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Friday, June 23, 2023

It’s Hard To Tell With Complete Certainty

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

A five man team of armed enforcers appear on film inside a sparsely fitted room. Kneeling before them are 6 female sex workers who have been forced into submission for the recording of this broadcast. On the surface the assassins appear to be members from the evil Jalisco New Generation Cartel. 

The shirts of three gunmen with the CJNG logo across their chest will lead everyone to believe this. Now, whether this is actually the Jalisco Cartel, the Santa Rosa de Lima Cartel, or possibly a local small gang in the city of Léon, Guanajuato pretending to be them is up for debate. 

Stranger things have been known to happen. So, at this point anything is possible within the land of demented cartels. On my end the scumbag with the big gut who places his right foot across the helpless woman’s back doesn’t necessarily scream Grupo Elite for me. Nor does it help that he reinforces this conclusion when he decides to kiss his gun several times like some fucking greenhorn. 

Video translation is as follows:

Sicario #1: This is being done so that everyone is made aware that the escort business already has an owner. And that is the Jalisco New Generation Cartel (CJNG). You’re all expected to report to us every week. This business will be controlled with a bracelet that is being provided by us. Every female who doesn’t comply will be fucking killed off. 

Sicario #2: Hey you get down here on the floor. 

Sicario #1: We have everyone located here. 

Sicario #2: Lay down on the floor. Get down there right now. 

Female captive: Please don’t shoot me. 

Sicario #2: Get down there. 

Female captive: Ok, ok ,ok. Please don’t shoot me. 

Sicario #1: We have ever fucking person located already. 

Female captive: Please. 

Sicario #1: Miriam, Aurora, Saúl, Angie..

Female captive: Please.

Sicario #1: Arnolfo aka El Joto…

Female captive: I promise I won’t…

Sicario #1: Mia, Norma, Nancy Muñiz, Ángel, Mari…

Female captive: Please…

Sicario #1: For all the fucking agencies who advertise online, Twitter, and the whores in the bars, cantinas, etc, etc. If you don’t fall into formation here your worlds will go to shit. 

Female captive: Please…

Sicario #1: This is your first warning. We are the Jalisco New Generation Cartel. 

Female captive: Please, please, please…

Paco Zea Com


  1. don't they usually have their logos in their vest, jewelry, hats and for shirts and sweaters or even pants always something else or nothing? could be false band eta or they hella poor cause that printing doesn't look like its gonna last after few washes

    1. People saying it's not CJNG cos the branding isn't right? It's just as likely they are allied with CJNG but it's all they had time to do, not realising that a bunch of US young-uns would be laughing at their off-brand kit like it's a catwalk strut.

    2. 1:48 another video is out of some other muertos de hambre que nomás la verga la mantienen en su hocico🐽

  2. Fake af. Cornball Cartel

  3. Do you know if they killed her?

  4. Esos gueyes son unos cholillos mamones, nomas que los encuentren los verdaderos CJNG y van a terminar peor que el de Zacatuercas, CJNG controla ese pedo en sus zonas, no necesitan hacer videos cagones como este

  5. Nice way to scare away the $. At least in TJ they have a rule of keeping that infamous red light district on down low.

    1. 23 women killed in TJ in June so far!!

  6. Cual es el insta de la que ruega? Me lo esta pidiendo un camarada.

    1. She fine as hell

    2. No digas mamadas 9:11 Ya pa’ que la quieres, ya hasta se la están comiendo los gusanos 🪱 en el poso. 🪦

  7. Lol they could of done a better job with the CJNG lettering on that crew neck to make it look real CJNG haha pinche viejillo de los gallos ah de estar encabronado hhahah

    1. Que babosos eres no? Que importa si el logo esta o no bien hecho payaso

    2. @ Connor. You think all the men who work for Jalisco get their ''font'' from the same fukn company? Jalisco wear uniform or no uniform, sometimes the design changes, but you think a different ''font'' means anything? Somebody on here said it can't be Jalisco because Grupo Elite..... I didn't read any more tbh.

