Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Sunday, July 9, 2023

Eleazar Medina Rojas 'El Chelelo', Leader Of "La Compañía" Extradited To The U.S.

"Char" for Borderland Beat 

This article translated and reposted from La Jornada

The Mexican government extradited Eleazar Medina Rojas, alias 'El Chelelo', alleged leader of the criminal group "La Compañía", to the US. courtesy of the Yucatan Attorney General's Office.

Mexico City. The Mexican government extradited to the United States Eleazar Medina Rojas, alias El Chelelo, alleged leader of the criminal group "La Compañia", who worked for the Gulf Cartel and Los Zetas in the state of Nuevo León, and who is wanted in that country for crimes related to drug trafficking.

"Between 2000 and 2010, Eleazar "M" was the leader of a criminal organization dedicated to drug trafficking. During that time, he transported large quantities of cocaine and marijuana for distribution in the United States of America; he also received weapons for his criminal activities," reported the Attorney General's Office (FGR).

In addition, he received weapons for his criminal activities sent by Jaime González Durán, (a) "Hummer," who was a founding member of Los Zetas.

The now extradited man was arrested in 2018 in Mérida, Yucatán, for a traffic infraction for which he was remanded in custody. A local judge released him on the grounds that the crime did not justify him remaining in jail, however, as his details had already been notified to federal authorities, his immediate re-arrest was ordered for crimes against health.

In December of that same year, a federal judge notified him that the U.S. authorities required his extradition, so he was ordered to remain in custody at the Federal Center for Social Readaptation No. 1 in Almoloya de Juarez, State of Mexico.

After exhausting all legal remedies available to him, Medina Rojas was handed over to U.S. agents to answer before U.S. courts on charges of "conspiracy to manufacture and distribute five kilograms or more of cocaine and more than 1,000 kilograms of marijuana with the intent and knowledge that these substances would be imported into the United States.

Source: La Jornada 

Official statement from the Attorney General's Office Of The Republic Of Mexico 

Press Release FGR 360/23

July 09, 2023 CDMX, Mexico City, Mexico


In compliance with the Extradition Treaty signed between Mexico and the United States of America, the Attorney General's Office (FGR) extradited a Mexican national wanted by the Federal District Court for the District of Columbia for the crimes of criminal association and against health.

Eleazar "M", between 2000 and 2010, was the leader of a criminal organization dedicated to drug trafficking. At that time, he transported large quantities of cocaine and marijuana for distribution in the United States of America; he also received weapons for his criminal activities.

Subsequently, and after being arrested in Merida, Yucatan in 2018, the Government of Mexico granted the extradition of the defendant to the requesting Government.


He was handed over at the Mexico City International Airport (AICM) to the U.S. agents designated for his transfer to that country.

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  1. Good lord he looks like he's been starved in the Mexican prison. I remember la barbie looked the same way

    1. he is ALL EARS rn hahahahaha

    2. He looks like he trains MMA, he has those coliflower ears 🤣

    3. 9:57
      Cauliflower is caused by grappling.

    4. @9:57 that’s what he said. Grappling is part of MMA Mix martial arts.. keep your 2cent corrections.

    5. 10:36 tell me you dont know shit about MMA without saying i dont know shot about MMA 🤦‍♂️🤣

    6. Relax kids. Some MMA fighters that don't grapple, rare though, don't have cauliflower ears. But ALL grapplers, even the ones that DON'T participate in MMA, do have cauliflower ears. Your level of basic compression and ability to logic is embarrassing.

    7. *Comprehension

    8. 7:56
      That's so original.

  2. Este chelelo estava pesado controlaba todo monterrey nuevo Leon y tenia sus celulas en Nebraska, Louisiana, Alabama y Arkansas

    1. Uyyy que orgullo

    2. Sabia que era pesado pero no tanto asi. Gracias por la información. Porque hay unos que ni del tema comentan, nomas comentan pendejadas. Nomas ignoralos. No saben lo que hacen.

  3. Guess he’s not rich enough to get the good treatment in prison

    1. When the top dogs send you to the opps prison it’s all over son, your money it’s just gonna be taken .

  4. Cds gave him the salchicha but not the one he wanted.

  5. @8:32pm. So what? I like it just as it is. For me, they can copy and paste until the cows roar. It doesn't detract one bit from the excellent job they do. Praise BB, hombrecito.

    1. Exactly!!! they take time out of their lives to bring us articles and even translate them, so they can copy/paste all they want!!! f*ck whoever complains 8)

  6. A big shout out to Mr Char. For pumping some really good articles. Much RESPECT!!!!
    Oh and to my boy Mr SOL!!!! And Hearst!!!!

    Rubio NYC

  7. I think I remember when he was in Reynosa he had a nice big white pitbull that rode around with him. Peace. Mr. Zapata

  8. El Hummer was extradited to the USA . Ahora le dicen La Toyota.

  9. He was a shot caller back then... i remember Lazcano and him would bet on races big time. He was makin moves.

    1. Lazcano had racing horses too??

    2. Zetas invested big-time in Quarter horses running at American hippodromos, but I think the feds confiscated them all..
      Lots of their runners had "cartel" in their names, if you look at racing entries today, those bloodlines continue, plenty of "cartel" nags running still..

    3. Were the horses not named after cars?

  10. Wasn't he arrested twice, each picture being the two occasions? The first time when El Canicon threw the grenades at the USA consulate in Mty NL?

  11. Este vato es de la escuela del mamito Jesus renjon aguilar de los 15 zetas originales

    1. Este wey nunca fue GAFE/ militar

    2. Quien Dijo que fue gafe guey .. El mamito si fue quien tenia a este guey de estudiante. Piensa Antes de comentar bonbon

  12. Dealing with hummer and lazcano must’ve been a Murderous big shot. Guys like this need to be swiftly executed after being tortured for all relevant info. Waste of space! Now I get to help pay for his raping kidnapping murdering ass.

  13. El zakakaka le disen por nuevo laredo

  14. These people are nobody's. No one will even notice this lame is gone.

  15. Faltan.los.trevino.brothers.

  16. Big shout out, Respec t love, smoke a joint.

    1. Smoke joints is bad for your brain you loose brain cells.

    2. Actually you just disable them, they will recover if you stop smoking, while with alcohol your cells really die.


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