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Saturday, July 1, 2023

Drug Trafficker Who Had Possession of Rocket Launcher, Grenades and Ammo Earmarked for Mexican Cartel Sentenced

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

A 42-year-old man in Houston has been ordered to federal prison for drug trafficking and unlawfully possessing a rocket launcher, rocket-propelled grenades, guns and ammunition, the Department of Justice announced Thursday.

Alfredo Gonzalez-Diaz pleaded guilty on May 26, 2022, to conspiracy to distribute kilograms of heroin and cocaine and illegal possession of a firearm. U.S. District Judge Alfred H. Bennett ordered Gonzalez-Diaz to serve a total of 175 months in federal prison. Not a U.S. citizen, he is expected to face removal proceedings following his imprisonment, a news release said.

U.S. Attorney Alamdar S. Hamdani said as part of the undercover investigation into individuals affiliated with the CJNG, law enforcement executed a federal search warrant and seized 8.5 kilograms of heroin and approximately two kilograms of cocaine. Authorities also reportedly seized a rocket launcher, two rocket-propelled grenades and two guns inside a stereo speaker prepared for transport to Mexico.

“A rocket launcher, two rocket-propelled grenades, 8.5 kilos of heroin, and lots, and lots, of cash,” said Hamdani. “These are the tools of terror of the Mexican cartels. Cartels like Jalisco New Generation (CJNG) Cartel threaten our communities and our families. This U.S. Attorney’s Office will not rest until we seize the cartel’s weapons, drugs and cash, and welcome those, like Gonzalez-Diaz, to the inside of a prison cell.”

Authorities said the investigation also revealed the weapons were destined for imminent distribution to the CJNG in Mexico.

Gonzalez-Diaz will remain in custody pending transfer to a U.S. Bureau of Prisons facility to be determined in the future.

The Houston Police Department; Drug Enforcement Administration; Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives; and Homeland Security Investigations conducted this investigation as part of the Organized Crime Drug Enforcement Task Forces (OCDETF) Strike Force Initiative. Assistant U.S. Attorneys Shelley J. Sullivan and Lisa Collins prosecuted this case.


  1. But but but Elmo said, it's the gun manufacturers that bring the weapons to Mexico. How about having his government at checkpoints for Southbound cars and get every car checked for contraband.

    1. Right, let’s just completely shift the blame onto Mexico’s government and completely ignore the fact that an illegal was able to get his hands on an RPG in the U.S.A. It’s crazy to me how Americans will always shift the blame onto everyone else, but themselves. America’s gun laws especially gun laws like the ones in Texas are literally arming the cartels.

    2. No one is shifting the blame Mijo.
      Since when have their been Mexican customs checking what comes into Mexico. It sure is not the job of the US. Wake up.

    3. They literally have check points in mexico

    4. Nah not manufactures, just American citizens doing there part.

    5. Americans blame Mexicans for the drugs. Mexican blame the Americans for the violence. Here there is demand for drugs. There there are demands for weapons.

    6. 11:35:
      I'm sure they just waltzed into Joe's gunshop and picked up a couple of RPG's and a handful of grenades.
      As the NRA would say, when RPG's are outlawed, only outlaws will have RPG's.

    7. 10;08 Detroit
      I am a law abiding US citizen in California. I went to Turner's Gun store, ordered a 9mm Baretta Storm. They could not start up the 10 day background check , until the gun came in. Then it came in and paid a deposit.
      10days came, great I passed background with flying colors.
      The gun salesman said my name has an O, in licence but on passport no O, another Delay have to go to DMV.
      Perhaps I should have brought it in Texas, where it is rumored, no background check.

    8. 8:23:
      You should have bought it in Pakistan and picked up a couple of RPG's while you were there. I guarantee the local gangbangers will leave you alone if they know you've got a couple of RPG's tucked away.

    9. 10:20
      RPG I am in USA.
      The minute I fire it, Police, FBI, ATF would be heating up the place to bust me.
      Then if the cartel fired it in Mexico no big deal, life goes on. Nothing has been done about the 12 kidnapped government employees of Mexico.
      Mexico is a lost cause.

  2. The US doesnt f around. He is gonna do hard time. Unlike mexico this guy isn't getting out through bribes either. Ask el chapo.

    1. 175 months is a pretty light sentence for getting busted with all that and being affiliated with CJNG. I would think they could have hit him RICO charges and put him away for life. The county I live in is famous for ridiculously harsh sentences for anything drug related. There's been people who get 30 years for selling a couple of pills. The New York Times even did an article about the ridiculous sentences here.

    2. 2:28
      175 months is not a fuken light sentence would be nice for you to serve the time and think twice. Dreamer.

    3. Hard time? 175 months is only like 15 years. That's like a slap on the wrist. I've already did 11 years for dealing drugs and robberies. Wish I knew I could just sell guns and rocket launchers to cartels and be rich as fuck. That's funny you think that is a long time. He prolly will get early release cause it's a non violent crime. So what he do 10 years at best. Shit that's a dub!

