Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Saturday, June 10, 2023

The Context Of Life In Nuevo Laredo Helps To Understand What Happened To The Military That "Extrajudicially Executed" 5 CDN Members

 "Ivan" for Borderland Beat 

Edgar Chavarría, alias "El Diablo"

The context of how life is lived in Nuevo Laredo helps to understand what happened to the military that "extrajudicially executed" 5 members of the CDN, formerly Zetas, among them a commander.

The video shows the constant attacks suffered almost every night by the military.

The following thread has no other objective than to tell facts, not to defend the members of  @SEDENAmx (Secretary Of Defense-Mexico) or alleged criminals. 

At 13:30 on May 18, a convoy of at least 3 pickup trucks were moving along Monterrey Avenue, in the south of Nuevo Laredo.

In the middle one was a high-ranking CDN commander and in the last one, another chief responsible for his security, Edgar Chavarría, alias "El Diablo", who was one of the dead shown in the video.  The photo shows the medallion worn by the cartel's commanders.

After 14:00 hours the convoy was detected by an army patrol, in an area that is supposed to be guarded by the National Guard of Mexico which has orders NOT to enter areas controlled by the CDN.  When an armored unit began to pursue the convoy the last truck....

It tried to pull off the road so that the military could not follow it and the CDN command could escape. But they lost control and crashed into the fence at the back of the Smart store. However, they achieved their objective and the CDN chief was able to evade the army patrol.

After they crash and take down the five hitmen, among them "El Diablo", the video, which lasts more than 2 hours, does not show the military giving them the first aid and putting bandages on their heads. The following photo shows one of them already dead with the duct tape in their eyes. 

While at different points in Nuevo Laredo, narco-blockades begin to isolate the area where the soldiers are with their detainees.  At the same time, a convoy of at least 6 pickup trucks full of hired killers approach to rescue the CDN members. The military hear gunshots. 

The video shows at least one shot hitting the ground a few meters away from the truck.  The sound of assault rifles continues to be heard near the area.  The military are warned by frequency as a helicopter gunship begins to fly over the area.

The presence of the aircraft inhibits the rescue. Before the soldiers execute their detainees in the face of what they consider an attack and possible rescue. 

The video shows what the soldiers are going through in Nuevo Laredo, a city where 60% of the small business closed.

The video is recorded by a citizen who is driving down an important avenue when he is overtaken by a military patrol. At the end, rays of light can be seen, which are the shots fired by Barret 50 caliber against the patrol car from different sides. This happens almost every night. 

Source: Juan Alberto Cedillo 


  1. Mis respetos para esos Plebes que dan la vida por su JEFE no rajaron asta no ver que SE haiga pelado ya despues ordenes de bajar las armas y rendirse si no desatan El infierno y mueren con rifle en mano desde culiacan saludos a la tropa muy famosa y respetada mueren en la raya asi morimos aqui en Sinaloa
    🏹 PERRO🍅

    1. Esos vatos son malos con la gente que no tiene armas el ejército los echa en corida

    2. You are part of the problem that mexico suffers,dont you even realize that?
      "Mis respetos para esos Plebes que dan la vida por su JEFE"
      Boss of what,moving drugs,NO.
      Boss of sicarios,estakas,kidnapping,killing,torture,extorting people who work,dismemberment,everything that is against decent society,your JEFE prays on fellow mexicans

    3. Para lo que vale tu respeto

    4. How does one say, “plausible deniability,” in Spanish. The Army failed in hiding the executions..

  2. And why does AMLO's national guard have orders to NOT enter CDN areas?????

    1. "The video shows the constant attacks suffered almost every night by the military"

      It's probably for safety reasons. To avoid ambushes and to prevent casualties.

