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Sunday, June 25, 2023

Tetlatlahuca, Tlaxcala: Joel Zárate Páez, Former Candidate for Mayor Silences a Dog

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

Outrage and demands for justice were sparked by the dissemination on social networks of a video showing Juan Zarate Paez, former candidate for mayor of Santa Isabel Tetlatlahuca, Tlaxcala, and his brother, Joel, killing a stray dog with shots fired at close range.

In the video, which was originally a live transmission of Joel Zarate, it can be seen that he points a revolver-type pistol at the dog and shoots it seven times. Even though he tries to run away after the first shot, the dog ends up falling dead to the ground.

The response from the former mayoral candidate was to point out that Joel killed the dog because it had previously bitten him in the face. In another video, the two brothers are shown on board a vehicle with Joel showing bleeding wounds on his face.

However, users on social media denied this version, pointing out that the dog doesn't show an aggressive attitude at any time. On the contrary, it can be seen how the dog's ears move back and tail wags when the two men approach him with the clear intention of shooting him.

Juan Zárate Páez competed for the presidency of Tetlatlahuca in 2020, while some citizens speculated that he could run again in the next elections.

The Toby Foundation, dedicated to the rescue and adoption of abandoned animals, has filed a complaint against those responsible for the dog's murder. In Tlaxcala, animal abuse is punishable with sentences ranging from 6 months to 5 years in prison for the dog's murder. In Tlaxcala, animal abuse is punishable with sentences ranging from 6 months to 5 years in prison.

Angulo 7  Aradia Marin


  1. Replies
    1. It's just a dog cabron

    2. Animals are innocent people are not

  2. I believe him. Why go to the trouble of mutilating yourself just to kill a dog? Dogs kill hundreds if not thousands of people every year. Many children are ripped up by dogs.
    The air pistol I carry when jogging is modded to lethal fps. I'm not going to get mauled because some stupid owner won't leash his mutt.
    If you kill a dog that's murder? Wow.

    1. @9:46 Seriously dude ! Your post shows your love of violence. Seems like you were raised by an angry single mother. "Dogs kill thousands of people every year "! Did you just pull this stuff out of your ass?

    2. 9:46; Please show any credible source showing dogs kill “hundreds if not thousands of people per year.” I suspect you have nothing to back that up Commander Air Gun.

    3. 9:46 You scary of man's best friend? In México I walk with a bag full of rocks, no 🔫 for me, the piedras work well enough even if the stand off takes a while. Perhaps Mace or 🐻spray would be more effective...

    4. Unfortunately not surprised by your words. Very sad.

    5. Dogs are not humans but their lives matter too. I would say more than a lot of people.

    6. @9:46 You are a wicked and evil individual.
      Get help.

      Rubio NYC

    7. fucking idiots, killing an innocent dog??? Hells no!!

    8. @10:05pm Damn dude, performing a simple Google search taxes your mental bandwidth?

      Deadliest animals worldwide by annual number of human deaths as of 2022* Dogs, 30,000

    9. @8:04 my dude did you even read the article???????????? "dogs are the third deadliest animal to humans. Dogs are responsible for around 30,000 human deaths per year, with the vast majority of these deaths resulting from rabies that is transmitted from the dog. " literally says reason why is cause cause in 3rd world countries like in Asia and India they don't have access to medicine against that so a lot just die. so it isn't that dog mauling humans is cause people don't have access to detect rabies or to afford rabies shots.

    10. @10:36 Lord, give me strength. The victims are still dead, fool! You act as if rabies is an exculpatory act. Who cares what manner the flea-bag killed the person? Rabies is a terrible death, son.
      If I had my way I would transport every pitbull to Africa and release them. Let's see how tough they are around leopards.

    11. @6:29Homie Rabies is the killer what part you not getting they dying from rabies most of them, dogs aren't the only ones that get the virus either.............if you get rid of dogs then cats are gonna be on top of that list since it would be the pet most humans would have home and so on. issue here RABIES is fucking deadly, but your hate for dogs saying they eat people which is false since most of them are from rabies bites just makes no sense. also you do realize that it's rabies that is causing the animal to bite since they loose their mind and pretty much they are a zombie......... so a animal biting someone with rabies means dog been dead since it's brain dead from the rabies to do that...... so you see my friend JAMESBrown you have been fooled by rabies the virus.

