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Friday, June 23, 2023

The Cartel Del Noreste Sends AMLO a Message

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

Just last night the Cartel del Noreste (CDN) released a horrific video where they removed a captives face and heart as well.

Today they have decided to release a video as if this were a prank or some kind of joke. The Cartel Del Noreste sends a message to Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador (AMLO) in which they say they are united for peace in Mexico. 

They also mention that they are united or allied with the Cartel del Golfo (CDG) of Matamoros, Tamaulipas. 

After all the innocent people that have been kidnapped and killed in Tamaulipas, Nuevo Leon and Coahuila, etc. Now these cynics from the CDN or formerly Zetas want to unite for peace.

Video translation is as follows:

Mr. President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador, in response to the statement you gave to your press radio on May 30 of this year for the petition of the Searching Mothers of Sonora. In which they requested a truce from the groups or cartels, among others the CDN. This organization wants to state that in response to their petition that they should assume responsibility and behave as good citizens, not get lost, or think that they have no other option or another way. There is always a way out for those who don’t want to use violence.

In this regard, this organization responds to their call for a truce and joins it without this in any way signifying weakness. If not that we seek peace and well being in Mexico. We are all Mexicans. We also have mothers, fathers, children, brothers and sisters, we are human. We want to tell you that regardless of your call we have spoken with the CDG (Cartel del Golfo) Matamoros division and we are currently in peace talks with them and are on the same channel.

We are aware of the underlying problem, since 2000 to date, violence has been on the rise in the country. We know that it’s a problem that you inherited and it surpasses eras. And we are willing to do our part. Above all we are Mexicans and parents of families and we want peace and security for them. We are not afraid of anyone nor is this weakness. But in a moment of clarity thinking as Mexicans, the entire population can benefit from a transitional justice law and a justice of peace. So that the people of Mexico can finally live with the peace and tranquility they deserve.

That is why now in response to the call of the Searching Mothers of Sonora and with your approval we ask you as the highest authority of the country and supreme commander of the armed forces. What the legal mechanisms will be so that we as groups can have the certainty and security that the agreements and peace truces will be respected. Which person from your government do we have to talk to or our legal representative have to speak with. Without further ado, we look forward to hearing from you and send you our best regards.

Sincerely, your trusted servants from the Northeast Cartel.

Vivo en Marte  Borderland Beat Archives


  1. "transitional justice law"..
    Are we talking amnesty here, no extradition?

  2. Anyone wanna take bets on how long till they break Z40 out?

    1. Stop kissing their ass if they wanted or could ve it would have happened already he already has a reserved cell at supermax if DEA and FBI don't drag their ass on it he s a goldmine of information that's the only good thing about that coward because only cowards kill unarmed civilians .

    2. He's safer locked up

    3. I wasn't kissing their ass I just think with the way things are going they will want him out hence the break out question.

  3. People like to hate on cdn but they ain’t not joke they’ve grown due to their finances they are always well armed it seems. But yeh seems being former zetas they are probably the most brutal cartel them or cjng but what would you expect when z40 is their leader it seems he has some high connections I can see being out of prison soon. If cdn and matamoros join together metros could be in big trouble.

    1. CDN is just an extension of Los Treviños. Z40's consolidated power of the Zetas was short lived. The OG Zetas are all dead or incarcerated

    2. I can see a Republican administration pressing the Mexican government to install a puppet cartel. The east coast cartels have had a long history of recklessness

    3. @10:43 no politician in the US is going to pressure Mexico into installing a puppet cartel. That would be political suicide. The only acceptable stance on Mexican cartels is to wipe them out. I'm a life long Democrat. I'd love to see the US military go down to Mexico and clear out the cartels, but with AMLO seemingly being a cartel protector, I don't see that happening any time soon.

    4. 5:27; You need to brush up on your history. The Guadalajara Cartel and those prior to them had no pressure until Kiki (RIP) was murdered; and there’s plenty of proof the (old) Sinaloa Cartel operated w/o intense US pressure until Chapo started intense violence so close to the US (Tijuana, Juarez and in 2008ish Nuevo Laredo.
      If our US politicians allowed and enabled the Sackler family a 15 year run with FDA approved synthetic heroin to change from a strictly cancer drug to drugs prescribed to teenagers for broken bones; and pill mills to exist along I-10 east of Houston and all over Florida - why the hell do you believe US politicians wouldn’t want a “puppet cartel”. Your flat wrong b/c just like in Mexico, US politics are guided by money and a less violent Mexico is in the best interest of 1) US and European business (who influences policy) and 2) our national security.

  4. El Señor de los GalleticasJune 23, 2023 at 9:23 AM

    Is he really still running things? And is CDN even worth a damn anymore? A decimated Zetas cartel fractures and every single top leader arrested. It feels like they are just staying afloat, but barely.

    1. Yep 👍
      That's what it looks like
      Senor de Los Gatos.😼😼😸😸

    2. The organization best shot at success was with Z42

    3. 10:33 Yeah, that worked out well 🤦‍♂️

    4. 9:23 Que son galleticas?

