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Monday, July 31, 2023

Cártel del Noreste Is Scared About That Online Gossip

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

Cartel Del Noreste (CDN) releases a video disavowing the narco threat message that circulated last week on WhatsApp. 

Where they threatened the government of Nuevo Leon and its different government agencies. They also say that they do not charge fees to small businesses.

Video translation is as follows:

Mr. Samuel Garcia and the director of the State Investigative Agency Esteban Cantu. Regarding the notes that are circulating on social networks in which we, the Northeast Cartel, supposedly declared war on you. This is completely false. We don’t have any problems with Samuel Garcia or Esteban Cantu. Nor with any authority for that matter. 

They do their jobs. Which we respect. And we do ours. So we are not responsible for what is circulating online because it’s a delicate matter to threaten families. This is on account of the fact that we all have families. And we are not cheap individuals either. Also, when we are going to do something we don't threaten. Nor do we make it public. 

Therefore, let it be made clear that we have nothing personal against them. Those notes or messages are made by people spontaneously. We also want to clarify that we do not extort businesses such as butcher shops, grocery stores, transportation lines, or any other type of business. This all comes from people who use our name to extort money. 

Without further ado, we send you a cordial greeting and we hope you put your heart and soul into your work. Focus on doing your jobs and we will focus on doing ours. 

Yours truly, The Northeast Cartel [Cártel del Noreste]

Governor Samuel García

Esteban Cantú, Director of the State Agency of Investigations

Vivo En Marte


  1. Scared? I'd say far from it..

    1. Something tells me you are the fake 🦎 and the fake 🦉 …

      Grupo Lagartos and El Bujo are onto your shenanigans!

    2. "all the world's a stage, and all the men and the women merely players"

  2. These guys are clowns and their own worst enemies

    1. 1:55 the most accurate comment 🎯 on the crime underworld, the sharks get frenzy when they smell blood in the water.

  3. thanks for translation SOl

  4. Hearst, will you still do the write-up for the aftermath of Chapitos kidnapping?

    1. 2:39 what aftermath? They just went back to culoacan and havent been back to jalisco, that was it buddy, o and they had to take a year of psychology for their PTSD

    2. Phycwhat? I think you mean , and maybe need psychiatry.

  5. Cdn are very well armed I suppose it’s easy for them to get. Weapons being on the border

  6. They extort us citizens that go across the border at Laredo.I know for a fact

    1. You ask anyone in any border town where their from and they are not local

  7. CDN are such scared clowns

  8. Knees bouta give out

  9. These never learned to be low profile they always show off they want to be the baddest.

    1. Qui es el mas chingon, guey..

    2. Si.

  10. Look at that top pic. These look like 4'9 12 yr olds dressed in snowsuits, within big mittens. Take a look again and you will laugh or atleast do an inward chuckle

    1. I don’t think any of them are taller than 5’5 lol

    2. Then again they look exactly like the deranged psychos who flayed the La Linea-guy in Zacatecas. Same fatigues and weapons.

    3. Exactly how tall do you need to be to fire a AK or shoot a grenade Launcher or cut a hostages head off? Also I bet if they ran up on you while you were coming out of the market , you would be shitting bricks and not laughing or smirking.

    4. I think the short height actually makes them scarier. Short guys tend to be very stocky and strong relative to their height because it's much easier for them to gain muscle and fill out their frame than taller guys. Plus they're covered in body armour and holding assault rifles. Even a huge man would be terrified if he met them in person.

  11. Things are really getting weird…

    First an interrogated gets let go, now this..

    What next, a cartel suddenly transforms into an international charity?

  12. These guys saying the exact same thing cjng says in their stupid videos

    1. @1123 — nice eye and ear… maybe you are onto something?

  13. Shiver me Timbers
    🦎 🦉

    1. Putamadre!!! We know you’re heating up la plaza… 🦉

  14. Mandan un "cordial" saludo. Hasta parecen buenos muchachos. 🙂

  15. Yea scared like cjng with the same kinds of videos of kissing ass to the government that they are good boys, please dont hurt us.


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