  3. I hope they funkytown his ass

    1. What is funky town? I read about in the CDN I even wanna know??

    2. Its a cartel del noreste related video or something like that. They torture an individual while the song funkytown plays. In this broadcast they rip off his face and cut his hands. But im not sure if this is related to Cartel del Noreste.

    3. Funky town came out in 2016 we don't don't know what cartel did it but they absolutely tortured this guy trying to cut his head off with a box cutter

  4. This is bad ,former mayoral candidate displaying this hate toward animals. This story reminds of Atlanta Falcons quarterback Michael Vick who enjoyed the cruel sport of Dog fighting.

  5. Wow it's just a dog to harsh of punishment. That shit deserves a fine at best. Dogs are animals not people! We should lock up people who kill dear as well. What if I raise a cow just to slaughter it o wait we do. As long as we eat it's cool.

  6. Everyone loves that dog so much why it a stray? Everyone wanna talk and act like they care but you ain't helping no strays on the street you just pass bye like they don't exist but when they die all the sudden you care. Lol

    1. Your words remind me of people who dont care and who dont help members of their own family struggling with drug addiction and being homeless. Yet when that individual dies by his own acts of violence everybody wants to act like they care . Like the violent criminal in the NYC train station who after attacking innocent people was neutralized by a brave retired Marine.

    2. @10:53… the outrage over killing an animal baffles me when human children are living terrifying realities everyday while having the capability of actually understanding what the hell is going on .. to this dog it's just another day until bang! He’s dead and never saw it coming … you must be a libtard

    3. Yea people are more important then animals period! @10:53 . @6:09 I could care less about any animal especially some stray no one else does. Save people not some lame ass dog that is just a leach and straight up eye sore. No one truly cares they just wanna sound good on social media.

  7. Typical of mexs, I saw basically the same thing but the dog was only chasing the truck. My new acquaintance in Chihuahua, 50 years ago, just blasted it a few times while laughing. I was shocked, of course.
    Life is cheap in mex.

  8. Firulais was wagging his tail. He didnt do nothing ! No Justice No peace ! Arrest this man.

    1. Haha people are getting skinned alive and people wanna arrest some guy for shooting a dog. Lol your funny for that.

    2. The fact that people are being killed is outrageous also, but people may or may not be guilty of equally heinous crimes. A friendly stray dog was innocent and didn’t commit a crime. Same with children.

    3. @10:08 hahah lol it's a dog, that Noone wants. What about deer? Are they an animal? Innocent of any crime or do deer commit crimes so we hunt and kill them for sport. Tell me how a deer and a stray Dogg are diff. In reality deer really are doing nothing and get blasted. This stray prolly had a home and was a shitty Dogg and got left. Witch animal is more innocent? Save you fake animal justice for Twitter.

    4. He didn't do he was doing a lot?

    5. 1019, STFU and go back to Reddit or 4chan.

    6. People have to hunt deer you moron, if they aren't hunted they get over populated , then there isn't enough food then they die of starvation and disease.

  9. Skinning a man alive is nothing but if we shoot a Dogg it's time for justice. Lol you all are so funny with this act. Not one person asked for justice in the comments for the man getting skinned. Everyone just wanted to talk about how it was the military. Justice for strays fuck people. Lmfao!!!

    1. you don't just get flayed for no reason, no one believes that the dog bite him in the face. And in general, people who attack animals tend to attack humans.

  10. We gotta find this fucker

  11. Fukn punk. Attacking innocent Dogs. Let me pop his ass for being a bitch

  12. So how many of you angry people think abortion is a human rights issue? Do baby lives matter to you or is it only animals you get upset about?

  13. You will have your day coward. That is the rule of life.

  14. He needs the same treatment.


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