    3. 5:48 shits fake. No "Puro Grupo Elite", "Guanajuato ya tiene dueño y es del Señor de los 🐓" or "Puro Señor Mencho".

    4. @8.09Most of the Grupo Elite who were trying to infiltrate Guanajuato are long gone. There have been loads of videos without the usual bullshit branding, because they've outsourced their muscle. This might well be bullshit, but come on man, it isn't cos the font is a bit off, and they don't name-check Rooster boy.

  8. Big pimps alright… 6 whores

  9. Animo Sicarios!!
    I have voluntered to save these women from the contras.
    I will be inserted into enemy territory for extraction of these innocent civilian females ,via a specially modified Cesna and a High Altitude Low Opening jump.

    After the mission is completed I will personally provide medical attention to these ladies .

    1. Ingasuuuuumadre sicario 006 ahora si te la jalaste supremo guey hahahhahhaah

    2. El Senor Sicario 006 para President! 🇲🇽

    3. 11:23:
      2024 is right around the corner. It's time to replace hugs with bullets.

    4. I was just about to put on my tactical short pants w/ leisure T and stop these assholes myself I was just gonna drive down there myself and give them an old fashion beating with just my hands but knowing 006 was already on it I will be putting my tactical short pants and leisure T back into my bug out bag ! Goodspeed 006 goodspeed !

    5. Animo Señor#006 salva a las cariñosas . Y me consigues el numero de la chica vestida de blanco.

    6. Greetings everyone. Sicario006 come save me!
      Rubio NYC

    7. Sicario 006 ¡¡Ánimo amigo!! Insisto con el cómic; por favor no te olvides de la táctica de las sombras mayas, como lo refieres en otros comentarios. Cuídate mucho. Gracias por alegrarnos con tus comentarios.

    8. @3:04 😂😂😂😂 sicario is something else as we speak i think his already saved them women and is in bed with them while smoking a fat cuban cigar

    9. Commandante Sicario#006 .I need your professional experience. Have you been following the News? Wagner Group Mercs VS FSB Special Forces who wins?

    10. Where were you to prevent this in the first place?

    11. Yo, ya me percate que Connor, Detroit, Rubio Nueva York y yo (Cómic) somos tus seguidores. Jajajajaaaa!!! Insisto, deberías pasar tus hazañas en un Cómic ¡¡Animooo!

    12. At 711 loooool. Yay I’m famous

      Rubio NYC

    13. @Detroit. You KEEP repeating that bullshit.. The ''HUGS'' were not meant for your US version of THE CARTEL. That was a message sent to the army that controls his security policy, and a signal that the impunity of the security forces was over.
      Teenage boys who were being recruited by the men who run the protection rackets with the support of the authorities would no longer be recruited, but brought in to society, given opportunities, and support. I'm guessing you never lived through the Calderon era.

  10. Como se creen vergas todo los carteles deberas.
    Sin armas ni camotes de amigos no son nadie. Y con armas y camotes son mierdas nada mas.

    1. Ni que fuera una película 😂

    2. 9:54 Superman tampoco es nada sin sus superpoderes 🤣

    3. Superman no existe. Estos pendejos si y no valen para pura m...

  11. They used a weird font for the cjng logo, and what they say is the usual cartel rambling . I’ll list the usuals (Fall into formation, this plaza already has an owner, with advanced warning there is no betrayal, I thought you guys were so tough, come on out to that armed confrontation and atte the mera varga.) it’s like a cartel template.

  12. Wow what a bunch of clowns. Def not real. Cjng is way more brutal then that. And those vest look like some knock off shit. Lol funny video. Those dudes are Def just weird rapist.

