some wild tangent that doesn't address my comment.
      When ELMO leaves office he will have set a record for any president in the history of Mexico. He will be the first and only Mexican president to have over 200,000 Mexicans murdered on his watch. I believe the families of the more than 200,000 Mexicans murdered on ELMO's watch will disagree with your point of view.
      Mexico doesn't need abortion. ELMO already has an effective strategy for population control in Mexico.

    11. 8:31:
      ELMO Chayotero: also keep in mind that Guatemala's civil war lasted for 36 years which is 6 times the 6 years that ELMO will have served as president. About 150,000 people were killed or disappeared during those 36 years. Over 200,000 people will be murdered in ELMO's 6 years and that doesn't include the number of disappeared.
      About 4,000 people were murdered or disappeared per year during Guatemala's civil war while 35,000 per year are being murdered in Mexico during a period of peacetime under Mexico's current failed leader. Your comparison to the wars in Guatemala and El Salvador doesn't support your argument. ELMO's "leadership" has been a complete disaster for the safety and security of all Mexicans and the reason for so many deaths.

    12. @1151 you paint this picture like 200k innocent lives were lost. Of those 200k have you ever stopped to think, which percentage of those homicides were crime related and what percentage were actual innocent victims? You come on here accusing AMLO of not doing enough but if I remember correctly you mentioned that you stopped visiting Mexico. If you're so concerned about Mexicos well being then why not take a more proactive approach and become a vehicle of change rather than a typical Karen who does nothing but complain. If I ask you, who would have been a better president than AMLO I'm 💯 positive that you couldn't give an answer. You don't have real solutions, just complaints.

    13. @Detroit. I read your comment and understood it fully. My response wasn't a ''wild tangent'', it was a direct response to you comparing Honduras, Guatemala, and El Salvador, as if they all need the same treatment, strategies that you seem to suggest might work in Mexico. Mano Duro? Honduras is taking note? Is that a joke?
      As for Guatemala, of course the civil war was decades long. I was talking about the deliberate strategy in the last decade that makes things so much easier for the current administration to declare victory, since the routes had been sold and the peasants cowed. If you think that is a tangent talk about different countries and how their strategies might work in Mexico. Fuck AMLO, but anybody who talks about that ''hugs not bullets'' speech like it was a ''strategy'' doesn't deserve to be fucked. Bent over and spanked, maybe.

    14. @10.01. Damn right. Which is why I was responding to to a different, irrelevant Detroit comment. I'm the ranter and raver, so read his comment at 2.50, and you might understand that the leap in logic wasn't mine, it was his. And you should read the final line of the article. I think it went over all of your heads. It wasn't criticising Amlo, it was mocking the man you agree with, Monreal.

    15. @Detroit. Oh ffs, you don't seem have the faintest idea. AMLO set a record for ''murders on his watch''? When you attempt to weaken the armies control over policy, who for decades have controlled the protection rackets, then of course the official ''murder'' rates rise. Bodies are left on the street and get counted, instead of being disappeared.

    16. @9.36. To be fair to Detroit I hope he didn't stop to think about that, because unless you think that some of those murders were justified its completely irrelevant.

  2. Ese echo paso en la cumunidad del Lobo del municipio de loreto zacatecas.
    La gente del Justin o comino antes Taliban a hora mz barrio a Los jaliscos que estaban es ese pueblito del Lobo! Hai más vídeos y fotos de fueron minimo 10 muertos y otros levantados heridos puros de los jaliscos los hagarraron bien enwilados preparandose para ir a loreto a topar pero la gente del comino se les adelantó. Atte el zairo de zactecas saludos al compa zac serquitas de fillo.

    1. Y como esta todo el pedo en ZAC?? Van avansando Los Flechas o Cuatro Letras?

    2. Gracias por la información.

    3. 4:29
      Por Nada Panchito🤣👌.

  3. Las jaliscas valieron verga son de agua. But AMLO should do something instead of trying to lunch a freaking political campaign for his party.

  4. Why is the man's body still laying on the sidewalk?! Where's the ambulance?

    1. @3.24. Presumably the ambulance crews don't have jet-packs. It takes 30 minutes for an ambulance to arrive in peaceful countries, let alone underfunded Mexican states where the responders are worried they will be held back from treating the victim. There will always be a person with a camera who films it before an ambulance arrives.

  5. Governor David Montreal, said there's no money 💰 allocated to pick up dead bodies.
    The Red Cross won't do it for free anymore.

  6. Who the fk even reads these lamé comments above…y’all writing books and all clowns

    1. 11.48. Who reads them? You do, AND you reply, with fuck all to say, which makes you a clowns apprentice.


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