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Sunday, June 25, 2023

The CJNG Denies Attacking Mexican Military Personnel

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

A contingent of hitmen for the Jalisco New Generation Cartel appear on film in a heavily wooded area during daylight hours. 

For this broadcast they deny any involvement where eight Mexican military personnel were recently injured by a makeshift anti-personnel landmine just outside of Apatzingán, Michoacan.

Video translation is as follows:

Good afternoon. I am addressing all Mexican citizens, National, State, Federal and Municipal governments. Especially the Sedena troops. We, the Jalisco New Generation Cartel, distance ourselves from the Mexican army's action along the stretch of towns of Las Bateas and El Tepetate. Or vice versa from Las Bateas to El Alcalde in the state of Michoacan.

I say so because they, the authorities, never specify the place of the events. You, General Enrique Covarrubias Lopez. From afar it’s obvious that you don’t care about the integrity of your elements. Much less the peace and tranquility of the towns and citizens from the state of Michoacán. Blaming the CJNG knowing you have knowledge of the masterminds of this attack. Who are Los Caballeros Templarios, Poncho La Quiringua de Los Reyes, El Abuelo, and Los Viagras.

As it is one general leaves and another one arrives. Moreover, they continue to support the old usual scumbags. They are producing these media reports of artifacts with the CJNG initials. In order to shield themselves and request additional troop support. For the benefit of Los Caballeros Templarios, Poncho La Quiringua de Los Reyes, El Abuelo, and Los Viagras.

Just the same to have a presence in the towns that we already have in peace. And thus place pressure on the CJNG. I reiterate, we, the Jalisco New Generation Cartel distance ourselves from having placed anti-personnel landmines where units of the Mexican army were passing through.

We want for citizens to live as we have always wanted, without paying collection fees. I confirm that we are not going to abandon this war for any reason. On the contrary, we are going to continue recruiting more elements to keep fighting against those scumbags who don’t have nothing.

Our enemies like to hide behind the bravery of the Sedena troops. Greetings to all the citizens from the state of Michoacán. I hope that someday you will have the peace of mind that I have always wished for. So as long as I live I will never fail the townspeople and the humble and hardworking citizens. 

Yours truly, the Jalisco New Generation Cartel

The Mencho Special Forces

Romero Soto  Borderland Beat Archives


  1. Dear Comrade Putin
    congratulations on a expertly executed Psyop known as fake coup.
    Would you be so kind to send Comrade Yevgeny Prigozhin and his Wagner Group to Mexico for 1 month to eliminate the Cartels.

    1. Dude, what’s with all the Pro-Wagner comments recently ? Isn’t Wagner made up of former incarcerated criminals ? Wagner would probably end up becoming a cartel themselves.

    2. I wonder if Los chariots can afford Wagner group protection lol that would be pretty cool if they had real tanks

    3. Wagner took Bakhmut just with shovels and convicts, their command structure must be twenty twenty @1104

  2. Gracias Don Mencho por proteger nuestro estado

  3. Mencho Special Forces or Grupo Elite ? I wonder who is more powerful.

    1. Ninguno de sus Grupo a podido avanzar en michoacan haci como los perros nomas lambiendose los huevos

    2. Same i hope one day we can get into the numbers of how many guys they have and all that I love learning about cartel logistics

    3. Grupo Elite is full of malnourished men. There's nothing elite to those guys but the hunger screaming inside them...

    4. A los cartels unidos viagras migueladas abuelo poncho ya nomas les queda tepeke los reyes y de ciudad hidalgo pa lado del estado de mexico .. hhahha pero el mencho y el 03 son bien necios que ahuevo quieren esos municipios

  4. Tepetate is next to las bateas.

  5. Lol the good cartel

  6. Delta Maximo speak

  7. They confiscated a bunch of cjng artillery they need to stop being culos and man up to the cochinadas they do.

  8. Porque los Jalisculos son buenos samaritanos que promueven paz 🤡🤦‍♂️. Youtuberas lloronas otra vez

  9. Anyone know who is now commander of Mencho Forces after M1 got killed

    1. M2 Miguel Fernandez that is his voice. Same voice as the vice video.

    2. 8:33 m2 has been gone for a year now that guy has the same accent as him but different voice, go find m2 videos on YouTube to compare to the voice of this current video and you will hear the difference

  10. These guys just dress as snipers, they need to be trained in America, they probably can't shoot straight. Will make a good halloween costume.

  11. Mencho... Your squad is a bunch of Rats... making up stories... Disgraceful

  12. Bola de pendejos.

  13. Do we believe anything the baby killer cartel (CJNG)says. Thier creditability is 0.

    1. 12:21 gracias maestra Kanuta por su saviduria, pero sus estudiantes todavia no saven donde va el punto final del cual se la pasava chingue y chingue

  14. Doesn’t sound like they’re playing banjos in those woods!


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