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Monday, June 26, 2023

Shootout Leaves at Least Five Dead in Chichihualco, Guerrero

"El Huaso" for Borderland Beat

A shootout between two criminal groups left at least five dead early this morning in the municipality of Chichihualco, Guerrero. Locals report armed men hauled more bodies off the streets in a armored vehicles, and claim the actual death count is higher.

Local witnesses say the shooting began around three in the morning and lasted for an hour. When locals were able to leave their homes, they found the bodies of five men on the streets in two separate locations, according to Excelsior.

AM Noticias reported that the actual death toll of the shoot out was ten, not five as the government is reporting, as local sources claimed that gunman took five bodies off the streets and hauled them away in armored vehicles before dawn. 

Just days earlier, seven severed heads and chopped up bodies were left next to narco messages in the nearby town of Chilpancingo, indicating that there may be an active conflict between groups in the region.


  1. Mexico like many other countries needs an overhaul of apprehension laws to ensure that the culprits are punished.
    A never ending cycle of violence for many when drugs are involved.

  2. Just days earlier, seven severed heads and chopped up bodies were left next to narco messages in the nearby town of Chilpancingo, indicating that there may be an active conflict between groups in the region.

    Really ? Wowwy ! Active conflict.


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