  3. Who is now the boss of CDN after Huevo?

    1. After Huevo's arrest I heard about Juanito being the new boss. Might be old news by now but I haven't heard anything new since

    2. Juan Cisneros Trevino aka “El Juanito”, the cousin of “El Huevo”, is reportedly the new leader of CDN.

    3. This may be outdated? but after The Egg, It was El Juanito, another scumbag psychopath from the Trevino clan .
      Re article:I can't fathom the frustration that those in law enforcement (that are able to maintain integrity) danger, constant stress and threats, how horrible it's got to be, constant inability to lock up violent and evil people, only to know the guilty will be released to return back to reap vengeance on you. Frightening as hell not being able to trust anyone around you blah, blah, a sad situation of impotence some who want to do good are trapped in. Damned if they do, damned if they don't....and the war machine bangs on.

  4. I have a feeling the military do not declare when they have dead soldiers in NL you have to admit it cdn have had Nuevo Laredo under full control for 10 years they have the money to keep funding a war they are obviously moving big weight when you see there 30 truck convoys in Nuevo León and Coahuila it seems to be only Nuevo Laredo the military always hit them hard it’s. Never ending

    1. The military hits them hard in Nuevo Laredo because that’s pretty much the only state that CDN controls. Most of the time it’s CDN who start shit with the military and it’s the military that ends up killing them. CDN would be way better off if they would operate in silence and not try to pick fights they can’t win. CDN does not have the training that Los Zetas once had.

    2. Yes all the money that they take from citizens and tourists that go across. They tried to get $1,800.00 for the right to drive through there. And the trucks they rob people for them

    3. In the end they're all pussys

  5. Mexico should hire the Wagner Group to eliminate the Narco Cartels.

    1. Hire Wagner??? If they betray a world power such as Russia, what makes you think a group of mercenaries wont betray the Mexican goverment and just take a bribe from the cartels...

    2. Absolutely not. Isn’t Wagner made up of former incarcerated criminals? Wagner would just end up becoming a cartel themselves.

    3. A mercenary group like Wagner follows the money, the would be sleeping with the criminals in less than 72hrs and would commit atrocities on par with Zetas x100.
      2:21,That being said, I do understand your sentiment but Wagner would be a death sentence for everyday people. If you look at their history from the past 10yrs in Syria and North Africa, frightening as he'll to read.

    4. What is Wagnars history is Syria and North Africa? Destroying the opposition fighting Jhadis? Wagnars members are not allowed to do things the Zetas did. You have seen the video of the hammer to the head that is the result of disobeying the rules. The Syrian beheading video happened because they caught the person once let him go and he came back. Wagnar in Ukraine defeated the Ukrainian army in Bakmut and forced them to retreat. You have to stop falling for the propaganda machine that is pumped out on a daily. Wagnar isn't just a mercenary group they are something more. They have people all over the world doing work the majority aren't even Russian small cells hunting people that need to die and dying themselves or doing decades of life in prison. The conscripts they sent to Ukraine was a foul tactic but in the end they served their purpose many of them were going to die in prison. They joined up for money and to be let out of prison if they survived.

      Mexico isn't going to get better unless agreements and trash organizations in Mexico are eliminated. The government starts targeting everyone or they step aside and let the strongest eliminate the weakest. Then target that organization or negotiate an agreement like they had in the 80s before Chapo and Mayo broke the peace snitching or killing the leadership that still existed.

      I hope el Guero Palma starts talking about that time in the 80s. What really happened where did Mayo and Chapo sit at that point who did they work for. Why did the war start. Who snitched on him when he was caught. Who and why were Narcos bigger then Chapo and Mayo start getting killed or imprisoned. It all points to Chapo and Mayo they were the two that benefited the most. With Mayo becoming untouchable.

    5. Driving Ms H.
      Guess which other country has hired Wagner Mercerineries????
      Nicaragua, the president which wants to hold power for the rest of his life, saw an uprising of protestors, wanting Democracy and freedoms, wanting other hopefuls to be voted to become the new president, he had the candidates arrested, throw in false information about them, citizens protested again, he had tv and Wifi, disabled, Wagner Mercerineries, were let out like vicious dogs, and kill innocent protesters, just like it's easy for Cartels to kill in Mexico, because citizens have no guns. In Nicaragua imagine how easy it is to kill, when innocent protesters, have no guns.

