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Thursday, June 15, 2023

Drug Charges To Be Dismissed Against Reynosa City Councilwoman

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

Drug possession charges against a Reynosa city councilwoman will be dismissed just days after her arrest at a checkpoint, court records show.

Denisse Ahumada Martinez was facing a charge of possession of a controlled substance with intent to distribute after 93 pounds of suspected cocaine were found in her vehicle, a criminal complaint stated.

On Thursday, the court did not find probable cause and she was remanded to custody until an order of dismissal was filed.

A criminal complaint stated on Saturday, June 10, Martinez was driving a white Mazda SUV when Border Patrol agents at the Falfurrias checkpoint discovered anomalies in the seats. A search of the vehicle revealed bundles of suspected cocaine in the seats and door panels.

Martinez admitted to driving the vehicle from Mexico into the U.S., and stated she was transporting the drugs in the vehicle to San Antonio, the complaint stated. She also admitted to transporting drugs in the past, documents revealed.

According to a report from the Associated Press, Martinez is a Reynosa city councilwoman.

Azucena Uresti  Valley Central  Borderland Beat Archives


  1. Good old fashioned Texas corruption. Mm-hmm.

    1. Shieert not sure if u was around at the time but back in mid 90s a pallet containing 500 bricks of coke went missing from the Refugio tx police dept evidence room. Tell me how that's possible.

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. Damm she got a good lawyer alv or she singing haha

  4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  5. yeah she can’t go back to Reynosa or she’ll get killed. Definitely sung like a bird

    1. Yeah she probably snitched on the customs agent that let her cross

    2. Or maybe she was working with an agency before she got caught .

  6. 93 pounds of coke and charges are been dismissed after all, her blonde looks did the trick

    1. I don’t see anything in there about Texas prosecuting his case is US versus the dumb ass pendeha!! this is weird cases do not get dismissed this quickly even if you are a rat!!

    2. I know of a couple guys who weird shit like that happened, charges dropped, walk out of courthouse to be arrested by another agency, on bigger charges. But it's usually state or county charges dropped and feds picking up. Is it edible Fed is dropping to let state take over?? But, either way someone paid up, and she's dead or in WITSEC.

    3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    4. @9:31. The word racist has lost its intended meaning and has little impact anymore and getting less every day.

    5. @9:31. The word racist got thrown around too much, so these clowns are now doing the, 'your a white supremist,' even if your black or dark brown, your still a white supremist. lol

    6. Blonde?😂 That's no blonde, has more dark roots than Nappy Roots 🤣.

  7. Who said there is no corruption in the usa.

  8. I'm too lazy to research what happened in TX, but something to consider is whether a USBP checkpoint is an extension of a U.S. border, where CBP doesn't need PC to x-ray a vehicle. There were cases like this fought at AZ checkpoints, where this was an issue. CBP was on site and conducted all the x-raying in southern AZ . Case law changes all the time.

    If there wasn't any documentable reasonable suspicion for an x-ray search (very unobtrusive)..there were allegedly no grounds to send it to get x-rayed. I'm sure this is where they're taking this...but I think she absolutely cooperated and fingered out.
    What matters is that dope got taken off the streets and shes in deep poop.

    1. Yes I believe they are technically unconstitutional and violate 4th amendment rights. There was some video years ago in AZ where this religious guy got his ass kicked or something for ranting at the officer about it.

  9. Bitch is connected

  10. If i got caught with an going on vacations... crazy

  11. Hope she doesn't have immediate family back home.. Might not turn out well for them.

  12. Sol!! Thank you and all of BB crew for all your hard work!!!

  13. She was probably a CI to begin with. That’s the only possibly explanation of being caught with that much and released so quickly.

    1. And that she disclosed that she made previous trips also.

    2. You all are just trying to get her killed. What good does it do the DEA to know who's got coke in Reynosa even if they pass the information along? She moved coke and gets reelected.

