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Saturday, June 24, 2023

Dismembered Bodies of Missing Family Found with Narco Message in Chilpancingo, Guerrero

"El Huaso" for Borderland Beat

Warning: This article contains disturbing footage of corpses.

Last week, a family of four who disappeared in Chilpancingo, Guerrero appeared in an interrogation video. This morning, their dismantled bodies were found with threatening narco messages directed at Chilpancingo's mayor.

This morning, seven severed heads were found on top of a car next to narco messages on 16 de Septiembre street in the neighborhood of San Mateo in the center of Chilpancingo. Five were on the car's hood and two more were on the car's roof.

A total of four messages were left at the scene, two inside the vehicle and two on the hood.

The messages address Norma Otilia Hernández Martínez, the Mayor of Chilpancingo, Jesús Baltazar Moreno, an alleged criminal leader of Los Tlacos, and Andrey Marmolejo, a local politician.

Behind the five severed heads were two "narcocartulinas" or paper narco messages. The message on the left, written on a green paper reads:

Greetings, Mayor Norma Otillia I continue waiting for the second breakfast that you promised me after you came to look for me with such sweetness.

Your friend :-)

The message on the right, written on orange paper reads:

Andrey Marmolejo keep on threatening the people with the commercial licenses son of a bitch illegible take the taxes to the illegible

Two more narco messages written on paper were found inside the vehicle. The first, on green paper, reads:

Son of a bitch Wallace you street dog I hope the money that you came to ask to Chivo is enough for you you son of a bitch explain to your bosses, your bullshit that you keep on saying and doing with your ministerial police

Perro Eliezer Antonio Bautista Hernandes Alias “El Wallace”

The other, written on orange paper, reads:

Here is your your shit trash, dirty Jesus Baltazar Moreno alias “El M” and your filthy whore Chino or Bambi or the ”Uno” ahi les va a la verga Secretary alias El Cerro that’s how you also will end up filthy bitches.

Their bodies and severed limbs were left dumped on the street behind the vehicle.

Four of the killed appeared last week in a narco interrogation video on June 15th, as reported by Borderland Beat. They were reported as missing in Chilpancingo on June 9th. In that video, translated by Sol Prendido, the captured told the interrogator about their involvement in a local criminal enterprise, and detailed participation in local murders.

One murder they discuss in particular may offer a clue as to their captors and killers; the killing of a local doctor for treating members of Los Ardillos, a criminal group in Guerrero. 

The kidnapped family's identities are detailed below.

"In the video that began circulating on WhatsApp, the participants identified themselves as Elizabeth Catalán Olalde; her husband Eloy Peralta García; her son Diego Gael Peralta Catalán, alias El Júnior or Guarachín and his girlfriend Brithany Castro Santiago, as well as three other men who claim to be Jesús Alejandro Tlatenpa Maldonado, alias El Trucha; Concepcion Aguilar Portillo and Víctor Hugo Jiménez Caballero, alias El Chilango."


  1. My translations are a little off. Feel free to give em a crack. Slang is hard for me.

  2. If my memory is correct I read about the first child and family killing where I lived at the time in Mazatlan in 2007 or 2008 after BLO and CDS’s war over Mochomo’s arrest - and blamed (according to Nota Roja) on Arturo. Our neighbors and I were appalled by this, but these formerly discrete murders and mutilations have turned to the norm nowadays.
    I suspect this is the result of trafficking not being managed as efficiently anymore due to so many hyper violent gangs; and the psychosis the cristal users consume which was not used much beyond sec workers and a small minority of the homeless who primarily sniffed glue back then.

    1. 5:03 no this is more of a grudge, you kill one of my family members and im gonna kill 2 of you, its a vicious circle

  3. This doesn't happen in normal country's just blow Mexico(Sorry to good citizens) up and start again!

    1. You sure are a judgemental, sorry piece of work.

  4. Did the girlfriend get whacked ? If I’m not mistaken the head left on the roof looks like it’s the young women . Fuck, Being that dudes girl was a death sentence for the young woman

    1. You mean their left and our right.

    2. I couldn't see her face in the original video when they were being interrogated.

    3. I couldn't see her face in the original interrogation video. idk if it was a glitch or if they blurred it on purpose?

    4. I think she may have been underage

    5. There’s a head on the roof of the car

  5. Como Mexico no hay dos! Juaaa!😂

  6. Replies
    1. He must have been the easy going one of the group

  7. What the Fuck when is enough enough?

    1. In the world of narcos, the word ‘enough’ does not exist…

  8. Imagine waking up one day and 4 severed heads are sitting on the hood of your truck/car…

    1. This is normal in mehico. Or mehico trying to compete with communist China or Muslim country when it comes to killing.

    2. In China a white van just picks them up one day and you never see them again… Organs are too beneficial to them to waste even a single finger

    3. 12:32 mehicoco

  9. Often, if I'm in a mischievous mood, I will throw the severed noggins of my victims onto the dancefloor of a rival's cantina, hoping to sow terror amongst the revelers and hurt the business..
    Does this make me a bad person?..

    1. OK la tuta. 👹

    2. No you're kind of lame and an attention seeker. You're on par with Sol.

    3. I am flabbergasted that Sunday is coming to an end, I have to get up early to go to work. The good part is I make it, before traffic gets heavy.

  10. There is a 6th severed head on the roof of the car. Looks like the second female.

  11. Such a shame. The four guys looked mighty handsome. Even the eldest with his beard and moustache looked sexy. The other three had their own strengths: the second guy's cheekbones, the third guy's general face shape, and the fourth guy's full lips. What a tragedy that all of them were caught in a terrible fate. A fivesome with them would have been heavenly.


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