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Thursday, June 29, 2023

Fresnillo, Zacatecas: The Northeast Cartel Interrogation Of A Captured CJNG Investigator

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

The following video for now has been deemed safe for all to see. Numerous online sources are claiming that the full length broadcast was heavily edited and shortened from its original form. 

In addition those very correspondents have also mentioned that this film actually surpassed in grotesque terms the latest Cartel del Noreste interrogation and execution video where a man’s face and heart were removed in the state of Zacatecas. 

What follows is a redacted film which was purposely altered to circumvent the algorithms that would prohibit its unimpeded circulation on Twitter. 

Once the original broadcast in its entirety does surface this article will be amended reflecting those changes. The adjustments made become settled once a big warning GIF (Graphics Interchange Format) is placed here. 

Video translation is as follows:

Sicario announcement: Pelón, this message goes out to you. We will eventually see you kneeling here before us. This captive is just one more individual within our grasp. We will go to the doors of your homes to snatch you up. The big dick is coming for you all. Brace yourselves you faggots. 

Yours truly, Cartel del Noreste


Sicario: What’s you name?

Captive: Gerardo Leon Garcia. 

Sicario: What’s your address?

Captive: A 25th Street. 

Sicario: What’s your codename?

Captive: El Jerry.

Sicario: Which cartel do you belong to?

Captive: The Jalisco New Generation Cartel. 

Sicario: Who are your bosses?

Captive: Aldo and El Pelón. 

Sicario: Where can we find them?

Captive: They’re located at Calle De La Luz Poniente and Calle Moctezuma (Fresnillo, Zacatecas). 

Sicario: What were you sent to Zacatecas for?

Captive: To investigate some matters. 

Sicario: Which type of investigation?

Captive: The kind that would undermine Cartel del Noreste’s position here. 

Sicario: What would you like to say to those dumb asses who sent you this way?

Captive: You guys really fucked up by sending me to my own demise here. 

Sicario: The Northeast Cartel will be respected. We’re roaming across the Republic. From the state of Zacatecas all the way to Valle de Chalco, State of Mexico. 

El Wero Uno 1  Borderland Beat Archives


  1. You got to admit cdn don’t give a shit they go up against it with everyone apart from matamoros and a loose alliance with chapitos due to z40 and Chapo ending their fued in prison. Having held Nuevo laredo this long they seem to be getting stronger

    1. These are the same dirtbags that try to steal your vehicle while driving on the freeway trying to visit your family. Sinaloa would never have that type of bullshit, un culiadon al que se atreve shauuu

    2. 3:13 is not lying. They either take your vehicle or charge you 500 bucks. Why don’t they make videos of themselves battling it out with another group instead of hijacking single persons and labeling them lo que les pela la gana for an execution video. I got mad respect for Líneas cuz they’re videos come rarely but it’s a battle or the messy outcome of a battle. None of this singling out bs. Bunch of cowards

    3. 3:13 En Sinaloa de que te dan un culeadon te dan un culeadon! Literal!!! 😂 se les escurre la quesadilla

    4. Vete para tamalipazzz ojete y verazz

  2. Ok it’s to admit cdn is the worst cartel to be captured by I guess z40 has upped the stakes

    1. No mms era mezclero este guey de la stone cold masonry

    2. Pos ta cabron por el over there

    3. Really that guy they killed was a mason?

  3. So it seems that same night they interrogated and killed linea member and cjng member.

    1. Doubt it..... there's no green sleeve shirt guy

    2. I think its the guy on the right side side of the photo, same straps on his right leg. Slim also

    3. Definitely same killer group different victim same crime place different guy talking

  4. We Need them in Nayarit o take this CJNG scums out kidnappers extorcionadores there all the same pero estos si se pasan son puro desecho delos otros carteles zeta sinaloa golfo Jardinero was a zeta or a golfo before

    1. Nayarit hasn't changed at all over the last 10 years. You must be a CDS fangirl

    2. 1:10. You know nothing apparently.

