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Monday, June 19, 2023

Security Footage Shows Businessman Murdered After Failed Kidnapping in Celaya, Guanajuato

"El Huaso" for Borderland Beat

A businessman was gunned down by armed men as he attempted to flee from a kidnapping attempt in Celaya, Guanajuato on June 16th. Security camera footage shows the kidnappers attempt to force him into a vehicle, and then shooting him 12 times as he breaks free and sprints away.

The victim was Marco Polo Gámez, the owner of a public transport company and an associate of Ómnibus Urbanos y Suburbanos*, another bus transportation firm.

Recently released CCTV footage shows Gámez cornered by armed men outside a convenience store near the intersection of Martín Enríquez de Almanza and Mutualismo streets near the center of Celaya around 8:30 a.m.. 

Moments after entering the store, armed men leave the store with him, attempting to force him into a silver sedan parked outside. He resisted and attempted to sprint away, when one man shoots him 12 times with a rifle in the back. 

National Guard and paramedics responded to reports of gunfire and Gámez dead at the scene, with bullet wounds in the head, neck, chest, and abdomen. Around a dozen spent casings littered the area.

(0:04) Gámez, alone, enters the convenience store from the left.
(0:12) A silver vehicle arrives outside. Two men get out and go inside the store. The driver remains in the vehicle.

(0:46) The driver exits the vehicle and heads to the store to join the men inside.
(0:53) All three armed men exit the store with Gámez.
(1:00) The men open the door of a silver sedan and try to force Gámez inside.
(1:24) Gámez resists and runs to the other side of the parking space.
(1:29) The armed men retreat as Gámez appears to point a pistol.
(1:33) Gámez attempts to sprint away.
(1:35) One of the armed men shoots Gámez 12 times in the back as he flees.

Sources: La Silla Rota, AM Celaya, El Universal
* Also referred to as "Los Amarillos".

You can follow me on Twitter @HuasoBB

I tweet about organized crime in Latin America and security in Mexico.


  1. Very unfortunate. Celaya was a wonderful and safe place 10 years ago

  2. If he had a pistol, he should have blasted , and what ever happens after happens. But at least you take at least one of these lowlifes

  3. Things changed fast in guanajuato

  4. If this guy held his ground and shot the guy holding the rifle first he would be alive right now, the second he tried to flee it was over.

    Although in that case, if he did shoot the one guy they would have came back to kill him another day.

    1. I think you're right. He showed mercy and got blasted

    2. Guy in Tijuana owned a fabrica, he was opening up in the morning before the workers arrived, two mutts got the drop on him, they had Sinaloa accents so he knew he was screwed and had to react..
      He fought back against his attackers and somehow got ahold of their gun..
      He was a devout Christian, abhored violence, so he shot the pistol into the air, hoping to attract the cops..
      Only attracted the 3 other sinaloenses who were waiting in the getaway car..
      Now the poor guy had an empty gun and 5 psycho culichis to deal with..
      They threw him in the trunk and took him somewhere, blindfolded, tied to a chair..
      Ranchero music blasting, the smell of burning meth..
      He was thirsty, kept asking for water, they said why waste water on you?
      He was able over a period of time to loosen his bindings, and when the music finally stopped and there was quiet, he asked again for water, when there was no response, he realized everybody had passed out..
      He snuck out into the street, trying to flag down a ride, but he was soaked in his own piss and shit and wasn't having much luck..
      Finally some cops got involved, wanting him to take them to the scene of the crime, where he was afraid they would sell him back to his kidnappers..
      He had to sell his home and business, and relocate his family far away..
      Another day down sunny mexico way..

    3. ....and the war machine bangs on and the beasts of misery must eat---MS.h

    4. 8:06 In theaters near you July 4th !!

    5. Good story LIL SOL I wonder how real it is considering its you saying the story.

    6. … but you’d love to see another day.

    7. 11:29 who's "Lil Sol"? 😆 If anything I'd say that's one of our missing commenters that would also use a three letter name.
      8:06 didn't even put the year when this story he tells us happened but here you are all traumado, always defending the peacenik eunuch that leads the country.

    8. Not sure what the deal is here, but for the record, the maquiladora owner getting ratpacked by Sinaloan desperados is a secondhand story I heard long before the AMLO administration, 10-15 years ago, and my brains are too revueltos at this point to remember the source, quien sabe, could it be an old BB post my mind scrolled to?..

    9. Thanks for that clarification🦎, sure needed it. Lol I know you stole the story we all called you out then you backpeddled .... right??

    10. After reading about this stuff for years, second hand, all of us, we have to give time stamps and list our sources/footnotes for stories we recall? Stop it

    11. 🦎 is it an article from BB with this 3/29/12?

