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Saturday, June 10, 2023

Lupe Tapia's Request For Injunction Denied

 "Ivan" for Borderland Beat

A district judge refused to admit an injunction requested by José Guadalupe Tapia Quintero, Lupe Tapia, logistics operator for Ismael El Mayo Zambada García, detained in the Tacuichamona syndicate in Culiacán.

El Universal reported that the head of the Fifth District Court on Amparo and Federal Lawsuits in the State of Mexico stated that the lawyer who accredited himself as Lupe Tapia's defense attorney did not prove in what capacity he went to the constitutional instance.

Judge Alexander Lopez Moreno, head of that court, said that the lawyer tried to represent the accused, but at the end of the lawsuit he filed, the name of his defendant appears and the electronic signature that corresponds to Jorge Luis Becerra Ramirez.

For this reason, the judge required Lupe Tapia three business days to state whether or not he ratifies the amparo lawsuit filed in his favor.

"He is warned that if he does not ratify the lawsuit, it will be considered as not filed", reported El Universal.

The judge also referred that Tapia Quintero stated alleged attacks to his personal freedom out of procedure and in-communication detention, which he has suffered since his arrest on February 9, 2023 by members of the Secretariat of the Navy.

However, the judge determined that he cannot consider whether he suffers the claimed, since he is at the disposition of the District Judge Specialized in the Accusatory Criminal System of the Federal Criminal Justice Center in the State of Mexico, based in Almoloya de Juarez.

"In the opinion of this judge, the same document allows us to consider that in this case we are not facing the hypothesis established in numeral 15 of the law of the matter, that is to say, that the act complained of consists of attacks to personal liberty out of procedure, since it is noted that the detention of the complainant would have occurred when executing a search warrant in a property located in the community of Tacuichamona, in Culiacán, Sinaloa; which subsequently led to his internment in the Federal Center for Social Readaptation Number One "Altiplano" in Almoloya de Juarez, State of Mexico," said the judge.



  1. El Señor de las Treguas

  2. Anyone have a photo of "El Karateca"? I have a feeling that is my boy from Phx, haven't seen him since the Reggie block days around 32st and Thomas. Se le extraña Viejon



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