    3. I know many hard working cats from Nayarit that I've met in northern california and phoenix. One of them I grew 800 pounds with and the other one named don mario a skillful concrete finisher. These cats would send thousands over to Nayarit often, now I see how this is a good plaza from renting apartments to simple gas companie/tortillerias. Business is always booming out there 🦴🦴💀

    4. 3:45 fangirl bring out your pom poms

  5. Pretty soon these guys will be the most hated like Jalisco and their old friends the Zetas for acting like Isis.

    1. Don't think so as long as they keep raking the cjng trash

    2. I think it’s the other way around. CDN used to be hated much more but now they’re cleaning up the trash.

    3. Wow 😂😂😂 your hate for Jaliscos is so strong that now you are cheering for CDN 🤣 dont get it twisted they are the same shit and CDS also, if you ever want a nice and free country you would never cheer for a cartel no matter what, every single cartel member are criminals with no simpathy and the higher ups are even worse, why you may ask? Because you have to be trashiest of the trash to be on top

  6. How did you know it happened in Fresnillo they never mentioned the exact town/city just streets and what state the captive is from

    1. Everything is based on what they said within the interrogation. The maps were specifically provided for this reason. Plus there is no other city where those 2 streets mentioned intersect like that.

    2. 12:02 i get all that but thats some good investigation to figure out where those streets intersect to be able to find them, or unless someone told you it was fresnillo.

    3. That's the cool thing about being a jack of all trades. Everything I've ever learned comes into play at some point or another. My best advice for all is to learn. as much as you can from everyone regardless of who all you meet in this world. Good and bad individuals teach us many interesting things.

    4. SOL I normally hate your comments but learning from everyone good or bad def agree. 🥹🥳

    5. 2:10 dont want to be a dush but i bet you are from sinaloa, cause only Sinaloas hate Sol for calling CDS the snitch cartel, again if you like his comment is because he is right and when he calls CDS snitches its cause he learn it from a lot of people aka FACTS!

    6. 2:10 so are you from Sinaloa? At least be honest and not a mitotero like most sinaloas or a snitch

  7. Is there a such person in CJNG acting as an Investigator? First time I heard of it.
    For the hundreds that CJNG has diesmembered he deserves to be cut up.

    1. The synonym of an investigator is a spy. The captive was spying.

    2. Have you seen they're saying hipolito mora been killed

  8. so cdn is now operating zac, with cds. someone needs to make a new map of zacatecas

    1. 11:52 they have been for many years now

    2. Its some chilangos ex govement heating up shit in Zacatecas using cdn name. Someone on twitter studied them from the previous vid and noted some interesting points. That makes him believe these guys are not average sicarios from the streets

    3. There definitely cdn the same group from Mante in tamps

    4. Pretty sure it’s been that way since 2021. Nothing new at all.

  9. Another extremely low level dummy. None of the big guys ever get it. Fucking cannon fodder for peanuts or nothing at all. What a bunch of shit!

  10. Hey Sol since you’re an ex marine. Are those silecensers at the end of the m16 and others?

    Rubio NYC.

    Didn’t know they made silencers for those.

    1. US Army paratrooper. Prior service at this point. And I only see 3 rifles with suppressors if I'm looking at the picture right. Most people tend to say silencers though. Mainly civilians lol

    2. 82nd airborne or 101st airborne?

    3. I've mentioned Fort Bragg so many times that it should be fairly obvious by now

    4. Let me ask you another question. If you had to say it in percentage how much does it suppress noise. Is it high.?

      Oh and thanks for getting back to me bro. Much love.

      Rubio NYC

    5. Oh and I meant to say suppressors. You’re right. They aren’t silencers. I think it’s that word used in so many tv shows lol. That’s why I asked ya. I know you know your shit.

      Rubio NYC

    6. They come in handy if you're working inside of a structure. You want to save your hearing here versus hearing that loud ringing noise that takes a while to fade away. It does help to decrease noise. But the downside is that your weapon gets dirtier quicker. Meaning it can just as easily cause it to jam on you. You've got to learn when to use it and when not to. It all comes down to the mission at hand.

    7. Sol smoking crack again. You have never been in the military.

    8. @12:29 .82nd Airborne Division All-American Band and Chorus .

