Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Tuesday, July 18, 2023

Apatzingan, Michoacán: A Corrupt Policeman Is Quickly Dealt With

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

It was during the night that a video began to circulate, showing a man who claims to be Noé Ávalos. Who says he is a police officer from Apatzingán and works for the Knights Templar cartel, kneeling in a riverbed.

"They sent me to the Municipal Palace to join the Municipal Police, to be under the orders of Jesús Rangel (subdirector of the Municipal Police) and to carry out kidnappings in Apatzingán," says the subdued man, "I was sent to the Municipal Palace to work for the Knights Templar cartel".

La Masakr3 

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  1. I don’t believe this. Nights Templar in that area.
    But who were the guys that shot him, cjng or lfm?

    1. bro the Knights Templar are still around especially in thier home turf of Apatzingan which is where el chayo is from

    2. Broly the famous CT was also from Apatzingan

    3. 1:44 broly was from sinaloa

    4. 1:44 as confirmed by an interview Chivis did with Broly, es o era orgullosamente de Sinaloa el famoso Broly Banderas

    5. Broly is from Sinaloa.

    6. The guy killed is a norteno and the killer a sureno from LA.

    7. @12.22. Chivis didn't interview Broly, she linked somebody elses interview with Broly. The one where he talks about all the girls he gets and has the marker pen down his forearm with the websites name. Taking nothin away from Chivis, just saying.

  2. Wow, so lucky to go out like that. Could have been like that poor guy who had his face cut off, tongue cut out and heart cut out(while still beating). All this while he was still alive. Until the removal of his heart mind you but, wow that’s the best this guy could have hoped for, a gunshot.

  3. Luckiest guy going out like that

  4. He had a nice death.

  5. Confession, execution, baptism.

  6. We migth have to bomb and rebuild michoacan full of sin 🥚🥚

  7. Too quick for a corrupt cop, he should have got the cdn treatment! It's all fun and games when these cops out kidnapping people. But now I gotta feel bad for him lol yea right, he is a cartel member with a badge. O well!!!!!!!!!!👈👈

    1. And you, you knucklehead, you believe that this man is ''corrupt'' because he was murdered in Apitzangan, and he is accused of corruption by unidentified men who have every reason to lie, backed by no real information? The word ''corruption'' has no meaning in Michoacan. The authorities on a local and federal level work with every other group who represent local business interests. Americans should be proud lol- Capitalism just like the Old Frontier. Instead you talk about corruption, like there are lots of good men fighting the good fight and lots of bad men fighting the bad fight, and men like this went over to the dark side. The fact that you would rather this nameless man have his face flayed tells me you have never witnessed real violence in your life, cos if you had- torture, decapitation with the stink of people shitting themselves while shouting for their grandmothers, you'd stfu.

  8. I did read the article... it's understandable he was a curupt cop, but which criminal group is claiming the killing?

  9. This is the famous Sinaloa cartel not harming innocents again.
    Fucking dumbfucks that say this!

    1. Damn dude you don’t rest everyday you have to talk about Sinaloa

    2. 6:48 broken hearted freak 😂

    3. 6:48 has Daily hatred, he should forgive or will die of heart disease.

    4. 6:48 dont bother bro, the CDS fans as so blind that even if their underage daughters get raped by CDS guys, the fans will say they deserved it

    5. 1:02 CDS cheerleaders just want to dish it out but can't take it when their idols take hits.

    6. @4.02. Just to be clear, are you saying this was Sinaloa who did this in Apatzingan?

    7. 6:02 saying that they take hits as in their cartel does shit against innocents just as much as the next cartel. Sinaloa cheerleaders only want to see the beauty of their cartel. This has nothing to do with the current article.

  10. Who in their right mind wants to be a police or politico in mexico?

    1. Someone wanting to get rich and powerful like most of us, but in a corrupt and violent way.

  11. They are ALL corrupt, some more than others. It's a 3rd world thing.

    1. It's a whole world thing.

    2. nah it's not a whole world thing,they are under threat of death they take the bribes or they die, and then they die for siding with someones enemy.

    3. @9.16. You think Mexico is a third world country? You don't know what that phrase even means do you? I'm sure you will once you've googled it, then when you realise how much the US makes from cross border trade with Mexico you'll talk about....errr... Aztecs, and that recent video by CDN that proves that... ''cartels'' are bad. And FLAYING!!!

  12. On a side note, what ever happened to brolly banderas? Last time I seen him he was saying the bosses told him to lay off the social media. Any word on brolly since then?

  13. Readers not yet hip to the captivating hijinks of the charismatic yet confused Broly can tune in to Chivis' post on his 2014 interview by typing in:
    Borderland Beat Broly Banderas..


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