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Friday, June 30, 2023

US Government Removes Cifuentes From Blacklist, Who Claimed That 'El Chapo' Gave $100 Million Dollars To EPN

 "Char" Borderland Beat 

The United States government has removed Alexander Cifuentes Villa, a friend and associate of Joaquín el Chapo Guzmán, from its blacklist.

The US Treasury Department's Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) removed the Colombian drug trafficker from its blacklist.

So far, his whereabouts are unknown since, after he testified against Chapo Guzmán in his trial, he may have remained as a protected witness, according to Univisión.

Alex Cifuentes Villa collaborated with the Sinaloa Cartel leader from 2007 to 2013. However, at the time of his trial in 2019, he decided to cooperate with the US government after he was arrested in Sinaloa and extradited to the United States.

In that trial, he reiterated about a bribe to former President Enrique Peña Nieto. In the last month of Peña Nieto's administration, spokesman Eduardo Sánchez denied the accusations, arguing that the drug lord was arrested and extradited.

Alex Cifuentes Villa 



  1. I believe president Fox, was the only president that did not accept any money. All other president/military took bribes.

    1. I believe Cupa Cabras is the real McCoy.

    2. To become the president of Mexico you have to be corrupt. There's a ladder to climb in politics that cannot be climbed without the help of those already in power. To say Fox wasn't corrupt is to say that his climb to the top wasn't aided by those already corrupted. He's as dirty as Pena Nieto, Calderone, and Amlo.

    3. They all take bribes my friend you just don't know it.

    4. Look up details about his ranch… also his wife loved bribes in form of jewelry.

    5. To say fox didnt take brives is like saying Trump did take those top secret documents 😂

    6. Wasn't his wife's family in the game I thought or read on here?

    7. Fox had been in the game years before.... How about a shipload with coke on one of his companies operating in Texas border towns?, later on, various deaths in his ranch?, his stepsons did a lot of cocaine deals too... no, not sure if is convenient to assume that.

  2. Free Chapo! Mexico's most infamous political prisoner and the one that got all the blame for moving yeyo when it was a collaboration between many governments, politicians and criminals across the globe.

  3. Poor chapo, alone in ADX crying himself to sleep every night.

    1. That dude still giving orders just like the EME AND NF bosses adx max and pelican bay are a retirement compund safer that the streets

    2. 4:14 No orders are being given from ADX. Other prisons, yes.

    3. Don’t worry he’ll have Trump join him soon

    4. 4:14 😂😂😂😂 pinche alucin, en que corrido lo escuchaste?

    5. Nah bro I heard he counts sheep jumping over the moon to try and fall asleep cause he have insomnia ... Pogre

    6. Believe me his in the vip section of that prison any person who worked with the plans of the usa mex government get treated with royalty

    7. Trust me El Chapo is nobody in prison just another numbered inmate .... His glory days r done like him .... Big he thinks anything other tham that he can do what Aerosmith says DREAM ON

    8. Pinche Chapo got the hammer dropped on his short lil as- he is El chupa

    9. But but but

    10. Idk but I’m curious if the US really believed that putting all that money and effort into getting Chapo was really going to make any difference at all. Reality arresting the twins effected the flow of drugs more then arresting El Chapo at least with the twins arrest the drug flow slowed down for a minute in Chicago. Where did it change with Chapo. It actually increased and prices have gone down.

  4. is also corrupt...big time

  5. It’s gotta be torture making all that money only to be stuck in ADX


  7. I think Chapo told him I'll give u 100 mil if u let me bend u over and stay out of jail and ENP said ok then he threw a movida in there and took the 100$$ and reversed it and said wrong I'm bending u over

  8. Que lamentable por el Sr. Guzmán, pero la última imagen habla por sí sola, pues la postura de el (Sr. Guzmán) deja en claro que no confiaba plenamente a diferencia del judas que lo abraza quien finalmente al hablar se ahorcó solo.

  9. They never forgive mayo and chapo for the death of Roba chivas. That’s why they went to trial


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