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Friday, June 9, 2023

Son of Known Gulf Cartel Associate Arrested for Threatening DEA Agent

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

The son of a man associated with the Gulf Cartel was arrested by federal agents after authorities say he intimidated a government witness following a hearing on May 9, according to a criminal complaint.

Hector “Torito” Reyes Jr., son of Hector Reyes Sr., who is known as “Padrino” and is part of a transnational criminal organization that is “affiliated with and under the control of the Cartel Del Gulfo,” was arrested on Tuesday for obstruction of justice.

On May 9, a Drug Enforcement Administration special agent was testifying at a detention hearing for Reyes Sr.’s girlfriend, Liliana Resendez, when the agent noticed Reyes Jr. sitting in the courtroom.

Following the hearing, the agent was walking to his official government vehicle and saw Reyes Jr. and another man, later identified as Humberto Estrada, standing near the rear of the vehicle.

As the agent approached his vehicle, he noticed both Reyes Jr. and Estrada staring at him and continued staring as he entered the vehicle.

A few moments later, Reyes Jr. walked near the vehicle and spit toward it, according to the complaint.

He then entered another vehicle with Estrada and continued to stare until they departed the parking lot.

On May 12, both the agent and a United States Marshal Service deputy reviewed the surveillance video depicting the incident.

The video showed Reyes Jr. and Estrada were seated in a vehicle until the special agent neared the parking lot. Their vehicle was positioned to the rear of the agent’s vehicle.

On May 19, DEA agents reviewed recorded jail calls between Reyes Sr. and Reyes Jr. from a few hours after the detention hearing where they discussed the incident where Reyes Jr. states the agent “got scared.”

“And then… I mean, I left, and he came after me… and I changed lanes, and he would change lanes,” a transcript of the conversation in the criminal complaint said.

Reyes Sr. then said that he’s “not even what they say” he is to which Reyes Jr. stated that authorities are using a Snapchat video Reyes Sr. made and Reyes Jr. posted in early April as evidence of intimidating government witnesses.

On April 4, Reyes Jr. posted a video on Snapchat that depicted multiple handheld radios transmitting an audio message in Spanish along with text that read, “A message for those that are searching up there,” according to the criminal complaint.

The complaint provides a translated transcript of the video which states that a man who self-identified as “Commander Metro Siete” said that he was giving authorities searching for “Padrino” an ultimatum and threatening them to “stand down” while they still had time.

Since June 2020, multiple U.S. government agencies have been investigating the organization Reyes Sr. is allegedly involved in.

According to the complaint, the investigation has resulted in the seizure of about 727 pounds of methamphetamine, 77,161 pounds of marijuana, 132 pounds of cocaine and over $2.1 million in assets and currency resulting in the federal arrests of over 30 people.

Reyes Jr. was scheduled to appear before U.S. Magistrate Judge J. Scott Hacker for his initial appearance Thursday morning.


  1. You cannot threaten American Agents ! (Osiel Cardenas) There are consequences , Unless you are also working with the CIA Special Activities Center ( Félix Ismael Rodríguez Mendigutia ) then the american agent pays the price for doing his duty ( ,Kiki Camarena )

    006 Think Tank

    1. CIA Felix Rodriguez. That guy also killed Che Guevara.

    2. Mario Terán Salazar killed Che Guevara.

    3. Felix Rodriguez gave the order ! To execute him . He also trained the search team .

    4. Felix “the cat”….

    5. Justice for Kiki and for che

    6. The safest way to get at a cop without crossing the line and risking arrest: association.
      Me: “Mr Officer, you remind me a lot of my dad.”
      Cop: “And how’s that?”
      Me: “he was a complete fawking prick with zero to offer until the day he died”.

      I should probably go see the head doctor…some shit bubbling up

    7. No he didn't. Che was executed on order of the state he was captured in. Rodriquez only handed him over as per international law and told them he wanted him alive. Left the cabin and heard a gunshot. He spent about an hour with Che before they wacked him

  2. Snapchat all the way!! Kids these days….

  3. Sr. Sol, who, what, when, why, I had to Google the judge's name to figure out all this was happening where?
    In Texas!..

  4. What did that do? That Jr is an idiot. If you are going to try an intimidate a government employee that isn't going to do anything might as well take care of it. They had him in their sights. If you see your enemy pull out the strap and take care of it. If you want to do prison time do it if not you know what to do.

    1. pull out your strap, please another tough guy...go get a job stupid and shut the hell up, if you see your enemy in the United States and it's a fed you better kiss his ass or get your jail jammies and booty lube ready.

