Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Thursday, July 20, 2023

A Convoy Of Monster Trucks Crosses Jalisco–Zacatecas Borders

"Char" for Borderland Beat 

This tweet reposted from @CONSEGURIDADJALISCO

In the limits of Apulco, Zacatecas with Teocaltiche, Jalisco, was recorded, according to security cameras, a shooting confrontation, between hitman, leaving abandoned a monster truck. Before this, a convoy of monsters was seen traveling along with a pickup truck in the indicated limits.



  1. Replies
    1. Who's winning?

    2. Mario Gonzales is winning. Since the beginning of this year, this is like the fourth or fifth time that CJNG has tried entering Teocaltiche, Jalisco. They always end up getting destroyed and have to retreat.

    3. 6:29 nobody has taken up the challenge to disprove what an individual on YouTube has said that NG already control Teocaltiche. Federal forces attack them(NG) first and then MG and his people come in from the outskirts of Teocal but according to what he says they(MG) got the boot from their plaza.
      If that is the case than nobody controls there since they can't work the plaza safely.

  2. Char, thanks for posting this. I'm not sure why but when I see these behemoth piles of metal on wheels, bolted and welded together, it makes me think of Herman Munster's car of choice (old tv show reference)🐙

    1. "Munster Koach",
      Ford Model T..

  3. Noventagrados is reporting that CJNG dropped leaflets again in Teocal. I believe CJNG controls Apulco. Mario Jr. seems to be holding on. I wonder if Ivan is providing him support.

    1. Isn't it mayos supporting cds in jalisco

    2. Chapitos are the ones in Jalisco

    3. 7:38 after Puerto Vallarta chapitos se volvieron chaputos y no quieren saver nada de jalisco, es mas nomas al ohir el nombre se cagan y piden s engarruñan como bebes y lloran sin parar

  4. Cjng has monstrous looks like they got there shit blown up.

  5. Flechas Vs grupo elite ?

    1. (CDS/MZ)Sargentos,flechas, linces, espartanos,CTE,NEA,40s,80s vs sierras and canos(CJNG)

    2. @1027 forgot - los zorros and personal camargo(CDS/MZ).

      Cds fighting till the last duranguense!

    3. Dang ! They got all the brazos Armados out there !!

    4. MZ doesn’t have anything to do with this area.

    5. The groups mentioned are in Zacatecas fighting

    6. 10:27 dang!!!! All those groups and can't take out one lonely CJNG crew? I guess in all the CDS quantity there's not much quality

  6. Not a war or cartel expert, but I’m sure they losing tons of people and money. But I guess the reward is ten times better

  7. Desde ase 2 Semanas que les metio gente el jardinero a teoca los narcoblocleos ase 2 Semanas fur que los gonzalez se pelaron a san juan de los lagos y sus hombres causaron los blokeos pa poder pelarse ..

  8. Literally looks like The Road Warrior..

  9. Looks more like a jeep, and pick up trucks with some metal plates attached and a machine gun mounted in the back.
    To me a monstruo is more like a big armored truck.

  10. jaliscos getting railed by mario gonzalez

    1. Another video going down?

    2. 7:55 i wouldnt daught it, since the Zacs video of a CDS railing a CJNG dude nothing surprises me anymore from CDS 🤣

  11. La Gente de Mario González ya no están en esa área de echo los Jaliscos se están metiendo a esas áreas ya no queda nada de Los González en esas áreas porque cres que se están metiendo los Jaliscos por ay

  12. Hadn't heard of a new government group from Zacatecas called FRIZ, Fuerza de Reacción Inmediata Zacatecas, that's comprised of Zacatecas state police, SEDENA and Guardía Nacional. Time will tell how effective they are.

