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Tuesday, June 6, 2023

DEA: Chinese Organized Crime Laundering Money for Mexican Drug Cartels

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

Jacob Soboroff continues his investigation into the intersection of human trafficking and the marijuana black market in the United States. 

He talks to federal officials who say Chinese criminal organizations are operating in the U.S. and working with Mexican cartels in what the DEA says is a sophisticated money laundering operation.


  1. Pinchie the Chinese, want part of the illegal drugs profits.

  2. Ministry of State Security operation . Using the same strategy used by British Inteligence during the Opium Wars.

    1. You keep on saying the Same shit. All the fucking time come up with something new already other than The Chinese and a fucking opium war.

    2. 4:52 Nat the same thing.

    3. Pretty obvious the red party don't five a f... about it. As long as there is money they will send chem., aks, and hell, they will allow money laundering. its a + if that make the states look bad.

    4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    5. @ 4.52.If you are going to call others ignorant (fair enough, I do it all the time), at least explain HOW the Ministry of State Security is using the same tactics that British intelligence used during the Opium Wars. They are two completely different things, because the power structures behind the ''strategies'' differ wildly.

  3. PRC has done more recently on financial crime than anything else. I don't expect much but disinfo from DEA under Biden and gong forward, and they're still forbidden by law from operating in Mexico, so it's not as if they can prosecute ayone on the basis of a crime they committed in Mexico.

  4. Stop being political dumbass

  5. Duh ! No mames chinos

  6. Es deep states Opium wars for hundreds of years works everytime maybe research


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