    2. oxygen to mom's basement must be in short supply. you kill a fed agent, you're not just going to jail, but you can kiss your cartel goodbye.

  5. To think these cartel guys actually believe the can scare a federal agent and or the USA law enforcement officers shows the IQ of these guys!!!

    1. I know huh!!! Look at how brave those cops were and the actions it resulted in when them little elementary kids were killed in that mass shooting....Wait a minute, those weren't brave actionsor were they. Either way, it's fu**ed up. May them little kids rest in peace

    2. 330 have you threatened an officer of the law lately kid?

  6. Look at you ow tough guy piece of shit

  7. Those suckers think they can intimidate US government agents 🤔? Perhaps Mexican federal agents yes.

    1. AMLO is funding projects in Belize.

    2. If the agent reported it as intimidating actions, then he was intimidated. If not , why report anything. People are quick to see intimidating gestures or whatever you want to call it. All I read about was a guy who was mad at the agent for ,I assume, testifing. If he calls that intimidating then he's soft as hell. The guy didn't even say anything towards him. Scary ass agent

    3. @3:35 I need the facepalm emoji for you. He reported it... because it's a crime. Because the INTENT was to intimidate. Because LE and the judicial system take any type of attempted interference pretty seriously.

  8. New level of stupidity unlocked. You aren’t staring at a Mexican agent dumb ass. We put you under the jail.

  9. Who does he think he is ? El mayo ? Vicente ? O Caro Quintero lol

    1. These guys from CDS whose name you mention are poster boys for the DEA and are also confirmed government informants they have never threatened a Federal Agent.

    2. @7:01 I find it hard to believe that. I feel it’s impossible to be that high in the business and never threatened a federal agent ?

    3. The only guy who has done that is the one and only Don Mencho

  10. I know some DEA agents are corrupted but come one man, those dudes don’t play those games lol… well maybe , if Chino Antrax was alive he could’ve teach these dudes how to do it haha. Just remember when he made some sort of American official, get naked and act like a clown infront of everyone while filming “ surcando el Camino “

    1. That corrido is underrated

    2. 6:16 🤦‍♂️ you get that info from a corrido? Specially a corrido of los antrax 🤣🤣🤣 talking about been stupid and believing in fairy tales 😂

    3. @8:38 nah he’s actually right. There’s a video, idk if that’s after or before of the filming of corrido but it shows like it seems an American guy naked in the same beach the corrido was filmed in. So you’re in the wrong here buddy lol.

    4. He said he filmed the video while playing the corrido jack ass

    5. @8:38 I also seen the video. There’s used to be a instagram account where they posted never before seen narco video/pics and that’s where the video was. So you’re the one being stupid lmaooo!

  11. Sr sol are you gonna post about cds threatening el cobra from cjng in agua caliente for being a traitor

    1. You, sir, must have more than 24 hours in your day..
      Your output is prodigious, yet seldom suffers in quality..
      Te saludo..

    2. Sol is a bum works for free lol

    3. 10:19 that's cute that daddy's on your mind 😄

    4. Sol you got ninos in here trying to pull your nerves again, they borrow mom's Gmail account and computer to get in here and joke around. I would say they are too young to be in this mature site, next they will want help in their Algebra homework.

  12. Metro 7? Forgot his name, but I believe he cousin with Metro 3.

  13. Federal cops n authorities are the most abusive bc they can be

  14. Don't those idiots know they can't act that way here in the states what he doing here anyway he should stay in his henhouse in Reynosa besides the agent should have felt threatened and taken out his weapon and smoked the guys two less to worry about Let's see if he acts that way at BOP .


  16. What a fruit cake that guy is lmao can you imagine crying about a man staring at you. Next time the snitch should go to court with his mommy and daddy to hold his hand and protect him from whoever stares and spits.

    1. Wasn't a snitch..
      Was a cop doing his job..
      They tried to intimidate a federal witness and then discussed it on monitored jail phone..
      Worlds stoopidest criminals, thankfully they are out of the gene pool for awhile at least..

    2. @5:00 air running thin in mommy's basement? Snitch? You don't even know what snitching is. He's a fed agent, his job is to investigate and...wait for it...testify as to his investigation in court! That's not snitching lol. Finally, he's reporting a crime. He does not have to be afraid, but the intent was clear. You don't approach witnesses. Period.

    3. When you're in law enforcement you have be on the ball for wackos like that stupid you're the fruit cake not the agent .

  17. Look what happened to osiel for threatening a federal agent and in Mexico?! He's in BOP buying lunch for everyone you can't escape that stupid and will that stupid kid. US law should smoke these guys one less to worry about.


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