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Wednesday, June 14, 2023

Reynosa City Councilor Arrested in Texas Transporting 42 Kilos of Cocaine in Her Car

"Socalj" for Borderland Beat

Denisse Ahumada Martínez, who is the PAN Regidora or City Councilor for the Government of Reynosa was arrested at the Falfurrias checkpoint in Texas (about 70 miles from the Mexican border) with just over 92 pounds of cocaine hidden in the Mazda SUV she was driving, according to federal court documents in McAllen, Texas.

The drugs were discovered after an X-ray of the vehicle revealed anomalies inside the seats. “A physical search revealed bundles wrapped with duct tape and foil, consistent with the packaging of narcotics,” the complaint stated. Authorities also found cocaine in the door panels of the vehicle. Border Patrol notified the Drug Enforcement Administration, which sent special agents to interview Martinez, who confessed.

Ahumada Martínez admitted that she drove the white Mazda SUV from Mexico to the United States through the Hidalgo Port of Entry and was on her way to San Antonio. She admitted that this was not the first time she had transported drugs across the border.

"Approximately 42 kilograms (92 pounds) of suspected cocaine were discovered in various locations in the vehicle, including the seats and door panels. A field test was conducted on one package (of the drug) which yielded positive for the characteristics of cocaine," the criminal indictment states. At her appearance in McAllen federal court, Judge Juan F. Alanis ordered her to be detained without bail.

Political Career

Since 2021, Martínez has been the Councilor for the 19th City Council in Reynosa, Tamaulipas, Mexico. She is the first woman to hold that position with the city. Denisse Ahumada would fill in for the current Mayor Carlos Peña Ortíz when he is absent. In May 2022, Ortíz had an arrest warrant issued against him for 'operations with resources of illicit origins' related to several million-dollar properties without clarifying the origin of the money with which he paid for them. He left for Texas days before the announcement but has since been back as mayor. He was also accused of acts of intimidation and harassment and was said to have multiple birth certificates in several names.

Her functions as the 19th councilor are to make municipal decisions in Reynosa, in addition to being responsible for various commissions if they are assigned to her. She regularly worked together with the municipal president, deputies, and citizens on the resolution of municipal problems. One such program was the clean-up of public parks and squares.

"In other words, we will be promoting the recovery of public spaces, but from a participatory approach, and now with the support of Mayor Carlos Peña Ortiz, we will be having a greater presence and better progress in the project," she had pointed out in 2021.

The 19th office is close to important political figures in Tamaulipas, such as the president of the PAN in the state, Luis "Cachorro" Cantú, and the former governor Francisco García Cabeza de Vaca. The councilor previously belonged to the Green Ecologist Party (PVEM) and she held the position of councilor of the 19th City Council. Supposedly, in December 2021, she decided to 'join' the ranks of the National Action Party (PAN) and support PAN in the 2022 elections.

Prior to her government work, according to the Reynosa Transparency reports, she worked for 6 years at Oñate Willy y Cía SC. The company is a Customs Broker and Denisse managed virtual importing and exporting. According to their website; "They are a Customs Agency with more than 50 years of experience, we offer different solutions for import and export operations. We have 3 own patents and an American patent. We offer service in 11 of the most important customs in the country and an inland port (Puerta México)." Prior to that position, she worked at various warehouse/machining companies in sales and purchasing. She received her Bachelor's Degree in International Relations.

PAN Denies Her Membership

Luis Cantú, state leader of the PAN, affirmed that they "disapprove of the conduct" of Denisse Ahumada and will wait for what the United States authorities determine. He added that "she was never adhered" to the ranks of the PAN party and there was only an agreement politician after her departure from the Green Ecologist Party.

Later, through a statement, the Tamaulipas PAN remarked that Denisse Ahumada Martínez "is not a member or militant of National Action." They affirm that the party always demands that people involved in criminal acts be investigated and, if necessary, receive the corresponding sanctions.