    5. 9:23 “Galletitas “

  5. They control 100% of nuevo Laredo they control large parts of Coahuila and Nuevo León and ride in massive convoys armed to the teeth like in the Coahuila execution video or el Romeo’s cell in ciudad Victoria. look at all massive busts in NL and the trevino family have massive connections even look at the firepower they have I hardly think they barely exist

    1. Seriously bro,they have the best plaza in mexico,no matter what anyone says,Nuevo Laredo is unmatched in truck volume,cant imagine the product they can move,anything they want,they control it

    2. They likely move dope for multiple cartels… either for a tax or some kind of business relationship

    3. Yra that's why the truck crashed after being chased by soldiers if they re so great like you say why didn't they fight?

    4. 7:40
      You only instigate the fight when you have an enormous advantage..
      If you're getting chased, best hightail it outa Dodge and live to fight another day..

  6. "We are Human". Not even close. You are animals. Deranged psychotic demonic animals.

    1. Animals are more loyal and humble; these guys are far gone in their minds with all the coke they snort every day before starting their barbaric work days

  7. La Linea has reactivated Los Linces elite unit. Zacatecas will get ugly.

    1. I wonder If la linea will declare war on cdn. I'm sure cdn has power to send people over to chihuahua and it will be ugly there too.

    2. When were they ever deactivated? Lol

    3. La.linea doesn't care about Nuevo Laredo they probably have hands fullin Juarez.

  8. "we are human" , ummmmm , those who've seen your latest video might question that statement

  9. Since when are these guys so Humanitarian They probably have the world coming down on them so that's why they are united with Matamoros to fight the greedy Jalisco's coming into Tamaulipas just like they did when they took out their bosses the Tejas and chacho and the outsiders zetas who didn't know anyone and ruined and destroyed Nuevo Laredo forever now it's a big ghetto cesspool full of surenos waiting to jump the river and central americans.full of ugly people with accents.

  10. Hopefully he'll be at supermax along with his fat brother before Lopez obrador leaves office.

  11. Hang on a minute - they say they're allied with the CDG , yet in their previous horrendous video they THREATEN the CDG ? They seem a bit confused

    1. They are probably threatening Grupo Escorpion which is a faction of CDG. They are allied with the other factions.

    2. Cdg is split into many factions . Zetas is split into 2 factions.
      Grupo Escorpion is fighting Zetas Vieja Escuela faction.

    3. They called out cdg metros in Zac that's the faction they fighting against in tamps Zac

    4. Cdg scorpion n cdg metros are not the same ,for the most part cdg Matamoros n Cdn are cool with each other, the beef is CDN vs cdg metros led by el primito allied with cjng

    5. CDG has been fighting itself for over a decade now!

    6. 12:44 The CDG Escorpiones (Matamoros) and CDN were fighting each other for Cd. Victoria, Cd. Mante and a couple other cities not that long ago. Don't know what ever came out of it, but CDN and CDG (Matamoros) were nowhere near cool.

    7. 7:00 well acording to this video, they are now besties, i think Matamoros hates Metros more than CDN now

  12. Because Every cartel at this moment realized one thing. The new Government administration is coming

    1. Exactly 💯. Los traen del culo!

  13. How funny if the message simply said:

    “Thank You!”

  14. Que chingue su culo el z40. El cartel del golfo no debe pactar con las escretas que son el cdn.


    1. Fr pinche CDN trying hard to hide that they feeling the Tip. Lmao 🤣 pinches putitos en sus rodillas mamando verga al Elmo.

  16. Wouldn't it be amazing if this was the taproot of change in Mexico and it laid the groundwork for ending the violence associated with in the country its self where the people are left unmolested and allowed to make a living without being taxed or extorted and hopefully in my opinion the most important issue that is a real heart breaking reality is the way women are and have been murdered and thrown away like trash and Noone is ever accountable for these mothers daughters and members of society who have suffered what the worst of the worst from Human nature had to offer what nightmares these forgotten souls had to endure is more then i could ever wrap my brain around . And those who commit and allow this shit to happen are taken out back and dealt with in a similar fashion as the victims of their cruelty ? Then maybe one day we can return and share the beauty of Mexico and it's people without the threat of Any kidnappings or killings and the only thing you had to worry about was Montezuma and his damn revenge !

    1. Sol I hear your into Grindcore you ever listen to Insect Warfare ? If not you should check em out !

    2. 3:09 yes I've heard of Insect Warfare in passing. Just haven't really taken the time to digest their music fully though. I did stumble into Escuela Grind some months back. The fact that their female singer can do grindcore is exceptional for me.

  17. We have to remember El Salvador and the pact they did with gangs. It doesn’t work. The only wey is to kill and eliminate the cartels.

  18. Drone strike those cunts.

  19. Anyone figure out which “Matamoros division” they’re talking about? Metros? Aren’t they allied with CJNG too cause of Primito??

    1. 3:19 in Matamoros there is only Escorpiones, CDN and Escorpiones are clicking up to go against Metros (primotos), ZVE and CJNG


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