    4. That’s 14 years you don’t get back tho, dope or money can’t buy time

    5. He has to serve 85% of his sentence. That's 12 years and some change. He certainly deserved a harsher sentence but it depends on the strength of the case.
      We also don't know if he provided information. Uncle Sam does give a discount for valuable information.

    6. It's federal prison u do 100% of ur sentence

    7. @3:28 175 months would suck to get, but considering he got busted with nearly 20 pounds of heroin, nearly 5 pounds of coke, a fucking rocket launcher, 2 RPGs and some guns, and he's affiliated with CJNG, 175 months ain't shit.

    8. That's not true at all about the feds lol

    9. Your full is ish. I did 8 1/2 years of a 144 month original sentence reduced down to 120 months. 5 of which were at a USP. Any day without your freedom is too much. I can money back. Girls back. Cars back. But never time or my mother I lost locked up back.
      Bop # - 07130-015

    10. 5:59:
      You may have benefited by the First Step Act. I hope you turn your life around and live a happy and productive life.

    11. @4:03, He more than likely cooperated and still got this much time. You say it isn’t that much for what he got caught with. But think of it like this, he got all this time AFTER a proffer and then given a 5K1 and possibly a safety valve. Probably reduced him down 7-10 years less than if no cooperation. Young Bull in Cleveland just got 420 months with less jale.

    12. 5:59 smells like a rat 🐀

    13. 5:59
      Just give yourself a name.
      No booking number needed.🤔

    14. Knowing BOP hell probably be sent to a Snoopy camp and hang out with the Paisas because BOP is full of those clowns and get deported and be back to his old tricks Go to TDC see if you make it maybe Hangout with the Tango Mutts no structure just punks from the streets.

    15. Off Topic but important, does anyone fuken know what BOP means????
      How about TDC?
      I fuken love it when people abbreviate, and expect us to know what it fuken means.

    16. BOP = Bureau of Prisons

      TDC = Texas Department of Corrections

  3. Fackkk las 4 letras tienen celulas en donde quiera alv

    1. If cjng vs cdn all out war happened. Cdn would get destroyed

    2. 1:23 if it could happen no daught, the only advantage CDN has is they got NLaredo on lock other than that they would for sure get destroyed

    3. Cjng is almost everywhere but has nothing on lock also its made of many independent cells which means it can just crumble down like zs did, cdn is smaller but solid structure n has one if not the most profitable plaza on lock they just as brutal

    4. Cjng would get smacked in Nuevo Laredo they would have to bring in lot of dummies from other areas,other cartels would certainly take advantage of it

    5. Could las 4 really take over any of those border areas? CDG / CDN strong hold areas specifically? I’m from PR so I don’t have intimate knowledge of how it works right there but I’ve always heard that area has belonged to the same core group for decades.

    6. @6:02 bro cjng could take over China if they wanted to

    7. 6:02 no way cjng can take over ,only reason they in tamps is cause cdg metros let them in due getting lit up by rivals,cdn will not budge they have Nuevo Laredo on lock,look what happened in the cjng came in strong but couldn't live up to their hype

    8. 12:07 wishful thinking....cjng hasn't taken over anything cant take over Guanajuato couldn't take over tj wont take over Michoacán shit they can't even take over Jalisco

    9. @1:04 the exact same thing with Cds

  4. Watch how cjng is going to crumble first the funds got frozen now they are getting caught red handed trying to buy weapons lol.

  5. 175 months. What happen dont mess with Texas. Illinois hands out 10 years per kilo.

    1. Isn’t this a federal case tho and that would be state charges. Maybe I’m confused tho

    2. 6:03
      You're not the confused one, bro..

  6. Rocket laucher for reals
    I cant belive what Mexico is turning too, a 3 world country. My Sol the machine, keep up the good work.

    Rubio NYC

    1. NYC I will show you my rocket launcher.😂😂🤪

    2. Pause…That’s wild crazy.

  7. Yo solo sé que se me antoja una caguama bien helada.

  8. Don’t know if this is the same guy. But I met a guy like this about 6 years ago in a near Dallas facility. He was selling to the Zetas. But the guy was oblivious to his crimes telling people he was innocent and was going home, finally after a month of knowing him he opened up and shared his case. I was like “they caught you with a rocket launcher ?” Yea you ain’t going home. Guy got mad and didn’t talk to me the rest of my visit.
    Think he was a normal guy that for some reason was talking shit about the Zeta guy because he he lived in Dallas and they guy was in Tamaulipas. Well the guy came down to Dallas to confront him. They guy got so scared, that he started working for him. Decisions decisions.


    1. The president doesn't care he's saving his bribe money to go to Europe like El Negro Durazo maybe related to the Durazo in Obrador cabinet.?


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