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Saturday, July 29, 2023

Executed Man Found With Thousands Of Fentanyl Pills, In Culiacan: Sinaloa (Update)

"Char" for Borderland Beat 

This article translated and reposted from Noventa Grados 

Culiacán, Sin., July 29, 2023.- A man was shot to death in the streets south of the city of Culiacán, and authorities found 20 packages with thousands of pills of the lethal drug fentanyl next to his body.

It was on Friday night that the homicide of a man was reported to the authorities, south of Culiacan, so the site was moved to the elements of the public security and emergency services, who confirmed the report.

They found the body of a man lying on the ground with his head bandaged and his hands tied. At first glance, the victim had gunshot wounds.

Next to the body they found 20 packets of fentanyl - one of them opened - and thousands of pills scattered on the floor.

Hours after the crime, family members claimed the victim's body.

Source: Noventa Grados 



  1. Meanwhile millions of others make it across the border sin problemas…

  2. Gotta start somewhere

  3. That's the most perfect picture ever for the media. You think the cartels frame there work. That's a beatuiful shot. All stacked up perfect like that. Good job. Lol imma smoke this 30 real quick and be back later. Good try guys.

    1. Bingo bango… wouldn’t be surprised if the cartel has a press department.

    2. T b h I'm sure they do. They just kill and frame, and call the media.

  4. This guy did not get the memo, Chapitos said no Fentanyl manufacturing, you get caught you die.

    1. proaganda,bet that guy was killed for something else and they used him just to show prove that CDS is not manufacturing Fent and pressing fake perks

    2. @9:32pm that’s very possible. For people to know they can’t cook fentanyl in Culiacan without being killed , you think they would pack up their materials and go cook it on the outskirts or another place outside of town . I would gladly move my operation, then risk winding up like the guy in the photo . You know what Chapitos enforcers should do…. They should get equip their members with GoPro cameras , so they can show the entire chain of events that led to this guys demise , including them kicking in his door and catching him in the middle of either cooking of packaging up all these fentanyl pills . Then I will believe he was guilty of what they said . I know that will never happen because , most people who see this will fall for the smoke and mirrors act , but I know there’s a few of us that are unsure what really transpired. I think if this guy was really guilty of cooking or being involved with that big of an amount of fentanyl, once he’s being tortured , he’s going to give up every single person who was also complicit. Torture will make 99% of people spill the beans . I’m my opinion, I would have expected more bodies the day after, and more the day after , all tied to the same people involved. Cops use this tactic on people everyday , and they only have to use the threat of jail in order to get so many people to give up the rest of those involved. So I think if actual torture is used as a tool , then there would be more people linked to their small organization, turning up dead , tomorrow and the next days to come . That’s just my opinion

    3. Shut up, chapo is irrelevant at this point.

  5. This was a set up to get heat off them. Find un pendejo kill him frame him publish it.

    1. True and the pills in the picture are probably on the way or already arrived in the us. Shoutout from near fb to sol, mx, hearst, socalj, char, redalgorythm, itzli, narcomapping, buggs , anyone i missed & the contributers & moderators that are no longer with us. Thanks for the dedication of your personal time over the years you are very much appriciated. Thanks for posting that comment the other day hearst, you should post 1 a day or 1 week so people can see what you for free volunteer workers have to weed through 10's to 100's just to post 40-80 comments. Again thanks for hard working and hope everybodys having a great weekend. And shoutout to you rubio from near robeson co. n.c. Was that sheriff the one that was sent to fed. pris. for corruption.

    2. Yes and also R.I.P Chivas🕊️

    3. he wasnt a cook he was a pilot he only transported work to the borders
      and he was killed cuz that work wasnt theirs only the can keep making it and they stoped everybody else

  6. Hasta su propia gente se esta bajando el ivan si produces fentanilo te lleva la verga

  7. Only idiots or fan boys believe chapillos are done with No production in culiacan but in durango??? Same people they just moved their labs. They dont wanna end up like their dad. Putos cobardes

    1. 9:45 funny thing is they bet all their marbles on Fent and now are paying the prize, the drug that made them string is gonna be their down fall, at least chapo devercified

    2. *diversified

  8. Absolutely hilarious. Ivan thinks this will keep him out of Florence Colorado.

  9. Unce sam is like a pitbull.
    When they want you this desperately they will get you.
    Chapitos are living on borrowed time.
    I give them 2 years max .
    Just around the next presidential elections to get handed over on a silver plate to the yankees

  10. Why do sinaloas snitch sooo muuch?

  11. Bullshit cartel was involved las chapitas

    1. In my neighborhood we have the same! If you make fetty or sell fake RX pills and laced meth/mdma/cocaine then you will be executed and your whole family willl get disappeared. I’ve only been telling y’all this now for 6 months, fool

    2. 11:23 i thought CDS didnt mess with innocent people, they are killing family's now? Meaning kids too? I thought only CJNG did that 🤣🤣🤣 they all the same shit

    3. 12:39 I love how 11:23 chimes in and tries to act all about it. Spreading cartel propaganda 11:23 you sound like a teenage boy.

    4. 08:25 well you sure are not a good judge of age. Way past teenage years and was talking about the USA not Mexico.

      The dealers who control the area were not Cartel but Mafia (in my American neighborhood). They have never tolerated any one selling fake drugs. I’m sorry you have a problem with Mexicans.

      I can’t speak in Culiacan but in USA lots of really powerful old school players aren’t down with the fetty fake pills and laced coca.

      Do you think Rober Deniro is gonna let the cartel slide after killing his family?

      Now look at all the rich families with dead kids. They ain’t sitting on their asses….

  12. 100% staged crime scene just take a good look.

    1. Bro they had to put the dead man, with the Contraband.

  13. Those pills are prolly somewhere in cali by now

    1. 5:32 shit those pills are fake

  14. THOSE CUADROS ARE perico you can see the stamp 1000

    1. fentanil come with stamps also


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