The Facebook profile, @RegidorReynosa of Denisse has recently been taken down. The page featured many photos of her at government and public events.


  1. Ya se cago la pobre.

    1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    2. Y porque pobre??? Que le ves de pobre????

    3. Lo unico que sale de Reynosa son políticos basura y pendeja.

    4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    5. 4:21 como que no te escuche burra 🤣

  2. Enjoy your jail stay. I’m unsure if there is bleach for your hair in commissary.

  3. If she can get Emma's lawyer, she'll be fine.

    1. Not in Texas buddy

    2. Federal offense genius

    3. Already out and getting a ride home, genius.

  4. 10 years for each kilo, do the math. Another Mexican politician involved in drugs. Texas will make an example out of her.

    1. Shit shes out on bail already.

    2. They have to go by the Federal guidelines Mr mouth breather

  5. She was SO ready to let them look in her empty trunk at the checkpoint..
    When the feds produced what I imagine was a hand-held portable X-Ray device, it must have turned her smile upside down into a frown..
    Probably should stick to your pre-arranged cover story that this was your first crossing, your life threatened by the traffickers, etc..
    Confess your sins to a priest, not some cop that will use your own words to convict you..
    All her political friends are saying they ain't never heard of her, running from her like they're afraid they'll catch cooties..

  6. Humm curupt officials earning extra money 💰🤑, while traveling to Texas. 🤔 I wonder if ALMOs cabinet, will say release her, the will put her at a Mexican Court, like they did with Cienfuegos, only to be released after a week, stating DEA, did not have enough evidence, in which they did. This one butt hurt ALMOs and the seniors in Military, that even though Cienfuegos was a free man in Mexico . They choose to limit less DEA in Mexico.

    1. AMLO had no choice but to back Cienfuegos. You think the President of Mexico has more power than a handful of old school Military? He is a figurehead, even more so than the US president. The military hold the country to ransom behind the scenes again and again, and president after president has to eat their shit and smile/grimace.

  7. Así pasa cuando sucede con esos politquillos ,grilleros que no tienen llenadera,ojalá y disfrute de sus vacaciones en Texas.

  8. They thought cus she looks blonde she had a chance to get thru check point. News flash once you get a few hours away from the border it dont matter if you look like luis miguel or camelo you just a blonde mexican no differennt than a guatemalan or any other illegal alien.

  9. She admits doing the same thing previously! The feds could use that to add charges (ghost dope). If you are gonna run drugs over the border from Mex, familiarize yourself with Miranda people!

    1. That coke was already in Texas she was moving it up north. 🦂🦂

    2. Please read the article: "...she admitted that she drove the white Mazda SUV from Mexico to the United States through the Hidalgo Port of Entry and was on her way to San Antonio."

  10. Miranda rights but she’s thinking she says the truth and she will get let go lol

  11. She's probably just a throw away like a burner cell phone.

  12. Imagine how much she already crossed🤣🤣🤣

  13. they gotta get those heavy lead blankets you use at the doctors for xrays…. and… someone told on her

    1. I don’t know about the blanket, but she definitely got told on. This wasn’t a lucky “random” situation.

  14. Iva nomas a San Antonio a conocer esa terra.

  15. Almo is against political corruption. Has he commented on this case? I'm too busy looking for tacos al pastor en South Carolina.

  16. The case has been dismissed, crazy !


  17. Wow, she was refused bond yesterday and charges dismissed 3hr ago. I shouldn't be surprised...

  18. Dirty deeds done dirt cheap..

  19. Word on the street is she FOUND the load, and like a good citizen, or rather a good green card holder, turned it in at the fed garita..
    Or maybe she was probing weak border points as part of a top secret bi-lateral security program..
    There was confusion at first, but the truth always comes out in the end..
    A horsey looking, but handsome woman, if her political career don't blossom, she can always go the edecan route at a supermarket grand opening..

  20. She probably gets bent over on the reg. And that panoch takes a beating from the SEDENA and MARINA… god bless


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