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Friday, June 30, 2023

Semi-Submersible 'On The Move' Seized With 3.5 Tons Of Cocaine In Colima

 "Char" for Borderland Beat

The Secretariat of the Navy (Semar) informed on Thursday about the seizure of more than 3.5 tons of suspected cocaine aboard a semi-submersible that was sailing in the Pacific Ocean, west of Manzanillo, Colima.

According to a press release from the Semar, the seizure, through the Mexican Navy acting as Coast Guard, occurred last Wednesday, June 27, when they also arrested five alleged lawbreakers of different nationalities.

Since the location of the semi-submersible, it was followed by Mexican Navy aircrafts, so the Navy oceanic vessels equipped with helicopters and interceptor patrols were positioned for the interdiction of the illicit vessel, which took place with the support of the helicopter and interceptor patrol embarked, finding a cargo of approximately 186 packages of presumed cocaine.

The success of the mission was achieved thanks to the training of the naval personnel, according to the Semar, since the elements boarded the illicit vessel in motion, under conditions of strong winds and waves on the high seas.

The seized material and the detained persons will be taken to La Paz, Baja California Sur, to be handed over to the competent authorities, for the integration of the corresponding investigation folder, points out the Semar in the document.

The vessel is 26 meters long, has two inboard engines, an average speed of eight knots and an autonomy of 20 days. It is the first of its kind to be secured in 2023 and the largest vessel of its size and cargo capacity to be secured in Mexico during the current administration.



  1. To save you time 8 knots=718mph.
    I'm joking, honestly it is only 9mph. I saved somebody a Google trip, I had zero idea myself. 9mph

  2. semi-submersible dont go completly underwater?

    1. Semi-submersibles travel just below the ocean’s surface. They can’t go deep underwater like a submarine can.

    2. No buddy hints the word SEMI= almost under water. Idk seems crazy that they don’t have autonomous vessels. They probably do and that’s why we never hear of them. Can’t just have the semi subs disappear then they will know they have something else. But it’s just the cost of doing business…

  3. They killed el comandante de policía here in Linares Nuevo León last night

  4. I wonder if Mex government resales the cocaine, how do we really know they destroy it???

    1. None of that coke will be destroyed. It may be given to the group that was getting it for a fee. Or sold to someone else.

    2. Sometimes the government releases pictures or videos of the drugs they seized being destroyed. They do the same thing with the guns and homemade armored narco trucks that are confiscated.

  5. Pocket change for don mencho, he gave those 3.5 to get the 30 across

    1. Mencho is dead, no period kid.

    2. 8:40 then power has been passed and they are still stable.

    3. They aren’t stable if you been watching what’s going on lately

    4. Mencho ain’t dead!

    5. 8:40 this cat don’t know kakas 4L the Valencia’s has way to much bank u can imagine

  6. CJNG lost a load

  7. Cholo Translation! a free public service

    "The seized material and the detained persons will be taken to La Paz, Baja California Sur, to be handed over to the competent authorities, for the integration of the corresponding investigation folder, points out the Semar in the document."


    The dope and the perps will ride the jail train to La Paz where the pinches chotas will reprocess the vatos like the furniture, mon. En la jaula, ese. Then they will sell the drugs and buy more fayuca, chale chale, no se vale cabron.

  8. El 03 real dad lives here in San Francisco owns a couple stores he even sells cjng propaganda


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