Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Saturday, June 3, 2023

Mencho Oseguera Video Message To Citizens of Michoacán

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

Members of the Jalisco New Generation Cartel address the population of Michoacan, to clarify that they seek to restore peace within the state, and go against criminal groups that charge fees to traders, farmers and businessmen.

Video translation is as follows:

Good morning or good afternoon. Through this medium I direct myself to all the citizens of the beautiful state of Michoacán. To let you know that we are going all out against El Migueladas, Los Viagras, and El Tena. According to them, they are for the peace of Michoacán. I believe that those who charge fees and don’t allow merchants, businessmen, and farmers to work. They are never looking out for the peace of the people. I never get involved with businessmen, merchants, and farmers. 

On the contrary, I am here to support low-income citizens. And I have demonstrated this wherever I am in charge. The boss wants everyone to know this. And if I say this comes directly from the boss, it is because I am the boss. My family has nothing to do with my cartel. Let me remind everyone that I came to fight against Los Zetas and the La Familia Michoacána. Who at the time wanted to extort citizens with charging fees. I am not against the citizens. I am with the people. And I want peace for Michoacán. 

Potential allies uploaded a statement to social networks where they asked me to join or make peace with groups that are against El Migueladas, Los Viagras, and El Tena. I would like to do this if they are open to dialogue and can comply in order to have a Michoacan like before when yours truly was there. When farmers, merchants, and businessmen were not bothered. I am here to achieve peace for the state of Michoacan. 

And thus achieve the tranquility that the citizens of the state of Michoacan desire so much. I reiterate to the government. This conflict is not against you. It is against the fee collectors who are against the citizens who won’t allow them to work. I wish you the peace and tranquility that all the citizens of the state of Michoacán desire so much. Your friend and fellow countryman Mencho Oseguera wants you to know this. 


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  1. A special thank you to the reader who sent in the link. You know who you are.

  2. El Señor se Zicuiran aka El Micheladas aka El Migueladas is one of the wealthiest people in Michoacán. He stared with originators of large industrial production off Meth with the the pioneers along the Colima/Michoacán border. To top things off, he controls the agriculture and exports to Japan all around his territories.

    1. Don migi like viagras here zicuiran he charge for everything

    2. They work with a few independent sinaloans Sinaloa to Michoacán compa

  3. This proofs once again that el Señor Mencho is alive and in control of CJNG.

    1. No, it proofs that a bunch of hitmen can read a message from a piece of paper or an autocue.

    2. No proof whatsoever 👎, that he is alive. Propaganda tactic.
      Also they want to clean out other Cartels, doing the same crimes, CJNG is famous for doing, give me a break.

    3. Proof? Where , you just believe anything, anyone says or what. People don't lie ever. Until mencho himself post a video saying that shit I think he dead as fuck. But letting people think he alive makes them stronger in my opinion.

    4. Whoever thinks mencho is dead, doesn’t know anything about Mexico cartels

    5. 8:31 y 8:46 señora es la misma! 🤣es como desir asta que vea el cuerpo de Don Mencho entonces voy a creer que lla murio! No chingue doña!🤦‍♂️😂

    6. One of his commanders a few years ago said the handwriting on the notes changed and he knew he was dead

    7. 6:11 🤣 la vaca said that, a guy who has never met Don Mencho and wanted his autograph but never got it, i guess that means he is dead 😂😂😂😂

    8. @ 8:46 so wheres your proof that he died or u just believe what anyone says? Until i see your proof then he is alive.

    9. If he were alive I think he would allow some sort of information out to prove he was still in charge and still in control that’s simply the pathology behind someone who becomes a cartel leader, however with all the violence and conflict in Mexico and the risk a cartel leader faces every day it would also be a cartel leaders dream to be written off as dead and the longer he is written off as dead and not seen it doesn’t show his face he’s got a much better chance of avoiding the fate that most Narcos face eventually in life long term prison or death so ultimately none of us know whether he is alive or dead except for those closest to him and I don’t think they’re going to give him up ever so regardless of whether it’s true or not it’s a dream scenario for Mencho

  4. Ohiga señora que siempre anda con el mitote que Don Mencho esta muerto, digale a don mencho que porque esta hablando si lla esta muerto 🤣

  5. I compared the audio from this video and the audio from the Mencho's call to the police commander.
    This is 100% Señor Mencho !

    1. You know what, it really does sound like the audio from his call with the police commander. Delta-1
      Anyone know how tall Mencho is from his American I.D.?

    2. This is not mencho

    3. Sounds like him

    4. Lol wanna be expert, did you call Mencho, to come visit you, at your mom's basement?

    5. "Mira bien hijo de tu puta madre, soy Mencho, güey. Relaja a tu puta gente a la verga, soy Mencho wey. Relaja a toda tu partida, si no te voy a partir tu madre a ti y a toda tu bola de perros. Te tengo identificados 30 güeyes. Hasta a tus putos perros te voy a matar sino te relajas güey, ¿cómo ves?"

    6. Anyone can pretend they are Mencho, and all you groupies would believe it

    7. 10:47 porque tan aferrada a que Don Mencho esta muerto doña?