  14. No, that has something to do with an ongoing federal case. They aren't ready yet. Something went wrong with her arrest. She was supposed to make it through, or get charged by the state, like a pull over.

    1. I was thinking the same. These officers acted on their own will not realizing there was something in the works in the background. The fact that a Reynosa councilwoman was moving drugs is pretty telling that they may be going after some big fish in Tamaulipas. She did not expect to be stopped and was thinking everything would go “as planned”.

  15. Where's the guy that said "not in Texas"?

    1. Here having coffee and Texas toast with jam.

    2. 8:03
      Good. Now you know.

  16. She know somebody Important with a lot of pull

  17. I did 9 months of maximum security prison in 1990’s Australia for a pathetic 0.01grams of cannabis! That’s about the size of a matchhead crumb lost in the bottom of my bag that a sniffer dog reacted to, here in Australia they have police sniffer dogs patrolling public transport). She get caught with 50kgs of coke and is released the next day, even after admitting she has done it before. What’s going on?

    1. 11:27
      I'm trying to picture a sniffer dog hitting on a match head of cannabis..
      I can EASILY picture a dog hitting on a duffle bag that had contained a much larger amount of weed, that had been 99% removed, but the overall smell still lingered..
      In the U.S., I think it's more rare to see dogs on public transportation, because people bitch about being hypo-allergenic to pelo, there's lawsuits, etc..
      The thing about a dog, if his handler isn't actively engaging him, the dog can figure out it's break time, and not engage in his own..
      At San Isidro/ Tijuana Xing, they reward the dogs that hit on contraband with a shitty rubber chew toy..
      I have seen dogs, in the early morning border rush of school kids, go right up and stick their snout up some kids ass and ruin his day..

  18. No wonder she's smiling. She won't be smiling for losing a load though. She'll either wind up in an Oxxo cooler or the cartel will be selling her ass for a long time to pay for that load.

    1. She has evidenced it wasn't "lost".

  19. According to the arrest affidavit, she consented to the search. No probable cause is needed for a consent search.

  20. She definitely a CI ain’t no way they letting you go and especially in Texas gtfoh

  21. And the us thinks it can save Mexico lol. They can't even combat corruption in there own states. Bet this story will be buried and forgotten. Sure there will be another mass shooting soon so they can divert attention from this.

  22. mora than likely a gov load similar to fast n fur

  23. I Bet she takes a mean verga…probably good ol fashion double team and stuff. Therefore charges were dropped.

  24. I dunno if the accompanying photo was taken after she hit the bricks post-arrest, but if it is, she's sure got reason to display that shit-eating grin..
    I guess it's true blondes have more fun..
    She's one lucky lady!

  25. Everyone that had their vehicle pass thru X-ray machine should be let go as well, same scenario no probable cause. Im sure DEA ,CIA, had something to do with her release.

  26. Everyone here commenting that she snitched have never dealt or encountered the system. These deals don’t go down as quickly as this, it takes months and testifying in court and evaluating the information exchanged is of valueand verifiable before a deal is made… this to me seems more like she’s working for DEA and someone was going to get busted in San Antone but good ole CBP fucked that up for them

  27. And I got actually charged for just over an ounce of Mary..What a joke, she gets everything dropped.

  28. Did they have to give her back the coke?

  29. what a joke, here it is the proud enforcement of the drug war. True is that most likely she sing like a canary, Piche double standards. Anyways she here but for how long.lmao. pinche Golfos estan cantando su jale.

  30. She’s definitely just a pawn in a wayyy bigger game that border patrol fucked up haha like dude said people got the whole snitching shit fucked up. Doesn’t happen that fast at all. I knew a dude who snitched on some big time dealers around my area back in the day and the judge still didn’t grant him what he was promised haha fuckin idiot

  31. She is still in custody in TX and is going to be rearrested. Her lawyer has already spun the "she was threatened to transport the vehicle" story. Such a story will almost certainly require cooperation to have any chance of success.

  32. Rata con dos patas


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