Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Monday, June 26, 2023

Two Left Murdered Over Kilos Of Fentanyl In Culiacan

 "Char" for Borderland Beat 

The incident occurred in the La Costerita sector, one of the roads that connect to the city.

CULIACAN _ Two men were found murdered and on several kilos of suspected fentanyl this Monday in the sector of La Costerita.

The bodies were located at 06:00 hours next to the east-west lane.

The victims have not been identified by the authorities, but it was established that they presented blows and gunshot wounds.

One of the victims was dressed all in black and was described as a young man, while the second is a man of regular build who was wearing only blue jeans.

The area was cordoned off by local authorities and more than 10 kilos of fentanyl are presumed to be at the scene.

Agents from the State Attorney General's Office took charge of the removal of the bodies and the suspected drugs, which will be sent to the competent authorities.

Source: Noroeste 

Image shared on Instagram by belico_cln

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  1. looks like they didnt listen no more producing pills till further notice

    1. Damn, I’m over here Jones and just looking at all them damn blues shit does anybody have some tinfoil I need to get high already fatty is the shit.

    2. Easy flip for these young guys with a little money, seems like the location was set on the transaction. They made them spill it in front of them and goodbye. Poor kids were most likely sent by their family member and that's who they really want, Say no to drug deals early or late in the day. Vayense al V-H en el dia, lo esperas en la isla de playstation

  2. Fucked around and found out?

    1. There’s a new show named UGLY on HBO MAX, there’s a chubby guy with dreads that plays with various crews and ends up dying. I feel like there’s a lot of this particular character in Mexico, putos arrimados compa be safe

  3. Let it be known fentanyl production is banned in Sinaloa

    1. They don’t hug and kiss each other enough. And💤 fetty is not made in Sinaloa they promise, except for on documentaries

    2. @10:07 fentanyl is bringing to much heat to the state of Sinaloa so they are moving the labs to other states

    3. 3:53 They’re a little late on that

  4. Looks like they dont want that type of heat from american gov, smart move in my opinion

    1. It's way too late for that in my opinion

    2. And yet just 2 years ago they were bragging about all the fentanyl being produced by the snitch cartel

    3. Billy da jean ya all already stating a comment, no need for just my opinion, double salutation.🤪🤪👎

    4. 12:51 way too late kid

    5. 08:16 you ain't lying Billy. I was just thinking the same thing. They were so proud of their M30 pills and fake xanax and adderall a few months ago.....

  5. Typical propaganda and now AMLO will say “ see US, they are against fentanyl production in Sinaloa, they’re good people.”

    1. Lol, and the lying racist liberals and democrats will believe him.

    2. You are just upset that the US might be played so easily jajajaja

    3. trump=lying racist
      trumpcult=racist and idiots
      concervatives who support trump=lying,racist,and idiots

    4. 10:29am you must like kids

  6. I wonder if they really were guilty of breaking the law set in place by the Chapitos or if they were rivals who were going to be killed anyways but used for a good show to the U.S. I’ve heard countless stories of random people being used as props for propaganda . I’d like to find out the murdered men’s background before I make a conclusion if there really is a “ no cook rule “ that EVERYONE must abide by or just everybody but the Chapitos 🤔

    1. Props to you bloody

    2. This types of laws have been implemented before ..year back they had one for the no sale of meth in the state or at least from culiacan south to mazatlan did good for the junkies but i guess money is bigger than seeing your own people do good and shit came back

    3. Theres people who their whole livelihood depends on earnings from fentanyl and are having a hard time finding ends meet, man had to risk it for the biscuit and paid the ultimate price

  7. Is it just me or does the blue mountain look more like the size of pebbles or grains rather than pills?

    1. It’s definitely just you..

    2. Look at the size of them compared to the fully grown man laying next to them. If they were the size of tiny pebbles you wouldn’t really see anything in the way of individual pieces just from the picture.

    3. It’s just you that’s raw fentanyl see how some of the product clumps together that’s exactly what happens when you convert liquid to powder. Just need to be pressed in the pills.

  8. Fenatyl the drug of choice of the hero of the People's Republic of US of America.

  9. Maybe they just fucked up the cooking and wasted the raw materials.

    1. That probably happens like constantly number one. And number two, do you think they would really care? Even if this isn’t “what it appears”, straight propaganda would just be more likely. I really doubt fent precursors are THAT valuable.

  10. Why nobody says anything about the REAL reason the addiction problem exploted??? THe cartels just continued the the problem generated by Oxicoton being prescribed like candy..

    1. Most of those on OxyContin 10-15 yrs ago are dead, or clean by now. Can't blame big Pharma for Tenderloin, Kensington, and all the other fentanyl shit holes. None of the addicts on the streets today are there because of Oxy. They're there because they fucked around with drugs. Drs never told anyone to abuse their scripts.

    2. We just don't know lizard Boy.

    3. Facts 12:26 . However the Democrats gots to blame someone they love taking away the accountability from the users

  11. Sounds like Chapitos reached a deal with the DEA, they stop producing Fentanyl, and keep snitching on rival cartels, and giving up their own people whenever DEA wants a good press release, in exchange for freedom to operate. wouldn't be surprised if Chapo organized the deal from prison.

    1. Wouldn’t be surprised if chapo organized the deal from prison. Are you that dumb. Chapo is basically trying not to go insane.

    2. 11:48 100% cds fangirl

    3. That would mean heroin’s coming back.. Don’t get our hopes up like that.

  12. 2020 the American Media advertised Fentanyl overdose as a get rich plan. Some bought large mansions.

  13. Ivan sending a message for sure

    1. Doesn't matter the world knows he's a bitch only a matter of time before he and his bros get taken by some one whos actually lived it and weren't given

  14. I got word that it’s been about a month since they decided to stop selling or making fent in Sinaloa especially culiacan who ever gets caught gets dealt with.

    1. Then why are they still so prevalent in the US?? In my city people are getting them for under $2. I had a customer at my smoke shop tell me if he spends $25 he gets 15, and he homeless. It’s scary

    2. Has anyone noticed a reduction in availability or increase of cost since the “band” was imposed. I still have 10-20 people asking me daily about selling singles of hookah tinfoil at my smoke shop

    3. 11:05 It might take a little time to see effects. I remember when covid hit and the coke market didn’t change even slightly until mid/late May of 2020 even though everything started shutting down in March. April’s coke quality was literally the same and just as available as before covid. Idk if it was leftover batches or what but that’s how it went down. Things didn’t change at all until May but they changed dramatically.

    4. 7:01 that was cause USA shot down the borders if you didnt have a vaccine, not because the coke wasnt been made 🤦‍♂️

    5. Prices up about 20% in May
      Quality stayed the same
      but that's an accurate rendering of those months

      things stayed tight and expensive for a long time

      lots of people just stopped working

      Couldn't use the same people to cross, as only essential workers were allowed across, and the border was very hard to pass

      so a lot of people with tourist visas couldn't cross anymore

      word was it hit like 35k a kilo

      quality started getting less consistent, people shopped and sold bad bricks for high prices

  15. They just found another one today

  16. Thats the Chapitos showing they are true to their word,What good guys they are

  17. Chapos want to clean their hands about the fent


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