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Friday, July 28, 2023

Cartel de Sinaloa: A Presence In Every Continent Except Antarctica

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

The DEA director reported that the agency has identified that the Sinaloa Cartel has more than 26,000 members around the world, while the CJNG has 18,800.

Video translation is as follows:

According to a DEA report, the Sinaloa Cartel and the Jalisco New Generation Cartel operate with 44,000 elements in more than 100 countries around the world. According to a map, the Sinaloa Cartel has more than 26,000 members including associates, facilitators, and intermediaries. 

While the Jalisco New Generation Cartel has more than 18,000 between accomplices, facilitators and money launderers. They also added that the Sinaloa Cartel operates in 19 of Mexico's 32 states and has a presence in every continent except Antarctica.  

While the Jalisco New Generation Cartel has influence in 21 states and maintains drug distribution centers in the United States as well. In the cities of Los Angeles, Seattle, Charlotte, Charlotte, Chicago, and Atlanta.

Azucena Uresti


  1. Incoming loads blown.

  2. they will be wiped out soon when trump is president

    1. That’s what Trump promised to do when he was elected president in 2016 and he didn’t do it. He couldn’t even make Mexico pay for the wall like he promised, and he didn’t even designate the cartels as terrorists. What makes you think it’s going to be any different this time ?

    2. @3.07. LOL. Considering all his last Generals laughed at him when he suggested his plan for taking on the cartels ''It was like trying to explain warfare to a 10 year old'' said one General, and Trump responded by offering ''help'' to Mexico on Twitter even though it was a literal impossibility and he knew for an absolute fact that the offer of ''help'' would be refused (Mexico doesn't lack firepower). Classic Trump dishonesty, pandering to ignorance when he knows he can spin a different narrative after the fact. What is he going to do? I'm serious. What can he possibly do?

    3. Yes he should

    4. Trump? The rapist? The MF who tried to sell Saudi Arabia nuclear weapons and then the plans on attacking Iran to Israel. F’ Trump the grifter.

    5. LOL he'll be too busy golfing on house arrest

    6. Trumps grandfather was a pimp who operated a brothel in the west soon after he got off the boat at Ellis island with no papers either like the rest and the ancestors of his followers so why are they always messing with today's immigrants?

    7. Trumps followers were stupid enough to believe Mexico was going to pay for a wall against their own people like he told laid off auto and steel workers he was going to help them? Plants are still closed suckers.

    8. El sR trump le va meter La berga

    9. Trumpanzees will believe anything

    10. Trump the president again yea right, he bout to be elected to be chapos bitch in Colorado.

  3. They got all this info but can't catch them, how does that make any sense?
    Well, they are not looking for them, the government is in bed with both of the cartels. Facts

  4. Damm sinaloa has 8k more members and still can't wipe out CJNG completely

    1. Well in Zacatecas and in baja California CJNG getting wiped out by just one faction (MZ)of the CDS

    2. Cjng is a giant and csrl is a gnat…shall i continue lol

    3. Im guessing less members for CJNG means less payroll and more money for better weapons/armored trucks/bribes

    4. 3:09 - Dude, CJNG still keeps getting their asses handed to them by CSRL, and CJNG is a giant compared to CSRL.

    5. 4:17 CJNG is a giant extortion, kidnapping, and theft gang that preys on the weak with weak ass strung out addicts with guns.

    6. Kinda sounds like fangirls in here

    7. Grown men here having "sword fights" over which cartel is better.

    8. So you know why DEA has more CDS operatives on site? You guess it! They all got snitched on, CJNG is way more low key, the ones on the radar are a little more noise, but the CDS love that attention and in return they get the heat, and thats a win for CJNG, cause thats exactly how they took so many plazas from CDS, im mean sinaloa is in 19 states in mexico and CJNG in 21 and has a lot more terrain

    9. 447 it's like the osimpycs for cartels simpdemic you see the simptoms idolizing praises and songs of simphony like zh article wrote it's the simpocalypse

    10. Is it possible that some of those 8k members are based abroad though supporting other operations?

    11. Is this the cjng fan girl thread? Nice. Mencho is better, no mz is better. Lol you all are clowns they are not a sports team. Get a life.

