Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Tuesday, June 20, 2023

Jerez, Zacatecas: Two Grenade Attacks Leave One Dead And One Injured

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

A night of terror was experienced in the state of Zacatecas, after two attacks with fragmentation grenades were reported in different parts of the municipality of Jerez.

The first attack occurred in the Infonavit neighborhood, where a man lost his life, according to the state Public Security Department. The second attack, which occurred a few minutes later, took place on Independencia Street in the downtown area. As a result of this, a man was injured.

Following the reports, an intense operation was deployed by the security forces to identify and arrest the persons responsible. In the meantime, the police and the investigative police of the Attorney General's Office began the corresponding investigations.

The authorities have not confirmed the use of firearms. However, according to preliminary reports, the person killed in the first attack had several wounds caused by gunfire.

Guardia Nocturna


  1. somos gente del sombrero

    1. Apenas agarraron unos jaliscos en fresnillo hora con explosivos, ese tipo de jales asen los cjng de causar terror en comunidades calentando plazas

  2. Quien controla Jerez?

    1. Cjng controlled jerez for a while but got pushed out down south, they still have presence around there but not like before

  3. La mayiza controlando todo jerez Pura gente del guero flechas controlando el zacate 🏹 🏹🏹🏹🏹🏹 y arriba la operativa MZ..

    1. Falso colega... CJnG controla las colonias zaragoza , Jerez las quintas , los alamitos mas bien esta compartido Jerez en 2 .. pero si el CDS tambien tiene presencia

    2. 2:45 NOPE....cjng controls nothing in Jerez they got pushed out, u could spot around in the ranchos but run down south

    3. 403 that's a negative chief .. neither CJNG or CDS have taken full control of Jerez or zacatecas for that matter

    4. 6:00 you are upsetting the cds fangirls

    5. Connor - I guess you never been to Jerez. Colonias don't sell much, money is in Centro de Jerez. You have 30 bars in mile radius. American money from people who visit relatives and banda music playing all the time. Fight is over sells at bar. Look what happen at Venadito a few months ago, she didn't listen and got killed for selling without permission.

    6. 6:00 what this CDS fans cant get their head around is, if CDS had won Zacatecas there wouldnt be any confrontations or granades been thrown around, so this can only mean two things:
      #1 CDS won Zacatecas and are doing all this killing (including innocent people) or
      #2 they are still fighting Zacatecas.
      Is that simple 🤣

    7. 8:14 You make no sense!! Like saying CJNG lost Jalisco because they lost a battle in Jalisco. No seas mamon!! We all know CJNG has presences in Zac. but doesn't control majority of the state. Jerez is still under battle but most is CDS like in Fresnillo and capital. Tepetongo is a flip but anything going to Jalisco is majority CJNG.

    8. 8:20 all im saying is CDS and CJNG are fighting in Zacatecas, nobody has won, that simple 🤷🏼‍♂️ by the way im not cheering for no cartel and that's what gives me the edge on you CDS and CJNG cheerleaders, cause i can care less who wins 😂 just love reading your nonesence, como si ustedes fueran a ganar algo pendejos!🤣🤣🤣

    9. 8:20 by the way have you seen what Zacatecas looks like? Probably 80% of its people live close to Jalisco, Northern Zacatecas is nothing but desert 😭

    10. 10:32 looks like you never travel to Zacatecas. Que tonto eres!

    11. 10:04 pm - perfect so state facts and don't gossip about shit YOU think is happening. Ask people who reside in the area.

    12. 4:41, 4:43 Bueno pero no te no enojes beibi, aparte tienes que dormir porque si no tus hormonas se alocan

    13. 8:14 cjng got ran out of Jerez like it or not,they do come in do their mess n run out, I'm not saying cds controls Jerez but they did kick some serious cjng ass there btw u can find some of those guys hiding in the ranchos

    14. 10:32 northern Zacatecas is not as populated as southern that is true, but their is still enough people all over that area. Funny how mz control 100 percent of northern Zacatecas where they have more empty space to fight cjng but cjng chooses to hide & shield amongst the masses in southern zacatecas where it’s probably 70% mz & 30% cjng

  4. 4:41 as a matter of fact ive traveled it from north to south quite a bitt

    1. Bullshit you have!! Wikipedia Zacatecas.

    2. 5:36 lets say i did use wikipedia or another another internet shorts, they are pretty accuret, well i dont know about wilipidea, but theres a really good reason why google and smart phones were invented 😉

    3. 8:11 yup google and smart phones were invented to hear miss information from you and Trump supporters

    4. 10:14 that i agree on, and thats why a smart phone is called a smart phone, a smart phone is not for the dumb, i mean it says it on the name

  5. Sad to see this. Jerez use to be safe, not many years back all this bs was un heard of

    1. Jerez hasn't been safe for a long time. Stupid Zetas disappeared lots of my friends and cousins years ago. People in Jerez pray for peace each day. 13 years of the same shit

    2. 10:12 unfortunally it dont matter who wins, as long as there is a big cartel presence in your town people will go missing all the time, difference is CDS will say tgey were "bad" guys and will threaten the family members and Z's wont bother to give an excuse, but at the end of the day they are both the same shit


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