    1. Lol, opposed to normal rapists?!

  13. Don't seem legit to me. CJNG have patches. I feel like you got some type of impersonators going I thought the mines could be fake also but who knows

  14. That's not how they talk. Corny ass clowns.fukn cornish hens those foos.aint fooln nobody but themselves.shits funny.they think their extortion plan is gonna work. Gonna work against them,reverse effect.theyll be hanging buttnaked from the overpass soon.tard asses

    1. 11.37. Lol. That isn't how they talk? The fuck are you on about? CJNG have absorbed entire families in Guanajuato. Maybe they haven't got used to the Jalisco cartel video etiquette you've become accustomed to. I'm sure they'll learn though, so all of you are satisfied.

  15. There’s a supposed video of CDS raping a guy that nobody has seen but everyone wants to believe happened but there’s a video with dudes with CJNG gear doing some grimy stuff but nobody believes it is them because the logo on the shirt isn’t up to par, which might be true but some of you guys clearly have a favoritism, y’all need to realize all of them are filled with bad people

    1. Its not favoritism if everyone knows what the real Jalisco dudes look like.. these clowns look like they ironed on the letters and not even close to what the real deal looks like 😅 . On Twitter its being said they are marros just trying to heat up the plaza

    2. @El Benny
      “The real Jalisco dudes” 😂

      MICHOACÁN owns Jalisco and tells them Jaliscillos what to do!!!!

      Mencho and the Valencias are from Michoacán along with the majority of their people!

    3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    4. I would actually like to see these girls geared up with strap ons and Eiffel towering these goons and then shooting their nuts off so they don't reproduce. No homo

    5. @5:30PM 😂

      Vieja llorona! 😭 😭
      😆 😝!!!

      MICHOACÁN rifa!!

    6. Why do you keep bringing that up in every post?? Man get over it and go scope out grinder or something lol geez

    7. Puro Michoacan

    8. @El Benny. The real deal? There are crews working for Jalisco that don't even get to wear any uniforms, let alone the Real Deal Branded Catwalk uniforms. You know what the propaganda version of CJNG looks like, where locals are brought in to wear the uniforms (seriously) because it's less risky than losing a whole genuine cell if they get hit.
      You are thinking of Grupo Elite and Grupo Delta. Smaller gangs that are allied with CJNG make their own uniforms, or can't afford them. That is 90 percent of so called CJNG in Mexico.

  16. CJNG will make these clowns stars of a video that will appear here on BB. Stay tuned.

    1. Will the ladies be sliced up soon?🤔
      I think I will take a vacation for a week.

    2. By ''clowns'' you mean terrified teenagers who've been forced into prostitution? Bet you can't wait Detroit. I remember your laughter when that policewoman had her breasts cut off. You got a problem.

    3. @1:23 Detroit meant these guys will be dealth with by the real cjng

    4. @1.23. Yeah, I thought it was probably 50/50 when it came to which ''clowns'' he was talkin about. It's just so hard to tell with that dude.

  17. These are the dumbest of the dummies.

  18. There is a lot more that Mexico needs to do about violence and extortion. Sad. All these criminals need to go.

  19. Every man who uses prostitutes contributes to this evil, be kind and self abuse.

    1. Sorry , but for 100 dollars I could basically get 2 beautiful girls and have sex till I quit in Mexico. In USA I can't even get a streetwalker for that amount

    2. Nope ! I'm just well informed in all walks of life! unlike some people ;)

    3. The girl thinks:
      "Jeeze, this guy will give me money, and all I have to do is fuck him!"..
      The guy thinks:
      "Jeeze, this girl will fuck me, and all I have to do is give her money!"..
      mas o menos a victimless crime, like they say, ass, gas, or grass, nobody rides free..
      Even Eve got Adam to kick down an apple..
      In the immortal words of the great Ford Fairlane:
      Jack 'n Jill went up the hill, each with a dollar and a quarter..
      Jill came back down with $2.50..

    4. These women are so beat down. They have no choice but to comply. These women make no money, kept 6 to a room, fed potato chips and drugs, you think they can run way? With what? There is no where to go. A gun and hawks watch always

    5. 6:39
      I feel bad for joking about the girls' plight, there's lots happy hookers out there but I've seen the sadness in these girls' lives..
      If a girl can earn money, there's usually gonna be a padrote/papichulo on hand to muscle it from her..
      Lots working girls have kids that insist on eating EVERY day, so it's nice if a single mom can earn some quick cashi to spend at Soriana..

