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Saturday, July 8, 2023

Court Denies Ovidio Guzman Warrant Against Extradition To The U.S.

"Char" for Borderland Beat 

This article translated and reposted from La Jornada

The fifth district court in matters of amparo and federal trials, based in Toluca, State of Mexico, denied the protection of federal justice to Ovidio Guzmán López, El Ratón, son of Joaquín El Chapo Guzmán, who was seeking to stop his extradition process to the United States, where the justice system of that country intends to try him on eleven drug trafficking and money laundering charges.

Judge Alfonso Alexander López Moreno refused to protect Guzmán López from the formalization of the international extradition request by the United States.

On March 7, during the hearing held at the Altiplano prison, Ovidio Guzmán López and his defense attorneys pointed out that the imprisoned man, who was identified by Mexican authorities as the son of El Chapo Guzmán, was not the person sought by U.S. justice. But the judge also denied him the protection of federal justice in that regard, thus validating Ovidio Guzmán's identification.

The ruling may be appealed by Ovidio Guzman's defense and reviewed by an appellate court.

Source: La Jornada 


  1. Ivan better hurry up and break him out.

    1. Ivan already replaced his brother and wrote him off. He was replaced within one hour of his capture.

    2. mama siempre me decia raton y queso amigos son 🐭🧀

    3. 8:13 Kabito mijo!

  2. Oh no not Raton!

  3. That must have sent shivers down to the ass cracks of the chapitos; waking up at night in a cold sweat, terrorized at the thought of being alone, in a damp cell, with only their member in hand.

    1. You sure seem to be picturing them holding themselves.

    2. I feel personally attacked by the comment of " alone with his member in hand"

    3. You wish he was holding your “member” youre a fan girl

    4. I was holding my member not to long ago

    5. Why waste your time publishing these childish and immature comments? Trash them is best.

    6. 9:12 Look out, this one means business lol

    7. 9:12 the irony on your comment 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣😂

    8. Maybe his daddy will hold his member for him when they in cells together

  4. How ironic it would be if he was in the next cell to his dad.

    1. Fatherly love!

    2. It might just become a real possibility. The Guzmán's are not known for being to bright.

    3. That would be so fucked up if they sent Ovid up right next to chapo

    4. 12:44 thats the goal to have all the drug trafficking sons to be behind bars with theyre father

    5. The Guzmán's are not known for being to bright he said. And yet he outlasted most of all the other narco traffickers. I think Mayo is the only one who has lasted more.

  5. I think Ovid is done for just like his dad overall el vergazo fue fuerte

  6. Well tha mouse bout to bounce.

  7. If he goes North, Fedro El Raton Guzman will flip on his people to save his behind taking a page from Mayo's people playbook.

    1. I mean what CDS member does not snitch? Its like asking a fish not to swim

    2. Which criminal organization hasn’t had a snitch or two in their ranks, For example el Chuy Raul held it down even tried to get Mini Lic whacked when he was locked up

    3. 11:18 Every cartel has snitches no daught, but you have to admitt CDS has way more snitches than any other cartel, hence the name CDSnitches

    4. 12:08 correct

    5. 9:31 Alfredo Beltrán Leyva is the only one I can think of.

    6. The only reason most of you know about them is because they become famous for their corridos ..that all you bump in you cars and dont say shit ...but come on here and talk shit ..All cartels have snitches but you all love lowkey love CDS

    7. 2:49 he was a BLO not a CDSnitches

    8. 4:28 just cause you love them does not mean we all do bud, keep listening to all those fake corridos and believe everything they say, but never mention what a bunch of snitches they are 😂😂😂

    9. @4:28 they’ll bump it and sing it and come to BB to talk bad about cds 😂. S been on top ever since these pups were born, so they gotta release their jealousy somewhere and to someone. Ninguno de Badiraguato le a cantado alos gringos eso si se. 💯

    10. 10:38 why are you responding your self?

  8. Damm I wonder if somehow another big fish gets caught up soon an ovidio gets to stay imprisoned in mex then gets freed by el panu and army

  9. When are we going to see a real picture of the fella that was captured. I’m still not buying that Ovidio from Culiacanazo #1 is the same guy captured in Culiacanazo#2.

    1. How do you know the puc is fake?

    2. Don’t think it’s fake. Just curious as to why a picture of him in custody has not surfaced. The first incident had information such as video and audio from both public and government sources being published at a rapid pace. The second incident has not been as fruitful in terms of public disclosure.

    3. There's pictures of him in custody, walking to the helicopter.

  10. Muy pronto se va a llamar Olvidio porque todos se van a olvidar de el 🤣

  11. No que muy chingones
    Aguante la chinga

  12. I guess the whole no producing fentanyl thing is not working out for chapitos.

  13. I bet Ovidio wishes he got whacked eating cheese cake now

  14. Well it sounds and looks like the Americans are not honoring their deal they had with El Chapo. I can't believe you paid hundreds of millions if not billions of dollars to the Mexican president the army Navy Federal police local police every damn police and he's still an fucking jail! I guess none of these fuckers get a refund do they? Just goes to show you all you future cartel members remember that bribes will only get you so far as a cell in Colorado supermax.

