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Sunday, June 11, 2023

The CJNG Capture Two Suspected Female Assassins

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

Several hitmen from the Jalisco New Generation Cartel have captured two women in Zinapécuaro, Michoacán. Both are alleged to be relatives of an individual who goes by the name of El Primito, a member of a rival cartel. 

At this time online chatter point to the women as suspected assassins who successfully executed several hits in their area of operations before their apprehension. 

The fate of these women does not seem like it ends well for them. Female captives in the hands of unforgiving goons more than likely will involve rape. A quick death sentence is what normally follows afterwards. 

Video translation is as follows:

Sicario #1: Primito, look at what I’ve got here you son of a bitch. Look at this, look at this. Here I am you son of a bitch. Look, here I am you dog. 

Sicario #2: We are the absolute mob of El Barbas. 

Sicario #3:  We are the absolute mob of the 4 letters cartel you dogs.

Sicario #4:  We are the fucking absolute mob of El Mencho. 

Sicario #5: El Mencho you fucks.


  1. Bola de gusanos.

  2. Ese barbas es puro pedo se la pasa hablando como las novelas colombianas que anda dando payapa que es traqueto. Vato fanfarron alusin las 4 son igual de corrientes a los Zetas puro Mata amarrado violadores. ESA's mujeres son las madres y viejas de los sicarios del primito no son marinas ni pistoleras

    1. 9:28 dejame adivinar, son iguales a los Z's pero ninca le van a llegar a los del CDS 🤣 todos los carteles son la misma mierda si no te has dado cuenta puñeton

    2. No mijo para mi todos son mierdas sin palabra Rajones culos todos los patrones ponen gente para salvarse ellos sus hijos pero uno se tiene que amarrar un huevo. Para mi que chiflen a su piruja madre todos

    3. 8:24 a bueno, chido que lo reconoces 👍

    4. Mexico era in chulada para passear 2001 para atras horita estoy muy grande para que me manden a casa DESPUES que oscurese. Mexico da verguensa de lo lacra que te as convertido. antes se respectava el GOBIERNO hasta miedo dava hoy en dia son los matones de los puercos carteles cualquier wey los cachetea y los combine cominando y en calzones yo no vuelvo a gastar un peso en Mexico hasta que se componga

  3. I thought mencho was dead?

    1. Lolo they slipped up

    2. Mencho no esta muerto al que le dan matarile a cada rato es a rosalinda es toda una motosierra

    3. I see what you did there,hehe.. I bet Mencho is still somewhere near Villa Purificacion,where He supposedly has been for years.. Screaming into his Encrypted phone, and conducting his Business.. Occasionally Feeding people or 2 to his Tigers or something to that effect..

  4. Ya lo trae al barbas el jardinero esta bajo su estructura que porque se pasa de verga con la gente por el pisto lo quieren sacar a la verga va amanecer un dia de estos por hay en un baldio levantado alv

    1. “Pisto” wtf are you talking about..Que es visto ? How are you using the pisto context

    2. "Se pasa de verga con la gente por el pisto..." = he turns into a snapper cause that foo has a drinking problem.

    3. 8:39 pisto means cervesa, alcohol, en pocas palabras tomadera, te hace falta barrio compa

    4. @Connor- this is your post translated. What does ratatouille pasta have to do with this??
      "The gardener is already bringing it to the beards, the gardener is under his structure, because because he goes too far with people because of the ratatouille, they want to take him out to hell, it will dawn one of these days because there is a vacant lot raised alv".

  5. Damn hope them girls get a pardon!

  6. From my understanding one of those ladies is primito's mom and the other is his wife. I also heard that Primito is or was CJNG but went against what el X and some other higher ups had ordered. But that the beef is supposedly between primito and el X. Not sure where el Barbas falls in this.

    1. seems like good info. they don't look like assassins! and yes metros were with CJNG til recently so this is new.

    2. if it's really his family, they will probably try to exchange them for him.

    3. I dnt think theyre referring to Metros Primo.

    4. 7:03 yea no, not primito from metros, he is higher in the chain than this fools

    5. El barbas es el x

    6. Only 1 Commander X and it's Brian V

  7. This has nothing to do with Primito of CDG/Metros before you girls start getting wet

  8. Man, unfortunately for these two ladies, they are going to be viciously and savagely raped, beaten and
    and dismembered.

  9. But they keep printing Mantas CJNG is here to clean town, yet they do the same thing other cartels do, kill dismember their rivals, Extort, kidnap. If only the other rival cartel, could have went in full force and rescue thier ladies.
    But that rarely happens.

    1. 10:57 what cartel does what they say in their mantas? None! If you ever believe a manta from a cartel you are naive AF and i mean ANY and EVERY cartel

  10. Women esp mother who are not involve should be off limit. Damn!!!

  11. Sol will soon find a underground video on these ladies being butchered alive. CJNG lies to everyone, that they are nice, but really look at what they do.

    1. He doesn't ''find'' anything. He just posts what all of us get sent, hoping to beat someone else to the punch. Or the missed punch.

  12. This is El X aka El Barbas from Grupo X. He rebelled against his boss El Primo and is now fighting against him.
    El Barbas picked up four females that went to visit two men that got arrested near Barbas plaza, I think it's one's mother, another's sister and each one's wives. That's being mentioned.
    These individuals, Barbas and Primo, when they were allies use to fight against Lalo Mantecas and might still have conflict with Los Correa. Someone previously wrote they use to be from the original LFM and CT.

    1. I hope that the women will be spared.

    2. I regret to inform you, but AI Artificial Intelligence, due to it being a ruthless, no remorse cartel, stated they will be dismembered in a horrific method and there heads will be put in styrofoam coolers sold at xoxo stores. AI is also recommending not to see the pictures, once an article is printed about the ladies dismise.

  13. Some readers want to give "the girls" a pass because, well because they're girls!
    Girl assassins, and not some Charley's angels Kung Fu beat 'em up ladylike kind, but real blood on their hands mad dog killers..
    Primito's wife AND mother are in the life, whacking people, imagine living next door to them and having to make small talk on the stairs..
    You only get one mom, but primito can always find another wife, so the situation isn't a total disaster..

  14. I realize the article doesn't claim the women were primito's wife and mother, respectively, those were the comments of a reader, but I had to go with it because it makes the article so much more fun..

    1. Yeah, cos women being murdered is wicked fun, frog/lizard/lettuce dude.

    2. People have different ways of expressing or dealing with grief..

    3. 6:28 its not fun at all, but would you have done if one of this ladies would of killed your mom, sister, brother or father? If they are killers they are treated as such, its that simple


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