Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Wednesday, July 19, 2023

China Says US Slanders And Evades Responsibility For Fentanyl; Acknowledges Cooperation With MX

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

Page from the Embassy of the People's Republic of China in Mexico

The Embassy of the People's Republic of China in Mexico issued, on July 18, 2023, a "solemn declaration", in which it denied that the precursor chemicals for the manufacture of fentanyl were of Asian origin and blamed the U.S. Government for slandering the Asian nation and evading responsibility for the presence of such synthetic drug in the U.S.

"The US ambassador to Mexico [Keneth Lee Salazar] and other US officials have slandered that the precursors used by Mexican cartels to illegally produce fentanyl come from China," said the Embassy of the People's Republic of China in Mexico.

Likewise, the diplomatic representation of that Asian country stated that the Chinese government monitored fentanyl-related chemicals with "utmost importance" and stressed that the responsibility for the flow of chemicals did not lie with the administration headed by President Xi Jinping.

"The root of the fentanyl crisis in the United States lies within itself, and reducing domestic supply and demand is the fundamental solution," added the Embassy of the People's Republic of China in Mexico, whose head is Zhang Run.

In addition, the diplomatic representation of that Asian country highlighted that the Chinese government had controlled the supply and administration of substances related to the manufacture of fentanyl, since May 1, 2019, while the United States had not done the same.

"What the United States should do is to reflect on itself, strengthen domestic control of prescription drugs, intensify the dissemination of the dangers and harms of drugs and reduce domestic demand for drugs, instead of slandering and blaming other countries," argued the Embassy of the People's Republic of China in Mexico.

According to the diplomatic representation of the Asian country, the Chinese government catalogued and controlled 38 precursor chemicals for the manufacture of fentanyl, 14 more than those indicated by the United Nations (UN), including substances similar to ephedrine; measures that, according to the Embassy, had been recognized by the international community.

For this reason, the Chinese government disclaimed any responsibility for the illegal distribution of fentanyl in other countries, since "the responsibility for preventing the flow of non-scheduled chemical substances into drug production lies with the importing country".

In addition, regarding the collaboration that the Chinese government had with its Mexican counterpart, the text noted that "at present, the two sides are actively coordinating and strengthening the supervision of drug manufacturing substances", so the channels of communication remained fluid and the bilateral relationship was considered of "great importance".

Zeta Tijuana

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  1. The Chinese sound like the chapitos: "What? Us? But we're everybody's best friend - it couldn't be us!"

  2. Total B.S. from the Chinese government. Both Mexicos ALMO and Chinese Ximping are saying no precursor chemicals are in Mexico.
    Give me a break, then where the hell do they come from.😭😭.

  3. It's all fun and games until they announce cartels are terror organizations and the US Military gets involved

    1. That’s never going to happen. The U.S. has had more than 30 years to get their military involved, and they still haven’t done so. It’s all just politics and empty threats. Have you ever noticed that U.S. politicians usually start talking a lot more about the cartels the closer we get to the elections and then once elected they usually don’t end up keeping their promises ? It’s all just talk to win more voters.

    2. 2:26 the u.s are view as soft with the current government in power

    3. 2:26 yea nobody is scared anymore of the u.s.a

    4. Writings in the wall but the west is too high to see US can only win against sandal warriors and horse back riders but modern warfare with Russia and China forget about it

    5. @10:08 lmao are you not paying attention to the current wat russia is in. Usa wouldve finished Ukraine in a week

    6. 226 you are delusional keep laughing your ass off you must be high on estrogen

    7. @10:08 you're a moron if you think they were against "sandal warriors and horse back riders" lol.. so sheltered.

    8. 1105 cry and wine for me baby daddy don't mind

  4. Lmao… anyone got a link for us, to that website where you can literally order any precursor… by the bulk*

    1. You can buy them through some mainstream websites but it's all done in coded language.

  5. China is right . The Democrats are guilty for the Fentanyl epidemic.

    1. Hhhm this was going under an orange president who did NOTHING. At least this administration is making noise.

    2. Yupp...libs love their drugs

    3. 559 orange prez wanted to declare all cartels as terrorist and use the military to make some noise…

  6. I bet this is chinas revenge for all the heroin the British east India company pumped back in the day

    1. China MSS (Operation Opium Wars Revenge)

  7. Typical wartime tactic being played by the Chi-coms - weaken the enemy from with. Their finger prints are all over the precursors just like their spreading of Covid. Combined with a feeble and anemic US president, the chi-coms moving ahead with their plans to dominate the world. They need to be stopped at Taiwan, a sovereign and independent nation and a litmus test for the world.

  8. Let China have Australia (sorry, mates), and call it 'empate' with the rest of the world..
    Canada, U.S., and Mexico will link up as one empire, with 2 oceans keeping the rest of the world at bay..
    Don't worry about ballistic nuclear missiles raining down on you from afar, the radioactive half-life of fissionable material is like 10,000 years, and with real estate so expensive, nobody wants to contaminate the world for centuries to come..
    The global puppet masters will continue to keep the atomic genie in the bottle..
    Taiwan will reunite with the mainland like Hong Kong did in '98, they all speak Chinese, they can figure out a way to get along without the west sticking it's big schnozzola in there..

  9. Why is everyone being quiet about that Chinese national that was thrown off the top off the Talking stick resort in Scottsdale AZ he had ties to the CCP and CDS

  10. Fuck china I say it loud and proud

  11. China playing tactical war games hopefully trump comes back into office and sends a nuke to the slants

    1. China playing warfare games? 😂

  12. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  13. Is China wimenz chon chon really sideways?

    1. No dumbass!! It just that theyre thin and their who ha is flat no line in the middle and its good for you!! Lol

  14. Whats about healthcare like in any other first world countries? Maybe you folks should relax on booze and nipples as well? But you prefer bitching about china and blame them as commis :) The play the capitalist handbook very well and now you are bitching when tasting how it is on the other side.

  15. The chinese is right, its an american problem. Any other nation with a fent problem in this world, beside the americans???

  16. Communist China knows exactly what they’re doing when it comes to fentanyl problems. They don’t care and may I say that they intend to sell chemicals around the world to kill other people. China is communist and can’t be trusted. I do understand US and Europe loves their drugs, but China is playing innocent is like saying trump is not a grifter.


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