    8. How does anyone have any proof anyways? That the original phone call was even legit or anything said in these videos?

  6. Hay le hablan señora "SM" mitotera.
    La Vaca guanga chichis caídas nomás va estar bramando en el Altiplano.

  7. Sic006 as of now he’s on his way to combat cjng group. Bravo sic006 prepay for him.

  8. I would like to hear in one of these videos that they are trying to stop all that and that all they want to do is keep sending drugs up north and to other part of the world. I would like for them to just say that all they want to do is be traffickers. I would “MAYBE”. And this is a big “MAYBE”. That that’s all they are and want to be. Illl believe them a little more


    1. Again pretending to be me!

      Rubio NYC

    2. How many Rubios do they have in the city?

    3. Mencho is pretending to be Rubio all this time

  9. Viva Mencho!!! I mean El senor Mencho.💪🏾🐓

    1. What kind of shit for brains would fall for these scumbags propaganda and defend them after killing those young people in the call center they had just because the dea was investigating them. Also all the people they disappear in jalisco, like the 3 film students in the past that made headlines & many more people that never made national news. You must be a dumbass teenager

    2. 8:33 And lets not forget the innocent people they held hostage in Culiacan! O wait that was CDS, i guess thats ok cause they are the good cartel

  10. Grazing fire from PKM machineguns, oowee!

  11. Is me Cho still dead?

  12. Mencho will need to man up abd take michoacan once and for ALL

  13. mencho sounds lazcano we all know how he ended up

  14. I think cjng is crumbling against the mighty LFM so mencho is now coming out soft n wants peace n alliance

  15. They all tryna get that extortion they be getting from the limon, aguacate, y el hierro tambien. They be getting millions from those extortions. And cjng wants that bread for themselves. That’s one of the reasons they fighting. They’re all scumbags taking advantage of the citizens of their own state!

    1. No they are the heroes that are trying to save the hard working people of Michoacan, once they take over everything will be peacful & prosperous for the booming economy. Cjng never extorts, or kills people for practices, they would never kill people that work for them once they have no use of them to take over a city, they are good people the best.

  16. Who thinks this is Mencho and who does not ? Opinions ? I personally think this sounds a lot like him but am not 100% sure . Does any one else have an opinion on what they think ?

    1. Speaks exactly like him in recording when he threats the comandante in Guadalajara, can someone copy his voice? 100%, but would anybody dare to? Thats all up to yall, i would not, CJNG is not a cartel i would want to mess up with, just ask el Pirata de Culoacan, but anybody can clowns CDS 😂

  17. Correct me if I am wrong, but isn’t this the first video released by/with Mencho himself in a very long time? Like couple years now?

  18. Someone should use a software to compare the voice. I must say that it looks a lot like Mencho rhetoric

  19. He died in Guadalajara February 15th

    1. 9:32 pues recuerdale que esta muerto para que lla deje de hablar 😂

    2. There are many in denial in here.
      They don't want their heart and cheerleading broken.
      Once he died, they tried to shut up, the news outlets, from saying anything about his death. The gap of information, was rather quickly closed.
      Even though he is dead, CJNG is striving with higher ups in command.

    3. The closest source anyone has about his death is La Vaca and his claims in his mantas..

  20. There are three possibilities here:

    1. This is Mencho, and he is alive and well.
    2. AI was used based on the phone call, and that is why the voice sounds so similar.
    3. Someone else doubled Mencho's voice.

    On a close analysis, the voice on this latest recording sounds younger and healthier than I would expect at this point from Mencho.

    Also, the emphasis on I am the boss seems interesting. Like he is trying to clear doubts about it being Mencho. Then, he tries to distance Mencho's family from the business. Why?

    1. To manipulate the believers, just like when they say they come to clean the town of rapist, kidnappers, extortionist, drug dealers, yet what are they🤔.
      Not saints from the Catholic Church.

    2. From what ive read, Don Menchos only two vicios are women and peleas de gallos, he doesnt drink or uses drugs, so its not imposible for him to stay healthy all this time, his kidny promblems and shit are all false, that guy is healthy as a horse, way smarter than chapo and Mayo

    3. 5:12 You said it what you have "read"

    4. 5:12 bs most people in that business are coke users, if he has kidney problems it must be from an unhealthy diet mixed with heavy drug use & alcohol, possibly stds also

  21. Mencho was never able to take Michoacán and never will ! People know he extorts the poor hardworking people . The people of Michoacán are not dumb.

    1. Dirty money remains dirty no matter the frontman laundering the drug money. Can't play the victim card when they've enriched themselves through the addictions of others.
      Lo del agua al agua

    2. People who ive met from Michoacan and are in the areas CJNG control say other wise, they actually claim that the areas other cartels control are out if control, but hey who am i to say is true or not when me personally never been back in those areas 🤷🏼‍♂️ so you be the judge but to my knowledge out of all those cartels in Michoacan CJNG are the lesser evil

    3. 5:07 you are a cjng groupie and those people are probably a few who have family members associated with them. Most of Michoacan is against them though for a reason

  22. Look for mencho in the stands at the nuggets game

  23. This one different from the others in the way that the reader of the message is not visible. Usually the reader sits in the middle.


  24. Who gives a shite if he’s alive or not! The fact remains what’s going on with all these organizations. There will never be peace and good cartels. This is how they maintain power over their organizations. There’s always someone else on the sideline ready to take over. Who gives a f*ck who that is? Nothing will change. Cartels will forever be a part of Mexico and there’s nothing anyone can do to stop them, period. They let this go for too long and Mexican authorities are in their pockets.


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