    12. run towards a gun away from a knife

    13. @6.55. That is fictional advice from a man who was shot to death.

  5. Elmo is letting these cowards run around, killing people. Elmo only cares about the bribes that come in.

    1. Maybe Texas should save them lol

  6. Killed by cartel cancer. No way out w these guys.

  7. Nice article, that's how you break down securty footage.

    1. Yup. Great job Huaso.👍🏼

  8. At least he died in a place his family could recover his body versus not being found. Too bad he wasn’t packing so he could have taken out at least one of the pieces of crap. Condolences to his loved ones.

    1. It would have been 👍 nice if he was packing, I would love to see for of that, revenge killings. Unfortunately citizens can carry weapons in the eye of the law, but all criminals carry, kill and get away with murder.
      Let's say he was packing and got the upper hand and killed the bad guys, should he stick around and when the Police comes, explain to them it was self defense?
      Or would it be best to leave quickly, and not tell no one?

    2. That is a good point. maybe the video will provide extra clues to bring his killers to justice

  9. If citizen were permitted to carry any kind firearms, like in USA, I think more people would get involved and kill cartel/kidnappers

    1. cause this works so very well in EU, but yes more people would get involved AND killed

    2. 12:05 as long as more murderous criminals were killed it would be a better outcome than the current situation.
      As 6:02 wrote, the only solace for him and his family is he was killed quickly and they can bury him.

    3. 6:37 Everyone in Mexico has guns.

    4. 6:08 Everyone of the criminals have guns. But hardly do the citizens have guns, because the stupid lame government, does not allow it.

    5. 6:08 apoco si? Y porque no las usan cuando los levantan de sus casas? Puedes portar pistola, escopeta o rifle fuera de tu propiedad sin cometer un delito?

    6. 9:59
      Everyone has guns in Mexico since the 70s.

    7. 6:37 I agree. Not only that, they would about it twice, and then twice more about going and picking on the average citizen.

  10. beachte auch immer die Personen ringsherum

    1. Diese Wishser, die Mexiko zu fall bringen, mussen getotet werden.
      Die Burger mussen such bewaffnen.
      Also writer Sol.👍

  11. Poor guy didnt have it in him to shoot them,would have been righteous as well,no trouble.He would have done mexico a favor

  12. I type in El Huaso and my spell check, corrects it to El Huevo.😂😂🐴

    1. huaso=paniolo

    2. Huaso, Huevo, its all good. I once got introduced in a podcast as "El Hueso".

    3. "the boner"
      ke verguenza!

    4. I ordered 2 boxes of Pet food for Perin and Lilly, The next day they email me buy $100 of Pet food get a $30 eGift card talk about artificial intelligence.
      Tricking human beings.

    5. I feed my cat toby raw pez vela, raw muslo and pierna, raw hamburger, and some pretty expensive croquetas that are dried chicken without the bullshit cornmeal..
      He supplements his own diet with doves, mice, iguanitas, etc..
      He was stalking a lone mapache around my basurero late last night, but the raccoon turned on him and hissed REAL loud..
      You shoulda seen that little kitten run!

  13. Kind of just a high thought but are implanted trackers a thing yet?The cost has to be not bad by now

  14. Anyone seen Driving Ms H?
    Someone needs to go do a Welfare check ✅
    Hasn't came in here, many days.
    Hope she is fine taking care of the kids.
    That reminds me too...the lady that has a farm full of Donkeys, Chickens, goats, hogs, haven't heard from her either, my brain can't click her name yet. Then again is Otis Flywheel doing fine? Last I heard his flywheel fell off the car, I just don't know, why he still has that 1920s car, then I wonder how Sol is surviving that Texas hot weather breaking records, that the asphalt on the roads is buckling.

    El Nemesis

    1. I talked to Ms H last night. She's doing good as far as I know. You mean Yaqui. She retired from BB some time back. No word on Mr. Flywheel. I'm not in Texas at the moment. Currently down in Miami being reminded why I should never marry. You don't see the Texas husky slob look here at all. Lots of women with bbl in south Florida. An old lady at the Dolphin Mall actually surprised me with her fake behind. The women here stay looking hot and competitive with each other. Even senior citizens 😆

    2. Lol fake bottoms, fake boobs, that does not turn me on. Old ladies still dating lol.

    3. Madonna is in her 60's and still trying to get dorked..
      I'm an old guy, and I can assure you, there's no such thing as a sexy senior..😿

  15. I don't think these men would have backed away in the way they did from a man with a pistol. Looks like he was threatening them with something else, like an explosive device, and ran too soon.


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