  13. Just came back from zacatuercas.. it’s a shit show all over the place. No one controls jackshit over there. Not no cjng not no zambada or whatever Tf or cdg Zetas… everyone running amok out that way.. stop being groupies man lol

    1. 844 pm pero tambien le gusta el pedo alv entonces que hace aqui en borderland beat y comentando 😂😂 la mera vena de noticias sobre el narcotrafico alv 💯

    2. @8:44 You did intelligence work in Zacatecas, or what? Most of Zacatecas is controlled by los MZ.

    3. 1:32 is a MZ fangirl your opinion is not valid. We can't say CDS anymore as your favorite cartel is split from the top down.

  14. That burned down "monstrou" is from nuevo laredo CDN.. 😐🤨

  15. CDS better retreat, they won't win against CJNG they already got kicked out of MOST places in jalisco where cds had the spot.
    Cds are not made for war against another cartel

    1. Not made for war ? Cjng is getting their butts handled in Zacatecas by CDS jaliscos a heading back to Nayarit and jalisco.

    2. 4;13 Jalisco is fighting like 4 wars and mayo is throwing everything he has in Zacs. When CJNG really gets serious they can finish them in a year

    3. 4:13 don't forget cjng NEVER had a plaza in zacatecas until recently.
      Cds had that plaza and cjng went inside zacatuercas and cds CANT get rid of them..
      Don't get it twisted kid

  16. 😂 @ apulpo.

    It's apulco.

  17. These trucks belonged to CJNG but it’s not MG who did the work it’s the law you might see a couple more bombings to law enforcement if they don’t switch up

    1. 6:34 in hink the bombs are a last desperate attemp from MG to try and bring some heat to CJNG and not loose all his shit, but it was a lost battle since CJNG was surrounding his in Jalisco in the first place, it was just a matter of time, good thing he has the chapitos who back him up and he can go to Culiacan and be safe and get snitch on by his friends, ok thw last sentence was sarcasm 😂😂😂

    2. 833 dude it might be a coincidence but it seems the places where these attacks with bombing be it drones mines or whatever are places where they’re located (Gto, mich, Jal) i think he’s fed up with the government not bending over to his will, we all heard the infamous phone call he made to that cop

    3. 12:50 the Celaya car bomb was CSRDL attacking the government and law enforcement, not too long ago they killed the mayor's son because he won't align himself to them.
      The drones and IED in Apatzingán municipality are Templarios wanting to heat up their own plaza so Federal forces can arrive and start searching the countryside where contrary groups are.
      In Jalisco there are at least three groups, La Corona who operate in the ZMG, MG in the Altos region and the remnants of CNP who also are in the ZMG, going against NG.
      If Tlajomulco is controlled by NG why would they heat up their own territory killing law enforcement and possibly civilians? It makes no sense.
      In my opinion the killing of innocents is what led to the demise of Cholo.

  18. CJNG did enter Teocaltiche in the last confrontation. The video shows CJNG GUNMEN inside the town but a little scared because the gunfight just finished.

  19. Some of you dont seem to understand that mencho has an unlimited money supply and apparently unlimited manpower as well. He can replace trucks and people while i guess MG isn't getting any support.. just like how they did to marro in Guanajuato they are doing it here its only a matter of time

    1. Mencho henchmen higher ups, run the show. Mencho is Dead.😭🤣

    2. 12:52 ok miss period at the end whatever you say 😂

  20. To all the arm chair supporters here. I’m here in Jalisco as I type this and CJNG got their ass beat again, MG Jr has a full lock on Teocaltiche, it’s always going to be a CDS plaza. One of many in Jalisco.

    1. 4:39 bull shit im close by and they are getting their ass kicked, actually the ones doing the fighting are the police not MG, he is long gone, many in jalisco? They only had teocal and villa hisalgo and encarnacion de dias, a little corner up in Jalisco, but they are getting their ass kicked, it was only a matter of time and by the end of this year there wont be any more of them left

    2. 7:34 these cds groupies have been delusional since the beginning

  21. Let's face it. Cds is a thing of the past, after zambada they will be running like chickens with their heads cut off. Literally


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