    1. "Americans are not honoring their deal they had with El Chapo"
      Hilarious shit,Chapo made a deal with the get lifed up in a concrete box

  15. ADX Florence awaits Chapito.... daddy is waiting to see you.

  16. Why Sicario006 not save ovidio 😂

    1. 006 is in Ukraine trying to fix that mess. He's behind the scenes saving the world bro.

    2. Where was sicario 006 to prevent the mess in Ukraine?

    3. I think sicario006 switched sides

    4. Sicario 006, dará grandes resultados pronto. Yo confío en ese soldado de guerra

  17. Is it such a good idea to publicize the judges name ?

  18. Baldy head going north,ohh shit its a hate crime to call someone baldy,sorry

    1. Lla le dicen la gasolina, porque cada dia es mas cara 🤣

  19. I truly believe that his own brothers turned him in to get heat off them, that would be smart.

    1. He was too comfortable. I get Pan de Vieja in Jesus Maria. Everyone knew he was there.

  20. Es muy lamentable, la mayoría de comentarios de esta nota., me pregunto ¿Porque se nos hace tan fácil opinar, señalar o juzgar?. Basándonos solamente en imaginaciones personales, la mayoría solo somos espectadores detrás del telón y se que mi comentario puede causar molestia, solo lo menciono a modo de reflexión y con mucho respeto, porque "Hasta el oficial más honesto, nada en alberca de oro".

    1. 10:24 me sacaste una lagrima 😢 pero una lagrima espeza del mounstro de un ojo ciego!
      Es muy lamentable que aiga gente tan pendeja que todavia saviendo todo el desmadre que a causado en Mexico todavia quieran que lo dejen suelto para que siga haciendo sus mamadas, que se lo lleve la verga y lla, esas son las consecuencias de su actos, ahora que se atenga y le ponga el pecho a las balas y que se pudra el la carcel, que te aceguro que eso no es nada a comparacion de toda la gente que desaprecio y los familiares todavia los buscan, ese si es un infierno, que chinguen su madre todo los narquillos de todos los cartel y tambien gente como tu que los defiende! Ahi si no me le digan nada a mi ratonsito, sigue chillando pinche puñetas!!!

    2. 20:23 Me doy cuenta que no sabes leer e interpretar las palabras, a que viene tu comentario ignorante de "¡No me digan nada a mi ratoncito!"., ¿Quien te dijo que me refería a el?. Te aclaro no soy puñetas, aprende a respetar las opiniones de los demás, así como yo respeto la tuya. Atiende tu catársis emocional.

    3. 12:52 y yo me doy cuenta con todo respeto que tu comentario es mejor que te lo uvieras guardado desde el principio para no verte tan pendejo, con mucho respeto, este post se trata de un delincuente y tu preocupandote de como la gente tan facil opina, lo señala y juzga, pues tan facil como a ese animal se le hace matar, violar y torturar a gente tan solo por tener "poder", una basura de gente, igual a los que lo defienden, y voy a atender mi catarsis emocional tan pronto como ti atiendas tu sentido comun 😢

    4. 10:24
      Y acabas de hacer lo mismo!

    5. Sinceramente, cada vez que ingreso a esta página BB, lo hago con la plena libertad de analizar el comportamiento humano, desde diferentes perspectivas y sus comentarios, (Los cuales 20:23 y 15:10 son los primeros comentarios que recibo desde que opino aquí) son llenos de posible rabia, frivolidad o soberbia. Yo hablaba del hecho de juzgar pero no a este personaje. Sólo pluralizaba que seguimos el mismo patrón de juzgar sin ser testigos. Fue todo, dejemos que cada quien opine lo que considere pero sin ofender con groserías. Gracias por su observación a mi si me da gusto rodearme de comentarios como los suyos.

    6. 4:55 Lla veo porque nadie te contrstava, si me pongo a "analizarte" como tu dices te puedo decir que no tienes amigos porque eres tan divertido como ver pintura secarce

  21. 13:01 Te preocupa tanto mi sentido común, te introyectas muchísimo., tu mismo das la respuesta, porque necesitas que me guarde mis comentarios, evita leerlos y así evitarás tu catársis., yo no me refiero a este personaje, te lo aclaré, ¿Que parte no entiendes?. Tranquilízate y atiende tu ortografía. Te respeto...

    1. 2:34 Gracias maestra pero esta pagina no brilla por los comentarios sin mala ortografia, y simceramente nunca fui bieno en Ortografia pero matematicas y ciencias naturales dos pelones

    2. Te agradezco mucho Mr. Math yo entiendo perfectamente tu mensaje del sentido común y cabalmente lo sé, pero a veces las palabras se interpretan con diferente sentido, disculpa si te resultaron molestas, no puedo explicarte, pero te saludo con mucho respeto atte: Teacher. Hasta pronto

    3. 9:08 de nada maestra de leguistica, me retiro porque lla me dio mas gueva que la de los pescados 🫡


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