    6. @ 2.21 . Good idea. And they should team them up with a re-armed, re-formed Al Queda on the Mexican border, spin them all round and then point them south shouting CARTEL INFIDEL. KILL! I'm sure that would reduce violence and bring peace to Mexico.

    7. 7:26/8:04 thanks for your insight, really, I will take note as I may have believed the spoon fed info or propaganda fed to the masses, guilty as charged. I can appreciate the education-

    8. Wagner overrated. They got ground up in Bakhmut but happily claim victory for a city turned to rubble.

    9. Wagner Mercerineries hired by Putin, because he has lost a lot of his own.
      All over trying to take land, that belongs to Ukraine.

    10. Wagner is a group of clowns

    11. Ms H
      I hear to make 👍 guacamole 🥑.
      Sign me up, please add tidbits of green chili.

    12. anonymous June 10, 2023 at 8:04 PM Stop lying and making stuff up i live in Nicaragua and there was no wagner people or not even russians running around here killing people. What they had here was cuban and venezuelans according to people in Masaya. I had have friend that was in the barricadas in leon answell in Dirimaba and none has ever mentioned any russians not even in all the interviews they mentioned russians so stop making shit up

    13. Too many lying sacks of shit around here thats y 928 west is winning in propaganda Russia winning in the Field

    14. 9:28 you're lost in your reading comprehension of 8:04 wrote to Ms.H.
      Nowhere did he/she mentioned Russians, Ortega did hire Mercerineries, that can't be erased in history, also why would you be trying to cover up issues in Nicaragua.

    15. The US military destroyed Wagner in Syria.

    16. @8.04. Wagner is an international mercenary group. They don't run around in fur hats speaking Russian. They employ people from all over the world, like every other large scale Mercenary force.

  6. Hope they start executing more of these scumbags

  7. 60% of our business closed? Not true. The town gets quiet at night maybe 11pm but there are more businesses here than we ever have.

    1. Can you comment at all on carrel presence?

    2. Yes there have always been cartel presence here and it is safer now for the people than when z40 were here.

  8. Good Job Military. Keep up the good work. There is no police in Laredo bcuz cartels were bribing/killing them, so here comes the military.

  9. Hopefully Obrador is not doing someone else's work so they can move in to Nuevo Laredo it

  10. Looks like grandpa Lopez is getting paid so someone else can move in to Nuevo Laredo and it will be a repeat of more blood spilled when the zetas moved in and with the Trevino's invitation back then because those guys didn't know anyone in n.laredo
    So don't bite the hand feeds you like it occured back then with chacho and Tejas out of the way.inside job

  11. The zetas moved narcotrafficking to a new level killing people that were of threat to them or their business so now everyone wants to imitate them.So if you live by the sword you die by it.

    1. @ 4.31. They were minor Narcotraffickers. They never had the connections they needed to compete with even the smaller cartels. What they did is completely change the way the extortion and their protection rackets worked, by treating entire states as territory. Nobody tried to imitate their business model because it was short sighted. So much has been written about how they ''changed the game'' but they always focus on the wrong things.

  12. Military doing the work law enforcement refuses to do. Would have been awesome if they would have released a statement to Elmo. "Ay les van sus abrazos de parte del ejercito"

    1. @4.32 You mean military doing the exact same things the rival cartel would do if it wasn't easier to outsource. The military vs CDN is a corrupt shit show, a toxic mutual back scratch that will end badly.

    2. Yeah very smart they did “their work” now they going to go serve 20 yrs in military prison. Dumbass

    3. Now all of the sudden, you cheerleaders in here, have sympathy for the criminals. If only you were there, when they herd up townspeople, put them in a safehouse, kidnapped for ransom, tortured and killed, if they have no ransom money 💰. 6:48 go ahead and call the Human Rights Organization, don't forget to tell them too, that 35,000 homicides occurred in Mexico in 2022.

