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Wednesday, July 19, 2023

Former SEIDO Commander Sentenced To 50 Years In Jail For Kidnapping

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

A federal court sentenced Erika de León Rodríguez, former deputy director general of SEIDO's Anti-Money Laundering Unit, to 50 years in prison for the kidnapping of a businessman that occurred in Mexico City in 2015.

The Mexico City court sentenced the former official for the crimes of extortion and express kidnapping. She was also ordered to pay a fine of 560,800 pesos and damages of 600,000 pesos, informed the Attorney General's Office.

"The above, after a complaint made by a private individual before the Specialized Prosecutor's Office for Internal Affairs (FEAI), where he stated that he was abducted under the alleged existence of an arrest order against him; he was taken to the facilities of the then SEIDO, where Erika "D", former prosecutor of said Deputy Attorney General's Office, demanded one million pesos to not consign him, reason for which he had to deliver 600 thousand pesos and the rest was demanded days later," informed the FGR.

Although the former official challenged the conviction, after exhausting all judicial instances, the sentence was finally confirmed.

On October 2, 2015, agents of the Directorate of Judicial and Ministerial Orders of the PFM showed up at Héctor Galicia's vehicle purchase and sale lot and arrested him.

According to videos accessed, upon arriving at the Deputy Attorney General's Office, Galicia was taken to the office of León Rodríguez, who is also the head of one of the five prosecutors' offices that make up the Anti-Money Laundering Unit.

The family was extorted with 600,000 pesos, with the promise that the tenant would not be charged.

When the then General Prosecutor's Office of the PGR (now FEAI) began the investigation, the first thing they discovered was that there was no preliminary investigation number for which Galicia was supposedly being investigated for money laundering.

On December 15, 2015, the Visitaduría arrested de León Rodríguez, deputy director general of SEIDO's Anti-Money Laundering Unit; prosecutor Carlos Abraham Moncada Bermúdez, and Porfirio Francisco Hernández, agent of the Federal Ministerial Police.

The three were prosecuted for extortion against Héctor Galicia, owner of several car lots, whom they detained with a non-existent arrest order and a non-existent investigation, and demanded 600,000 pesos to release him.

Raúl Escalona Pardo, José Ramsés Fernández Sandoval and Francisco Javier Espinoza Meléndez, PFM agents who at that time managed to evade justice, were arrested for the same case.

The SEIDO prosecutors and the PFM agents are not the only ones involved in the extortion. Before them, elements of the Banking and Industrial Police (PBI) also detained the businessman and asked him for 40 thousand pesos with the same modus operandi.


  1. Wow, a lot of time where there are no deaths/killings.. Cardenas and Caro Q. Received less time and they ordered a lot of murders.

    1. $ and stature make all the difference. Most likely this dude can't spend $500k towards a bribe to the judge nor can he have dudes bloodline killed. He's a proverbial pissant


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