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Tuesday, June 13, 2023

Fentanyl Production Prohibited In Sinaloa

 "Ivan" for Borderland Beat 

The order was given by Los Chapitos in the face of the US government's onslaught to capture them.

The order was categorical: no one can produce or traffic fentanyl, and anyone who does so will face the consequences. The order, according to various sources, came directly from the Chapitos faction, in an effort to eliminate the stigma that they are the ones in charge of fentanyl production in Sinaloa that is trafficked to the United States.

"We were told not to cook because if we did, it would be very bad for us. That's why nobody is making fentanyl right now, everything is stopped," said a freelance cook to whom Ríodoce had access, and who asked that his identity not be revealed.

The order came five weeks after the US Department of Justice (USDOJ) said it would go all out against those producing and trafficking fentanyl, directly accusing Joaquín Guzmán Loera's sons as the main culprits behind the fentanyl rush in the United States.

"The actions being taken are to send a clear message to Los Chapitos and other criminal drug networks around the world that the DEA will stop at nothing to protect the national security of the United States and the safety and health of the American people," DEA Administrator Anne Milgram said at the time.

In response to these accusations, and aware that the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) is targeting them, Los Chapitos sent a letter to journalist Azucena Uresti through lawyer José Refugio Rodríguez Núñez, to clarify that they "do not work with fentanyl, but that in Sinaloa, there were many independent groups and narcos who did, and who did not report to them or have control over what they did.

The content of the letter went around the world in a few hours, especially because the DEA never bought the message that Los Chapitos do not produce fentanyl when there were dozens of informants negotiating with the United States, claiming that Chapo's sons are "the good guys.

The cook himself acknowledged that he did not cook for Los Chapitos, but that there were others who surely do.

"I tell him: he did not cook fentanyl for them (Los Chapitos); I am associated with another person who is in charge of sending the fentanyl to the United States and from there we get money, that's why we don't look kindly on being told that we can't cook."

MIKE VIGIL. We have it on record.

Mike Vigil, former head of international operations for the DEA, said that the order is because the sons of Joaquín Guzmán Loera el Chapo are feeling the pressure because of the measures that the United States is taking against them.

"We are also aware that they stopped (the production of fentanyl), although we are honestly not very convinced of that, but if it is true, I think it will be something temporary, and they will wait to see how the government reacts, because we do not believe that they will stop producing fentanyl and forget the market they have in the United States," said Vigil, in a telephone interview.

However, the former DEA agent considered that the measure will cause this faction to lose an important part of the drug market in the United States, and that is where the Jalisco Cartel - New Generation (CJNG) will enter to take over the market, which will mean that this criminal group will eventually replace them in the fentanyl trade.

"I say this because in the United States they are consuming fentanyl more than ever, and if Los Chapitos start to feel the pressure, they are going to stop, because they are not hardened criminals like Nemesio Oseguera Cervantes, El Mencho, or Ismael, El Mayo Zambada, but they are narco juniors who had everything and that makes them feel more pressure for what is coming," said Vigil, author of the books Deal and The Rise of a Sicario.

This is not the first time that one of the Sinaloa Cartel factions has issued an order to stop a criminal activity in its territory, as in 2019, during the first six months of the year, the cartel banned the theft of hydrocarbons around Culiacan, and the order was obeyed; and previously, in 2006, the cartel also banned car theft.

A coordinator for the transfer of precursor chemicals from China to Sinaloa noted, however, that this time it was different, as the cartel leaders would not only have banned fentanyl production and trafficking, but also methamphetamine production and arms trafficking, as the order is to keep on pause while they figure out what to do to avoid arrest.

"I think that if this goes on for another month, we are going to have to take the kitchen somewhere else, where Los Menores don't control, because the truth is that we don't want problems with anyone, but at the same time we have to eat, and that's the only thing we know how to do," said the cook.

The fentanyl fever in the United States has reached unsuspected levels, even according to the health authorities of that country, in 2023 it has killed more than 70 thousand users by overdose, while in 2022 it killed more than 100 thousand people, causing its legislators to pass a law to punish as terrorists drug trafficking groups, particularly those associated with the Sinaloa Cartel and CJNG.

Article published on June 11, 2023 in the 1063rd edition of the weekly Ríodoce.



  1. Cooks lives matter !!

  2. if you’re not in the business why tell people what to do unless you are in the business

    1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    2. They're trying to deflect the pressure being on them from the US. They're hoping to be left alone, instead of hunted like their dad and brother

    3. In hope they could convince that there is no trace of fentanyl in the city they are scared that the heat is causing other problems so this is their strategy they are only giving evidence that they do give orders to the cooks in Culiacan and they are in charge of activities

  3. No legislation has been passed to treat drug traffickers as terrorist!!

    1. True. i do not hear liberals talk about it. what is worst is that politics do not want to intervene because it can hurt relations with the Mexican Gov. Anyhow its a whole joke with double morale if you think about it on both sides. While, Chapitos are not cutting production, they just sending their labs to colombia. UMM maybe in Antioquia as they have rooots there because of el charro. who knows.

