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Wednesday, June 14, 2023

Tijuana Mayor Moves into Military Barracks Following Cartel Threats

"Socalj" for Borderland Beat

The mayor of Tijuana, Montserrat Caballero, has moved into the 28th Infantry Battalion military barracks for her safety after she received threats, Mexico’s president AMLO said on Tuesday.

“She’s being protected, since about two weeks ago,” Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador said during his regular press conference. “We reached an agreement to help protect her and will continue to do so.”

Caballero, who is a member of Lopez Obrador’s National Regeneration Movement known as Morena, told reporters in a video shared on social media on Monday that she had received more threats after confiscating 1,700 firearms from criminal groups and detaining 56 people.

“They are angry,” she said. “And that’s why I’ve been receiving threats. Why do I get threats? Because we deliver results,” she said at a press conference.

“Our police have seized more weapons nationwide, and more perpetrators of violence, not to mention the thousands of detainees we have. Because of all this, I suffered an attack that did not become serious.” The mayor made the decision following recommendations from the National Guard: “In practical terms, it was not a decision, because not everyone can go to live in the barracks. It was a suggestion by the National Guard, for my safety. I hope it is temporary.”

On May 17, one of her bodyguards was shot at while traveling alone in a vehicle. He did not sustain any serious injuries, only minor ones from the shattered glass. The Baja California District Attorney’s Office is continuing its investigation into the case. Tijuana has become one of Mexico’s more dangerous cities as criminal groups fight over drug trafficking routes into the United States.


  1. Tijuana getting toooooo, dangerous that people running the city, now have to shack up in the military barracks.

    1. Bad Grammer Belizean, you're using commas improperly. Teacher, please correct his comments. Thank you.

    2. That's a negative chief TJ is safe if you stay in your lane all day

    3. Connor I live in Tijuana near Teran Teran where they found the white pickup with the seven bodies. I also live in the area where they had shootout in Granjas Familiares. It lasted 45 minutes. Peoples house sustained bullet holes. Seven people were hurt. Cops everywhere. One cop died of his wounds weeks later
      No one went to jail. It's true that if "stay in your lane" you should be okay. But Tijuana is never safe. Especially when you live within eyesight of the fence. Too much happening there to be safe.

    4. Stay in your lane all day, that's right, but sometimes others drift into your lane..
      there's always friendly fire, collateral damage..
      They're always trying to shoot those guys that sell globos en callejon Coahuila in Tijuana zona Norte, they've killed some over the years, but a paradita standing around got winged and an innocent waitress from La Carreta Bar got shot in the head because she was in the line of fire..
      Life's always been cheap in la Tia Juana, but when those guys with the Jalisco accents started showing up around 2014-2015 with crico to sell and guns that they were not afraid to use, it turned into murder inc. and got as ugly as it was when El Teo was on a murderous rampage a few years previously..

    5. 5:48 I agree. Connors comment may be true in other cities where cartel owns the streets but not in a Mexico-California border innocent or not by standers politicians military American tourist taco stands weddings clubs the beach the river any time anywhere anyone

    6. 5:55 mi largatija ahi te equivocas un poco, La Tia desde que Teo se separo siempre a sido lo mismo y no a cambiado mucho, los unicos que lo mantenian mas o menos controlado fueron los Arellanos, pero desde que Teo se separo no a cambiado mucho, no le eches la culpa a los Jaliscos que en realidad vieron un cochinero y nomas se sumaron al mismo, dime con numeros que año despues de Teo a bajado a los numeros antes de Teo? TJ es un cochinero y por el momento no se ve que valla a bajar en un rato

    7. Conor is trolling.

  2. This whole saga is strange. Read about the bodyguard when it happened. She wasn't with him, someone shot him in traffic.

    Then the bodies in a van on Monday, which hasn't happened in awhile, but it does happen, can think of 6 bodies 4th of July 2016, and maybe 5 in June 2009,

    but is not all that uncommon in TJ
    and can't see how it's connected to the mayors office unless they left a note?

    so after the shooting with her escolta and Monday, she moves into the barracks? Then it's said she has been mentioned in text messages and mantas around the city, which I haven't seen, but we can probably find

    but, they are more aggressive with police and shifting alliances as they try to consolidate control

    You have CJNG people trying to maintain control
    Aquiles and those guys trying to maintain power
    Flaco and whatever he does with Nini and his guys
    and maybe ivan trying to gain more power in TJ

    1. Municipal police in TJ more or less have to pick the side they're in and I guess that drags elected people in. I doubt it really means anything other than police can't protect pols now.