    6. Lots of happy hookers out there? Not the ones who are controlled by men like this there aren't. One of my biggest regrets my first time in TJ was interviewing some ''happy hookers'', then asking to meet 2 of them again without their fat lazy eyed watcher. They did, cos I offered to pay them treble what they would earn for 2 hours- but it got out and one of them got broken ribs and the other disappeared. Turned out she was fine and went back, and nothing happened except a slap, but I spent months thinking my ignorant gringo ass had got her killed. I got a beatdown from her brother too, which I deserved.

    7. There are no happy hookers just poor women with no other option and anyone that has no sympathy for these poor probably teenagers is a horrible person. Would you think they would rather be in college or anywhere else rather than there? Of course. They are just poor people who are stuck and it's sad.

  20. They did not say " We are the absolute mob of el Señor Mencho" a trademark of the Grupo Elite members. This proves these are imposters.

  21. Animo sicario 006! Don’t forget your tactical condoms!!!

  22. Puro muerto de hambre haciendo caravana con sombrero ajeno, luego terminan en videos donde los descuartizan vivos

  23. They look bootleg probably marros posing as cjng

  24. THe USA should invade mexico, push the mejicans into Guatemala. And take teh entire country as booty..

    1. 2:50
      You're not really off topic, cuz you did use the word booty..
      I dunno if you've been off to college upstate lately or what, but it's hard not to notice that for a while now, it's been the other way around it's been these crazy mejicans that have been pushing whitey up north into Canada, 🇨🇦 the Guatemala of the north..

    2. Sure while the Chinese invade U.S and take everything West from the Mississippi hahahahahahaaha

    3. The Chinese can’t even get to the US lol stupid

  25. You can visit cathouses all over the republic of Mexico, they may differ slightly from state to state, but the one thing they have in common is they all boast at least one joto named Arnolfo amongst their sexy calvacade of leggy showgirls..

    1. Not good. They need to get rid on that 1 then

  26. Poor ladies. There sex workers there lives already shit. International militarys need to invade Mexico urgently mex gov wont do shit to stop international forces. Fuck shit hole mex gov!

    1. Not many people feel bad for sex workers, in fact most detest them.

    2. If you live in CDMX or at the border in a nasty place, that's a safer generalization. A lot of regular nice Christian girls get turned out in Mexico and it keeps them safer than otherwise.

    3. @6.30. That's bullshit, unless the ''detesters'' are wealthy, religious, and either old and judgemental or young and prudish and live in areas that have no understanding of a young woman being forced to leave the family home in order to feed 4 siblings. Or they are from the US, and they hate ''ho's'', cos they all skanky and shit..

  27. Hugs not bullets working well huh.

    1. Better than bullets, forced disappearances and mass graves from the army against their own people, bullets from 8 warring cartels fighting the army and their ''people'', and the country going up in fucking flames, which the past 3 strategies. AMLO was talking about children who were being forcibly recruited, not THE CARTEL (AAAAARRRGHHHH). Ffs...

  28. Might be theater to control girls taken or bought out of an area where the sex trade is actually run by cartels. I know girls from Cancun who moved to Guanajuato during the Dona Lety/CDS terrorism and by the time they got there, the war was there too.

  29. The did not shout that they are the absolute mob of El Mencho.
    Could be Sinaloa making these videos and blaming Jalisco.

  30. There are some text messages out there where someone who claims to be writing on behalf of RR from the Jaliscos blames it on a former guy of theirs who switched to the Marros. Says they've already killed him and are going after the rest. May be true, may be bullshit. Same as always.

  31. Girl on the ground lucky she didn't get her brains blown out out for begging to loud.

  32. They don’t have balls. Pinches jaliscas nalgas aguadas mejor pongan a putear a sus mamás y hijas. Pinches colones.

  33. Well just in case you thought slavery ended in the 1800s, I got news for ya.


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