    2. Colombians are not producing Fent no one wants to produce that garbage. Fangirls and they're storys

    3. Colombians are producing Tussi aka Rosa Pastel

    4. @5:15 .. watch the news buddy.. they just claimed that Chaputos moved their labs to Colombia

    5. 7:58 claims aren't necessarily true little guy

    6. 7:58 🤣🤣🤣 really? Like colimbians are just gonna agree with it, look here im mexican but colombians whether you like it or not will never lower them selfs to work for mexicans, they are a little bit smarter and always on top in the drug game

    7. The Colombians they interviewed said they've captured a lab that could produce 100000 pills a day .

    8. 9:59 how many metric tons of cocaine are produce in Colombia?? No way fent ever becomes a thing in Colombia. It could damage the cocaine business and Colombians are not going to allow that

  4. Many will die as an act of if there trying to clean Sinaloa bit.further proving there murderers

  5. Why can't they just fuckin sell good ol chiva and tap into the heroin#4 China white too? Fentanyl sucks. It just makes you pass out and doesn't give you the opium dreams that real opiates do.

    1. Surely that is what will happen. Instead of fetty, they should jump back on the black tar heroin trade and avoid all the controversy.

    2. The reason the don’t sell chiva anymore is because it takes time to grow the plants and you need land to grow them but with fentanyl you can make it just about anywhere and you don’t need to wait for a plant to grow and risk the feds seeing it

    3. No way is that how fent is made. Wtf they have to grow the chiva. Fuck your blowing my mind. I never knew that. Lol thanks for that worthless lesson on how h and fent work. Your so smart.

    4. Heroin and Fent are NOT comparable.....Fent create Happy Suicidal Zombies.
      I have known many heroin junkies...Fent addicts are from a different planet.
      Geroin addicts can work, lead reasonable lives for years.... Anyone?

    5. Imagine no blues on the street for a few weeks. I can see lots of sick junkies

    6. They really do need to go back to bringing bricks of HEROIN over...not that tar shit...China white. Like OP it's a way better high than fent.fent fucking sucks...have you sicker way faster. No legs. Good china will get you right for a long time.

  6. Now, if they could only put out an order against beheadings---jajajaja!

  7. DEA Agents Chapitos! Did more in one diktat than 50 years of the War On Drugs! Too funny!

  8. FUNNY, How China executes and give life sentences for drug offenses, except when fentanyl is shipped in large amounts for USA destination. Like Mexico, China turns a blind eye.

    1. Fentanyl is not shipped to Mexico, but the precursor chemicals to make it are shipped to Mexico.

    2. If you do drugs in china you get jail or a bullet. But selling chems to a foreign country where it is turned into drugs and sold in another country. Thats not a big no in china. You employ people, working people have something to loose and no time to protest against the government.

    3. The DEA has recorded instances in 2023 of fentanyl being shipped to the interior US, and also being shipped to Mexico.

    4. Yea your dumb. They don't ship fent. Lol they sell the chems smart guy.

  9. I posted a comment referring to this a week or so ago. Flew right over everyones head.

  10. Oh I have to admit I had no time to read the article I headed straight to the comments.
    Maybe tomorrow I will read the article.

  11. I posted a comment referring , Tucanes flying to Michoacan, about a week or so , maybe 4 weeks ago, but wait perhaps 7 weeks ago.
    Flew right over everyones head.

    1. It did not go over anyone's head no one cares that's why.

    2. 9:11 de tijuana?

  12. Very smart move... Because next year is an Election year .. campaign's start end of this year .. so theyr going after the top dogs to get put in office. Very easy Don't be in the Spotlight

  13. I posted a comment referring, to kids in mom's basements, using laptops all day.
    I posted a week ago, maybe two.
    Flew right over everyones head.

  14. Chapillos are desperate to get the heat off of them , so if they need to turn in wholesalers ,cooks and clients in usa they will!! Keep dealing with the sinaloas and youll end up in an american jail!!!

  15. Is it only me or does mike virgil looks high AF?

    1. Nah that's how his eyes/eyelids are. There are pictures of him when he was a younger agent with the same half open eyes. IDK if it's a condition he has like ptosis.

  16. It's prohibited in Sinaloa, not other states. Sonora and Durango are fair game. As a matter of fact they just busted a fent lab in Durango not that long ago. Anyone who thinks they're going to stop is fantasizing. Another thing, why doesn't CJNG have the same heat on them if they are also a major player in the fent bizz??? Isn't that interesting???

    1. They aren't involved in that business yet since they had the foresight to not traffick it knowing it was going to be bad for their organization with all the deaths it could and did cause. They even put out a video to let it be known.
      There's a reason Ovidio was hunted down twice in México. No matter what Cha🍕 do to "avenge" the life sentence of their father he isn't going to be transferred back to México until he's in a pinebox.

  17. Nester Isidro Perez Salas aka el Nini recently moved all his Fent labs to oxacca

  18. This is interesting in light of the recent comments from AMLO denying that any fentanyl gets cooked in Mexico - InsightCrime articles last year. He said it's overseas production arriving in Pacific ports, I think he was pointing at Manzanillo IIRC. Notes on piperadine and different chemical processes, the tendency of Mexican labs to innovate and take over, work for hire as if somewhat independent.


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