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Tuesday, June 6, 2023

Organized Crime Kidnaps Automotive Armoring Experts

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

In Mexico, cases of the abductions of automotive armor technicians and professionals are more frequent, this is the reason.

Video translation is as follows:

Rafael Trejo Vázquez: The seizure of armored vehicles used by organized crime revealed that criminals have engaged in kidnapping armor experts to manufacture the so-called Monstruo vehicles.Entrepreneurs of the security sector have denounced before the state prosecutor's office the abduction of automotive armoring technicians and professionals.  

Héctor Romero Sánchez: Unfortunately, technicians are being kidnapped so that they can go and teach them how to make professional armoring because what they’re doing is considered custom work. We are aware that criminals are kidnapping technicians. They are professionalizing themselves in armoring type issues.

Rafael Trejo Vázquez: Investigations have revealed clandestine workshops where armoring experts are subjected to forced labor.

Héctor Romero Sánchez: Once the kidnapping is committed, they take them to their workshops. Those workshops can be in different parts of the Mexican Republic. And in the cities where it is more accessible in terms of having all the elements and tools. Once they have their victims there they obviously bring people to be taught. If our fellow technicians are lucky they are set free and leave. Unfortunately, when they’re not so lucky they are killed. 

Rafael Trejo Vázquez: The seizures of these types of armored vehicles used by criminal organizations to confront rival groups have led to establish that in addition to weapons. The armoring of vehicles and the smuggling of tactical equipment are the main inputs of criminal groups.

Norberto Valle: Organized crime organizations have diversified their inputs, their tools, including the instruments with which they commit criminal conduct. Now they not only resort to arms trafficking and arm themselves. Now members of organized crime have tried to obtain other types of assets to commit crimes. We are specifically referring to armored cars. In order to be able to not only dispute territories and routes of rival groups. But also to confront police forces.

Rafael Trejo Vázquez: Criminal organizations operating in states such as Jalisco, Sinaloa, Sonora, and Tamaulipas. Have found experts in ballistics and armor as a new way to operate in the absence of regulation in the use of materials. That today is also available for criminals to build the Improvised Armored Fighting Vehicles aka Monstruos. 

Foro Tv


  1. The first Monstrous ever used were by the Zetas (the original 31 ex GAFE special forces) !

    Did GAFE soldiers recieve training in building these Monstrous or was it something they learned in the School of the Americas?

    1. Here you go sounding all proud of las zetas who got slaughtered by the Original La Familia Michoacána!!!

    2. Learn in great america

    3. They kidnapped technicians dumbass 🦂💀

    4. They didn’t learn it/receive training in vehicle manufacturing

      They understood the importance of armoured vehicles like most military members.

    5. 10:56 thats bullshit Zeta special forces my ass. The greeks made the first Trojan horse

    6. 10.56. No. The original Zetas didn't need Monstruos any more than they needed to make their own guns. They had access to army vehicles so never had to put together their own until alot later when they were spread thin.

  2. The Chinese communist government is teaching the cartels to build these monsters .
    Part of the lessons learned during the Opium Wars with the British Empire.

    1. Say what? 🤔 that sounds Crazy

    2. Jajajaja what a BS. Chinese left, Chinese right. Ever thought that mexicans can learn by themselves? The chinese are still learning how to manufacture cars with constant high quality. And compared US cars to korean or german cars, gringos still struggling with quality despite manufacturing cars since 100years.

    3. @9:26 henry ford does not approve your message.

    4. 9:26 😂 I was fucking with him. Because he Loves to talk about the Dumb opium wars and the Chinese. Shit is Funny to Me

    5. 926 thats not true,
      They can build reliable cars that last decades.
      But how will they make business having customers come once every 30 years?
      Build junkers and they come around every 10-15

    6. 9:26
      Only the Japanese make good vehicles everyone else makes trash in comparison

    7. 10:58
      The opium wars was between the UK and France, nothing to do with Mexico. You fail history.

    8. 10:48
      I concur 🇯🇵 Japanese make the best vehicles. American and European are straight trash.

      If it wasn’t for the chicken tax in the U.S the Japanese diesels would be allowed and make the so called American trucks extinct.

  3. Slaughtered by Tamaulipas CDG

  4. Villa coronado chihuahua gente nueva vs la linea sigue la Matazon

  5. It wasn't 31 or 35 GAFES it was only about half (18 or 20) ACTUAL GAFES . And the other were either Mex Marines, Fuerza Area (AirForce) or regular Army Soldiers . But each person recruited/brought in specialized in something particular . They had some ho specialized communications, others that were medics pilots, infantry, explosives, machine gunners, counterinsurgency, counterintelligence etc. Each person served a purpose bro . Look up original zetas and you'll find this page that shows each person. Their pic, their name, basic info like Army/Marina/AirForce/p
    Policia Federal and what they specialized in and you'll trip out how it wasn't just whoever they could Get, everyone was chosen for a reason

    1. Who cares!!! They all got dealt with by Michoacán and that’s all that matters!

    2. Michoacan weirdo

    3. “Weirdo”? How?

      It’s the truth though!!!! Haha you 😡 mad? Or like Jack Nicholson said, “You can’t handle the truth”!

    4. There are literally thousands of troops to choose from. A specialty? It’s more like dime a dozen. The stuff is not hard to learn

  6. The sad realization that most if not all these guys are killed afterwards..


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