    4. @9.48. Have you ever been rounded up and put in a cartel safehouse? I have, and it was the army that blocked the roads, allowing it to happen. It has nothing to do with ''sympathy for the criminals'', it's about identifying who the criminals are. More importantly, it's about who they work for. A man with a uniform and a man with a fake uniform doing the same job being paid by the same people, and all some people see is good vs bad. Calling Human Rights Organisations is all the families of the disappeared, people who have been targeted by an army unit that are being paid by Organised Crime can do, because they have no other fukn recourse. I don't know what happened here, but your comment sounds like the usual US loyalty to the Police and Military, assuming things work the same way in Mexico. It doesn't.

  13. Las.islas.marias.was.mexicos.Alcatraz for many years so they reopen it and send all the scum over there but in the meantime Super max has plenty of room bring them on see how tough they are without there stolen trucks and heavenly armed crash dummies behind them bringing terror to the people.

    1. Super max in the states is SOFT af lol you act like people program in super max. Mfs don’t even see each other. Feds food menu and commissary compared to Mexico is luxury too

    2. 23 hour lockdown ain't soft lmao. Supermax is hard time my man

    3. "Super max in the states is SOFT af "
      Bro your really hard,your gonna scare all of us on BB

  14. Good take em all out

  15. I never saw el lazca wear the zetas jewelry

    1. You never knew Lazca nor ever seen him in your life. Maybe that’s why you never seen him wearing it. Dummy 😂🤡

  16. You people in this comment section have it all wrong.
    This killing was done in order for the Mexican military to have people move up in ranks.
    Military people in Mexico are asked to kill at random in order to get promoted. See if they have the balls to do so.
    Now that they have killed someone they form like the American armed forces a type of brotherhood for they have drawn first blood.
    It is one thing to kill during a battle but to kill in cold blood is a different story all together regardless of who they are killing.

    1. You’re an idiot and your logic is all wrong 😂😂😂😂 they abiut to get 20-40 yrs in military prison. I hope they enjoyed that killing

    2. 6:45 Boy oh boy, no trail has started, as much as Elmo's government, does minimal, to curve the high homicides in Mexico, you think he is going to jump and do something, about the soldiers?
      Keep dreaming in your mom's basement, bet you haven't even fired a real gun in your life, BB guns don't count.

    3. 9:40 Reuters has an article that's says 16+/- soldiers from this incident are being investigated.
      Gafe423 on YouTube has some interesting information about this incident and the military in México.

    4. 1:31 investigate the way the cops investigate themselves here I. The US? Not giving much hope they will be indicted on anything.

  17. These guys got arrested like the ones in Traffic.

  18. Support the mexican military or support a drug cartel? You fuckin idiots take your pick,criticize the military for killing these rodents?
    Is it any wonder Mexican military have a mean attitude to mexican civilians ? Should give these guys medals serving in Nuevo Laredo

    1. @12:31, are you still okay with the extra-judicial killing if you knew it was to favor one cartel over another? Not everything here is black and white.

  19. Labrador the corrupt dog and his corrupt cabinet need to stop being pus-ies and put the hammer down

  20. If I was Mexico's president I would of told all the cartels where all the money acting like a would let em bribe me then when I found out I would drop like 1000 missiles on all their houses ..... And afterward I would of went and got all the money and distributed it to all the citizens that put up with this

    1. @618 Will we be seeing you in the next elections??

  21. Super Max is "soft"? 23hr lockdown. 2 showers a week. One hour of "exercise" walking in circles in an underground bunker. Solitary is brutal on human beings. We are social creatures so imagine having no one to talk to for years and years. Big bad Chapo cried when he was locked up here in NYC. If he only knew that was paradise compared to what was coming! Only a real idiot would suggest Super Max is soft.

    1. Toppazz
      You act like you been locked up in there.


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