    12. You all should start fan clubs. And throw your panties at your fav cartel members. O weee!!

    13. 4:10 one faction? A while back a guy mentioned like 8 MZ's factions in Zacatecas, and Zacatecas is still half and half, no one will win it, just look at the CDG vs Z's nobody won

    14. Zacatecas is not half and half MZ almost controls the whole state CJNG is all hype.. just how supposedly Zetas were taking over the world in 2006

    15. It’s crazy because there was one article saying that the Sinaloa Cartel has 100,000 members and now the DEA I’d say around 20,000?

    16. 4:28 let me guess, you heard it in a corrido?

  5. Off subject and all the groupies will hate me buuuuuut Osiel Cardenas almost got beat to death for not paying La eMe extortion fees.

    1. How if he's not in a California states prison or any westcoast prison? He's in a federal prison in Indiana.

    2. 8:17 La Eme is all over USA, but im not sure what 3:17 said is true

    3. I think you dreamed that.

    4. @9:16 “in your dreams Padró in your dreams” they barely run their own shit you really think they got pull in the Midwest please stop

    5. He’s locked up at USP Terre Haute ,Indiana

    6. Hey original poster here sorry if it's false I saw it on Grillonautas2.. That channel usually has really good and honest info. Always up to date. I apologize

  6. Ahora si los Fan boys de Jalisco a sacar su frustracion que CDS ya se acabo decian 🤣

  7. Crime is not worth it, nor having to live with killing/causing evil.

  8. 3:17 Your source?

  9. Rumor says mayo is in his death bed 78 years old

    1. Same rumors been going on for years… where’d you hear this anyways?

    2. 1:20 funny how you dont want to believe this rumor but you did believe the one about Don Mencho been dead 😂😂😂

  10. Replies
    1. 4:40 maybe 6 pack

    2. 24 pack is the meanest MFr out there

    3. Pac is alive foo.. watch the video for “does heaven have a ghetto”

  11. Genaro Garcia Luna levanto machin a El cartel de Sinaloa!

  12. Antarctica is tightly locked down by The Marros. Only blue meth available.

    1. It's jale azul

    2. Or maybe it’s the only place CDG can do business lmao

  13. They meant dea cartel ooooopppppssss

  14. ''A presence in all the worlds Continents''. All it will take is for a lawyer connected with a Sinaloan money launderer to visit Antarctica with his teenage son and that continent will be struck off the list too. People picture the massive spread of CDS or CJNG tentacles across the world. ''Presence'' is kind of unavoidable in a global economy.

  15. I'm glad Mexico is at the fore front of having a cartel census every 10 years. Too bad, it does them absolutely no good.

  16. Stop the addicts when cartels are done they'll just find another supplier . The addicts look for the source, help the addicts in their addiction, their will always be someone to sell them what they want. Same goes for war and weapons as for pharmaceuticals money makes the world go round.

    1. True… makes you wonder if they are involved with the actual pharma trade lol

  17. The U.S goverment is at the beginning on striking Cartels in Mexico unfortunately addicts are the ones who need help

  18. Well if the DEA reported it, it must be true. Lol cartel de drug enforcement

  19. Cartel de Sinaloa los MZ stay snitching by the bud loads

  20. Who’s saying they are NOT in Antarctica???

    1. 8:39 well who are they gonna sell their shit to? The penguins?

    2. @1254 — The Nazis living underground foo!

    3. Santa Claus and his elves live in Antarctica. There's a market out there.

    4. @2:09...Santa lives on the North Pole. Antarctica is the South Pole. Pay attention in school kids

    5. 2:09 plz miss period at the end, dont tell me is you, cause if it is i will loose all faith on the world😂 everybody knows santa lives in the north pole not in the south pole (Antartica) there are no pinguins in the north pole just like there are no polar bears in the south pole

  21. The Penguin Cartel controls Antarctica. Those high class criminals in tuxedos will never let a low life cartel in.

    1. 1:33 dont forget about the leopard seals cartel who are going at it with the penguins cartel, its an eat or be eaten world out there

  22. Ivan Archivaldo Guzmán king of cocaine

    1. If he didn't have bodyguards to protect him he wouldn't be about shit

  23. I got inside Intel they are putting up all kinds of igloos in Antarctica and turning em into labs and they are hard to see cause they are in the ground


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