    9. 2:47 I see Sol has upset the CDs fangirls. Cheers Sol have a good weekend keep up the good work

  11. I'd be surprised if this video is worse then the one where they remove that dudes face off but we will see if you updated it

    I know Sol is going to find that other more gruesome video and post it. I mean after seeing someone’s face and heart beating for like a min. What’s a few more body parts to show. 🤢🤮lol

    Go for it Sol

    Rubio NYC

    1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    2. I can attest Sol is a decent guy, as is Rubio NYC. Rubio stopped it with the Red P. after he accidentally added red p to his whites laundry load.

    3. Not that anyone really cares but Rubio is actually a very nice guy, I joke with him but no disrespect meant to him🐙

  13. Solo con alianza ha podido ese cartel en su bastion ante las Fuerzas Armadas de Nuevo Laredo siempre se hincan llorando suplicando por su miseras vidas aparte usan al narcodirigente de derechos humanos para denigrar a las Fuerzas Armadas Sus líderes serán extraditados a USA en un futuro no tan lejano no son más que el hazmereir de Nuevo Laredo.

    1. 1:29 NONSENSE CDN has no alliance with nobody in Nuevo Laredo but if anything other cartels pay them to let their merca go trou their territory...

  14. If hes CJNG then good riddance. They are the worst of the worst. They know where mencho is

    1. I still really wonder if that dude’s even still alive. If so he’s strategically pretty sloppy and/or sucks at controlling his own cartel.

    2. 2:05 you better hope Menchos alive because if hes dead his cartel is here to stay.

    3. Mencho is alive lol .. he has extended family deep ties other sons and daughters in the bay area northern cali redwood city that have confirmed this they just laught it off he is diabetic also so it might catch up to him soon ..and could care less if he alive or dead btw

    4. 0631
      Mike O'Connor
      That's a double negative

  15. Amigos acaban de asesinar al sr Hipólito Mora. Líder de los autodefensas aquí en michoacan!! Ahora toda la gente está en máxima alerta

  16. You guys seem to forget.. lazcano lazcano was a Ruthless dude... But Z40 is literally one of the last guys left from that Era... He is Even worse than Z3... I told you dudes these cars are Savages. I'm just wondering who's Financing this push into Zacatecas. I wouldn't be Surprised if Mayo has a hand in this. He's very smart

    1. They don't need to be financed 🤡

    2. 6:02 lol I love how all the Sinaloas low pro trying to make they're fav cartel more relevant then it actually is

    3. 9:02 stop being so softy n sentimental just cause ur favorite cartel cjng got the short end of the stick this time.... it's known that cds n cdn United when cjng entered zac

    4. 9:55 yeah going from killing each other to allies.... real strategic. Just goes to show how dirty CDs.

  17. 3rd dude on the left has the same eyes as an individual standing to the right behind the skinny guy from the prior Zacatecas killing. To me his eyes have a lot of resemblance to those in the picture of Antonio Romero Sánchez(ARS), the former police officer from CD Victoria, who in my opinion was also standing second to the left of the female who was dismembered and her face removed in the CDN Operativa Texas killing.
    The butcher maybe the individual kneeling on the right side, he isn't much taller than ARS, the last individual while thin is much taller than who I think is ARS.
    Any opinions on the voice of the interrogator?

    1. I went back and looked at the operative texas photos and that has gotta be El Romeo standing to the left of the executioner. I think you're right

  18. @mercurioec on twitter has the links to the video

  19. Ya se lo cargo la verga al hipolito mora en michoacan

  20. This crew is absolutely terrifying and really making a name for themselves for their brutality.
    If the other cartels in Zacatecas weren't paying attention, they will be now.
    Certain figures and cliques have really stood out for their level of violence over the years. Mano Con Ojos, Z40, El Teo, Grupo Sombra, too many others to mention. These guys I would add to the list.

    1. La familia michoacana in their glory days also the original Mata zetas in veracruz 2011

    2. Z40 leads these guys from prison it's his family in control. They keep talking about the big dick or the big cheese they are talking about 40

  21. All this for 1000-2000 pesos a week. Ponganse a trabajar bola de vergas

    1. Is that all they get?

    2. This cdn group look like a higher up assassin squad there probably ex marines or tamps state police not your average Nuevo Laredo lookout I bet there on good money z40 definitely has lots of 💰

    3. Ni

  22. 6th grade, 3rd world mentalities always put graphics dead center. Those dummies are society's obstruction, too.