    2. Even the Municipal Police get screwed, by the stupid laws. A nice looking police officer, riding along with a male officer, defended herself from being raped, the male choose to ignore, her shouts to stop, she was smart not to get raped then killed. The suspect was her partner, which she killed. It went to court and she got 40 years in prison.

  3. She still getting smoked watch

  4. Someone will give her up or rat her location she’s stupid if she thinks the military ain’t on the cartel payroll

    1. She will be fine you forgot period end of sentence.

    2. Half assed comedians on here,fuckin pansies,where the fuck are these clowns from?

    3. We are ready to eat grandma..
      If that sounds too ghoulish, throw in a comma, and make it a nice invitation, as in we are ready to eat, grandma..
      Don't get your knickers in a knot concerning semicolons nor apostrophes, whatever they are..

    4. Ha ha 3:22 always forgets to put a period, that's why they call him no period kid.

    5. 9:04 muchas gracias por enseñarles a estos niños donde va el punto final maestra Canuta 🫡

  5. Políticos in Mexico especially border cities always are shady and unreliable.

  6. She needs to use previous officials tactics move to their other home in San Diego Chula Vista east lake!! As far asTJ being bad it’s been that way for over 20 years!!averging about 2000 homicides a year!! What has change is the amount of women being killed or disappearing 56 so far this year!!🙀🇺🇸

  7. It's Ramon and Benjamin AF rising from the grave to terrorize the poor chica

  8. In Tijuana nobody is safe I’m sorry to say this but it’s true. The sad thing is that you don’t even feel safe with the police either. They can literally pull you over and harass and threaten you they will force you to open your phone and will go thru everything. They will even steal your belongings.

    1. 8 years ago I went in my 99 Toyota Tacoma, nothing fancy. I made a u turn, on a regular public street, no sign stating u turn, and I did it safely. I saw a Police car 2-3 blocks up, on a matter, since they had, there Red and Blue lights on. Low and behold after I completed, the u turn, they were behind me(The Tijuana Police car, had no licence plate, no unit number, the two officers, had no name plates).
      They said I made illegal u turn, I sure was not going to correct them, that there is no posting, regarding u turn.
      They wanted $100, I gave them $50 and took off.
      Now who knows how bad it is.????

    2. Sounds like you ve never been there. Could not complain about mexico and its people. Friendly hard working.

    3. 651 I had a similar incident but I made a 3 point turn into a drive way and they claimed it was an illegal u turn. They asked me for money and I told them I wasn't giving them anything. They got on the radio and pretended like they were calling a tow truck, and when they saw that I wasn't budging they let me go. It really is bullshit, I wish I would've had a dash cam. I had another incident where cops stopped me and after not budging the guy asked me, "Por lo menos algo para la sodas."

  9. The t.j. municipales will always look at the photos on your phone, keep that in mind..
    If you're driving down calle primera with California placas de circulación on a Friday night, you're bound to get pulled over by cops hoping to be thrown a tasty scrap..
    You should see how tired cops are at the casa de cambio at the end of their shift, turning in dollars that they have extorted for pesos..
    They always keep the receipt so they can show their superiors they aren't getting shortchanged for their cut of the winnings..

    1. Even if you have a password?

  10. CDS pages on FeisBook are going wild blaming CJNG

    1. 1042, Claro que si. Yesterday I got a flat tire in a melon field and we all know it was senor menchos fault. Today I ordered tacos carnitas and the high school kid gave me al pastor. It's not his fault, we'll know it was CJNG messing with my comida.

    2. 10:42 🤣🤣🤣 funny, just a few days ago they were claiming they control all of Tijuana, from experince ive found out that when is CJNG the news make a big fuzz and name them right away but when its CDS they always keep quiet and just state that "a cartel" was reponsible, Cds are well known periodistas killers

  11. U guys with your horror stories ofTj cops are pathetic that shit been going on forever and everyone has one!!


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