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Saturday, June 10, 2023

Those AMLO Hugs Are Looking Very Fabulous

"Sol Prendido" and "HEARST" for Borderland Beat

Two men appear on film in daylight hours. The individual on the left is a truck driver who distributes salt for a living. And the other man is a criminal armed with a long wooden board. A third individual holds the camera that films the aggression that begins right away. 

More than likely other goons not seen within this broadcast are also in attendance there as a show of force. Everything being recorded here serves a specific purpose for all citizens in the town of Golfo de Santa Clara, Sonora. This is organized crime using their brute intimidation tactics to terrorize everyone into submission. 

More specifically this is the Los Rusos criminal gang acting under the harebrained impression that their rivals Los Chapitos are financing themselves through the services of transportation drivers. 

Video translation is as follows:

This will happen to all the gang of truck drivers who are trying to deliver salt to El Golfo or the city of San Luis Río Colorado. You sons of bitches need to stop bullshitting and just fall into formation with us. You sons of bitches won’t be delivering any salt here. No salt will be distributed. You will all go fuck your mothers on this matter. 

Golfo de Santa Clara 

* For further reading into the Sonora conflict between the warring cartels read HEARST'S detailed work here,

Alberto Sanchez


  1. This is dumb. Oh, and, like teenagers, they have to record it and upload it.

  2. With my father being a truck driver here in southern california and knowing all those long hours seeing him work all of my life in order for him to be able to provide, this seriously pisses me off seeing this shit. I can only imagine an innocent man trying to make a living having to go through this bullshit in a country so rich in resources yet corrupted to the very core.

    1. Exactly bro,poor fuckin guy trying to earn a living and these dogs are dragging people into their bullshit.This isnt the drug game anymore,these are criminals where anything goes,they have guns and impunity,this is what you get

  3. Read somewhere else it's because they didn't pay "taxes". Could be wrong though.

  4. Who is pumped for the new Transfomers movie?

    1. The new Mission Impossible movie will be better. I heard Señor Sicario006 has a guest apperance.

    2. The transformer movie powered by AnheuserBusch or which one are you talking about?

  5. Mexico es un puto chiste!

  6. Like I here people say in here.." Mexico it's the Wild Wild West, anything and everything goes". A new move of extortion to truck drivers, what will the government do about it...
    Nothing. It will get out of hand and then blame the past administration.

  7. Isnt this a CDS territory? CDS doesn't mess with inoccent people!! They are angels sent by god to free us from the bad cartels like CJNG, Z's and CDJ 🤣🤣🤣

  8. I’ve always said respect those who don’t benefit from the organization and leave them aside

    1. 8:27 you are living in LaLa land if you think any cartel follows those rules

    2. Well not really, no period dude.

    3. 10:11 how you doing maestra Canuta? How was class today? Did you give your students a lot of homework

    4. 10:40 again no period kid, forgets a period ofat the end.😂😂🤣😜

    5. 9:35 Gracias maestra Canuta with out your teachings i wouldnt know where the periods on my sentwnces go

    6. @11:33 are you like 12 years old, you failed English class, he told you at the end of the sentence.

    7. 6:52 yes maestra im still trying to learn thank you for your teachings

  9. This is by definition terrorism. They have been doing it for years to business, politics, and police. Its a shame that politicians in Mexico know about it and do nothing.

    1. You obviously dont know the definition of terrorism lol

    2. There is no detention per say but let’s get the FBI definition “Violent, criminal acts committed by individuals and/or groups to further ideological goals stemming from domestic influences, such as those of a political, religious, social […] .” Now lil man. These lil dick bastard do that every day. So stop being an narco ass leaker. Póngase Verga pinchi culito.

    3. 11:20 this is literelly what terrorism is, admitt it CDS are terrorists, its not only political if that was your idea of what a terrorist is 🤦‍♂️ i mean its even in the word, "TERROR"ism causing terror! Literally!!

    4. @9.14. No, it's not ''literally'' what terrorism means. Words mean specific things. If I scare the shit out of you, causing you ''terror'', I'm not a terrorist, even though a part of that word corresponds to the way you might feel, and even though terrorists try to sow fear. A soldier might be a man with a gun, but ''gunman'' does not mean soldier.

    5. @4.56- There is a definition per se. A very clear accepted definition used by every dictionary. The word was invented specifically to refer to political or ideological movements, it's not a mark of how terrifying or evil a group is. So tell me, what are the ''ideological goals'' of drug traffickers, lil man? (google the definition of ''ideology'' before repling)

    6. 3:47 so what do you think the guy who is being punished felt? Fear or terror?

    7. He actually love it he wants to know when the next session is coming up. Whatup peoples.

      Rubio NYC

    8. Hey 5:08 Rubio how's all the Smog in your City. Your city is number one puluted in the whole USA.

    9. The origin of the word terrorism comes from the French revolution… and terror with ism on the end does not mean causing terror. In Latin terror means to see terror. Those are actual facts, and not some thing I made up and pretended to know.

  10. Heres what cartels do for mexico,fuck has this got to do with moving drug thru plazas and corridors?
    They are choosing to do this,pure criminality poor fucking guy trying earn a living

  11. Lets see an armed salt convoy roll through here and kill all the filth who try to stop them. Worthless subhuman trash. Mans trying to make a living and the filth attacks. Killem all !


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