  23. I thought CDN responded to AMLO saying they wanted to peace too lol

    1. Peace with everyone except CJNG and Metros. Apparently La Linea too idk lol

  24. I see they are upgrading there weapons now nice!!!

  25. Thank you sharing. Waiting for the update!

  26. If it wasn’t for bribes/corruption, Every cartel would shit their if the military were allowed to do their duty.

    1. I've seen people try to claim the US military would have a tough fight to kill the cartels lol. The cartels are definitely scary and no joke, but people thinking they would stand a chance against naval ships, fighter planes, drones, real tanks and so on are delusional. If the Mexican government wasn't so corrupt, the Mexican military could take out the cartels.

    2. Absolutely I agree

    3. @4:31 you actually think the US would use or need naval ships, fighters planes, drones and tanks? What are you smoking in your mom's bedroom dude? All it would take is some teams with armored vehicles and a list to hunt down. That's it. LOL @ ships, etc. WTF lol

    4. @4:58 I know it would be definitely be overkill. I'm just saying that the people who think cartels would even stand a chance against a modern military are delusional.

    5. 8:45 i remember a few months ago a guy called a radio station and was sure CDS would destroy the USA army 😂😂😂😂


    Hipolito Mora has been assassinated.

  28. Those clowns are straight up zetas with a different name, i mean they were the zetas faction and got their name changed to CDN, nasty fukers. Hopefully they put an end to those clowns soon. Some years back I used to go to plateros (fresnillo) for sure i know that there were a few zetas here and there, guess they got stronger. Yet they got annihilated once, they can get twice.

    1. 5:40 cdg could never killed them off, if by zs u mean cdn no they didn't die they just multiplied specially near plateros since that's where those cockroaches of the monreal clan is n they're the ones that let the zs in the state

    2. Durango was infested with those clowns, yet they got completely vanished there, Those fukers back in 2008 had the entire state full of extortions, kidnappings, beheadings. I don't side with no cartel, yet CDS does not come close to those clowns, hopefully they get erased fast.

  29. La voz de michoacan esta reportando que al hipo lo asesinaron en la ruana los locales declaran que 2 camionetas de las 4 son los responsables causa de que el hipo quebro acuerdos con el 03 y la chanda y empezo a arimarse con el migueladas de zicuiran

    1. La Sirena de Los Viagras se lo trono

  30. This just in, FYI - Mora killed in Michoacan

  31. 82nd eh Sol. Cuando ? I got sent to the 82nd late 68, after my year in the 101st. ETS'd 1970. Did you know they have given Fort Bragg a wok name? Pansy mofos are taking over. All the way !!

  32. Hard to bit the la linea guy video but this guy got his eyes pulled out n obviously dismembered

    1. Pic looks kinda funny. Eyes be like. F***ed up.

  33. Just when you thought zacatuercas violence couldn't get any worse CDN shows up. It's going to get crazy with CDS, CJNG and CDN all going at each other

    1. 11:50 CDN didn't just show up smh they never left only people from Zac know that, outsiders just guess

  34. Those are some expensive setups on those rifles as usual wit cjng don't like them but the spend good money on rifle

  35. is it true CDN numbers are way smaller, compared to other criminal groups? eventually they will clash with other bigger groups, no?

  36. saw a couple videos from out there . probably never end up on here, but heartless youngsters learning how to take life’s without remorse. its not entertainment, shit is active out there

  37. Damn temerle mas a los sinalocas culo lickers, they are worse that the actual cartel.

  38. Lol all these dudes look like state police. Same ugly blue uniforms and helmets. Same poses. Their rigs actually look functional and practical. They have sights and suppressors. Fingers straight and off trigger. Nobody flagging the other with their muzzles.

    They just switch the CDN patches when off duty lmao

  39. cowards killing more cowards, only crazy mofo on there is the one on the far left

  40. Did they cut off his eye lids? Makes sense since he was a spy. Also it looks like they tried to castrate him, right? For me it is interesting, how they torture their victims. There seems to be no protocol, just the boundries of what the torturer is willig to do.

  41. Aren’t these videos getting old? Do they really think anyone gives a shit anymore?


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